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i guess i made good grades?
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wen i was really little! it all started with watching sailor moon...
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well theres alot but i think fruits basket
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i dont kno..
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
home sweet home!!
hey i got bak late monday nhite... sighh888 was too tired then n tuesdya... srry cus now its saturday... ok i didnt go ne where much cus everyone was plannign mai uncles wedding n some otha stuff do i didnt go ne where much... but at least i saw the fireworks at disneyland! omg they were soo beutifule~!~ i cnat believe they do taht eveynite!... so about the souveniors... i couldnt buy really really nice ones... but hopefully yall like it!! n i couldnt get postcards either... so sry but igot megan n lily a lil somin somin.. so i hope yall somin... cant wiat til skool starts!! but htye kinda screwed up mai schedule... so i needd to talk to the counselors... sigh... i still havent unpak mai suitcase yet !! too lazy... well ill ttyl bai!
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
hey yall!! j7ust letting yall kno that if i dont post for awhile... ill be in california !~! woo hoo!! well its been busy!! n for some reason im always lossin everything n then wen mai parents find out they get pissed at me!! gsoh but im still hyped up about going so im not goin to let that bother me!! lol... well seeyda~~
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Monday, July 18, 2005
this weekend!!
hey!! well srry but i confuse ppl alot cus mai typos n everything!! srry! o n i couldnt get a pic of the box r wat it looks like cus mai digital camera is screwed!!so yeha... it glows in the dark n has a whole bunch of peguses n looked relaly mystical... OooOo..ok...n the puzzle mai freinds n me took all day to do n couldnt even get half way done... sniff..sniff... was ruined!! this lasy that came to pic up somin stepped on it,.... all that hard work for nutin,...sniff sniff..tear... jk... its okie we can do it ova agin... okie this weekend i was busy as ever n i felt so bad too !! on friday i promised mai friend to go to this convention thingy about religious stuff (which was nice cus i learned alot n i was soo confused half the time cus of ppl tryign to aviod ppl.. long story) n i wouldnt be home til late at nite... n mai frind, tina, were having a b day party that same day!! sniff,..sniff... but i got her a gift tho!! dang i need to give it to her!... n then on saturday i went to volente beach... n it was ok .. cus half the time i was blind cus mai glasses werent with me! n mai bros ditched me!1 so i was with mai dad half the time.. whcih wastnt bad but he woudlnt go with me on the slides n stuff so yeha... so we jsut went to the artificail beach n played in the lake... even tho i didnt kno how to swim.. lol/.. n then todya sunday... i was supose to go to the movies with mai cusin n bros but it didint work out but i went with mai mom shopping! but i didnt buy nething cus i had no money!! sniff sniff... but i was only there to help mai mom find a dress for mai uncles wedding... we found 2 dresses but she couldnt choose!! so we didnt really ended up buying a dress cus mai mom needed to talk to mai dad sadly!!... but i knew he wouldnt liek the black one which was much more prettier n mai mom was about to buy!! but mai dad ... iono y but he jsut has soming against black! i guess its cus he used to live in vietnam... they like very colorful things ... at least thats wat mai parents say.. sigh... well i saw the newvfamily guy which was hilarious but i kinda feel sorry for meg cus i dotn think neone lieks here..heh.. well i gtg ttyl bai!
 Girl next door! You're friendly and helpful! Your boyfriends Mommy will love you! You're a down-to-earth girl. You alway act natural and fair! You love to dream and hang around with friends. Fact: You're the kindest person on this planet!
What's your female appeal? ( with pics! ) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
hey!@! well mai cus n me r ok ... i tried apologizing n he started nodding his head n siad i had no common sence!well w/e... mai freind ryan left bak to kentuckyn wont be bak til liek winter break starts...omg im so obcessed with this jigsaw puzzle mai friend bought! it has a moon n clounds with some pegussus on the puzzle... n it glows in the dark too!! lol... well im trying to help her finish it but its sooo irritating especially wen every piece has the same colors on them!! crap i need to finish GTO b4 mai bro returns it to his freind!! yay!! mai fridn got this pool!! but iono if its like a blowup r somin... but still i havent gone swimming yet! so im jsut gonna go over there just cus!! so yeah,.,, if its a kiddie pool i mite as well soak! cus i have been in water swi ming n splashing since last year!! so yeah
ttyl lateR!1 nite!!
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
hey ppl!! soorry for not posting in awhile!! well mai friend finally came back from turkey!! yay! so happy now cus its jsut not me n mai freind teresa n the lil bratty kids no more!! well mai aunt also came to visit n i didnt see her yet!! grr!! i need to go see her cus she got me some gifts n i need to thank her! gosh i feel bad now! i called mai cousin something n he got pissed at me!! i didnt cuss at him i guess it wasnt rite... dang he was rite! dang hopefully he comes back tommorrow so i can say sorry!! well i gtg later!
 You are lost!
What is your anime personality? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
im soo srry that i havent been posting lately!@ i was busy r either that too lazy to post !! well lets see... well last week i played laser tag for the first time! it was fun even tho i suked really bad! but i ranked 17 out of 20/!! so at i ranked! but not so high... n wat was bad was that i was wearign a white shirt and this it was soo bright wen we went inside! mai bro was there n he was jsut aiming for me! grr!! n then me n mai cus tried to play ddr at the arcade n mai uncle was all yellign that was a waste of money! but i alwasy wanted to try them! so yeha... im never playing that agian!... n yesterday ryan buckles came bak to visit!! it was ok besides the fact i almost got run over b cus of him!! we were walkign to this girls house n he tried to pull mai clip out of mai hair n i ran out into the street n this car was comin! n yeha we visited ppl n then we went to mai house n watched some anime... we watched GTO!1 it was hilarious! n thats pretty much it... o n i watched batman begins today! it was so cool!! if u really like batman then u should go watch it!! its real good! evne tho they changed the sroty a lil.... well yeha... cant think fo nething else that happened rite now! im geting kinda dizzy for some reason... i guess i didnt get enough sleep last nite... ***yawn*** well i gtg later....
 Your H.I.D.D.E.N Emotion. You have the hidden emotion meaning your hiding your feeling from the world. You look normal, you act normal. People see you as a happy person. When inside your suffering of depression. You hide this feeling because you don't want your family,friends to worry about you.Like me ,I hide my feeling of sad,lonely and depressed.Tip:-_-
what's your level in emotion? UPDATED agin!!!,GREAT PICS brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
sigh*** well today was ok i guess... i jsut watched movies n stuff with a friend n played on mai gamecube!! iono y but i ussual dont play all these video games but now i do!! im playing zelda n im stuck!! then im playing tales of symphonia... its like final fantasy.... n im starting to get the hang of ddr!! so happy!! but i still need to read the fifth harry potter!! i havent been reading it lately!! n then i need to practice mai piano!! next week mai last lesson! they teacher is going off on this 1 month and a half long vacation!! but hopefully i will practice during that time... i dont think i will tho... but ill try!!... dang today wen i went to mai freind teresa's house... theres this lil annoying grl that always wants to go to her house n shes relaly pissing teressa off!! wen mai friend was over at mai house she called at least 10 tiems! dang... im jsut surprised that she hasnt gone crazy screaming yet.,,, o well... but wen i was over there her lil bro tamson was craying like the whole tiem!! he really need a guy friend!! but i dotn think mai lil cousin counted cus he plays with everyone cus hes sooo cute!! but thats jsut me,,,,... i wonder how mai friend sheyda is doing in turkey,... shes still on vacation!! crap!! i remmebered we gots to water her garden!!!
E | Emotional | L | Legendary | I | Important | Z | Zany | A | Altruistic | B | Bright | E | Emotional | T | Tender | H | Handsome |
Name Acronym Generator From
K | Kind | I | Important | M | Mysterious | E | Exciting | N | Nutty | G | Gentle | U | Unnatural | Y | Young | E | Emotional | N | Neat |
Name Acronym Generator From
... srry didnt liek this one!! im not neat!!
nn nWho's Your Sohma Guy?n nHosted by Anime. Done right.n
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
well todya was ok i guess.... well im starting to read the harry potter 5 book since mai freind has been bugging me about reading it !! n since she left n she isnt coming bak for another 3 weeks!!... i need to finsih it... sigh*** n then im tryign to lose some so i wont seem so big at mai uncles weeddign!! cus the old ladys would e like... so y dont u diet... u need to get married soon..,, wtf!! gosh im only 15!1... n plus i feel bloated all the time now n i want tofit relaly well in this vietnamese dress mai mom has!!!!! o wells... mai friend cristi jsut came bak from peurto rico n she wants me to come over!1 n i relaly do!1 btu me n mai parents arent get along very well!! me n ami dad got into ths huge fite n i dotn want to talk to him r even look at him rite now!! n then mai mom wants me to clean mai room!! i have !1 but i think its clean-ish... but she doesnt!@! n mai mom says i cant go newhere unless i clean it! but i have so much stuff i want to keep! n the only days she can take me is mon - wedns... but shes not good with directions n im afriad we get lost n mai dad knows the way!! n i need to go over there by this week!! sigh*** well tommorrow will b really busy! i need to practive mai piano... read the harry potter book since i still havent read mai 40 pgs!! n i need to call ppl abotu the library meeting!sigh*** this suks! thers a meeting weds. n i dotn think alot of ppl r going!! but at lest ppl i kno r going... n i need to call ppl.... n stuff...n stuff,,,sigh*** i need to make a list... but i prolly wont wake up til liek noon tommorrow!! i need a new alarm clok! mines dont work for some reason!! grr!! well i gtg ttyl nite!
You Are A Good Friend |

You're always willing to listen
Or lend a shoulder to cry on
You're there through thick and thin
Many people consider you their "best friend"! |
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Monday, June 13, 2005
hey!! sigh** i dotn relaly kno wat to say... but today i went to this party for mai friennds ceremony n he was giving this speech thing... srry but i was really too tired to listen!! only slept for like 4 hours cus i couldnt sleep n wen i did i was tossing n turning!1 ... the party was ok but i didnt kno wat to do cus mai friend had to help out with stuff n she was gone alot n i didnt relaly kno ne 1 ther so i was in the kitchen .... sorta helping(not relaly) with her sistersn some ppl talking n " tasting" the food there cus not everyone showed up yet so no one ate... but me and mai freinds sister was talking n i wanted to try the meat pie!! they were sooo good!! i should of brought a bannanna eggrolls home!!! they were sooo good!! sigh** now i feel soo fat!! cus there were alot of desserts there!! but i couldnt help it!! sigh** well i took a whole bunches of quizzes so yeah.. ttyl bai!
 Being surprised isnt at all new to you.Life throws many obstecals in your ath but no matter how you feel about judging a situation, you always seem to overcome it.
What emotion are you? _-=Beautiful Pictures!=-__-=Many Dirfferent Outcomes!=-_ brought to you by Quizilla
 you are windy. you dont really know who you are and can be stuck in the middle of yourself sometimes. you can be a gentle breeze, the gentle kiss on persons face, or a terrible gust tearing and destroying! well you chose who you want to be and find yourself or just be content at being both.
What type of weather are you? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are an Anime Angel. You enjoy helping others and making peace. Everybody comes before yourself and you like it that way.
What Kind of Anime Babe are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Very optimistic person, loves to keep things in high spirits. Usually the peron who trys to cheer up the uncheerable, and suceeds.
What FF7 char are you?? brought to you by Quizilla
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hey!! sigh** i dotn relaly kno wat to say... but today i went to this party for mai friennds ceremony n he was giving this speech thing... srry but i was really too tired to listen!! only slept for like 4 hours cus i couldnt sleep n wen i did i was tossing n turning!1 ... the party was ok but i didnt kno wat to do cus mai friend had to help out with stuff n she was gone alot n i didnt relaly kno ne 1 ther so i was in the kitchen .... sorta helping(not relaly) with her sistersn some ppl talking n " tasting" the food there cus not everyone showed up yet so no one ate... but me and mai freinds sister was talking n i wanted to try the meat pie!! they were sooo good!! i should of brought a bannanna eggrolls home!!! they were sooo good!! sigh** now i feel soo fat!! cus there were alot of desserts there!! but i couldnt help it!! sigh** well i took a whole bunches of quizzes so yeah.. ttyl bai!
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