AIM azngrl2nice E-mail Click Here Yahoo! Messenger azngrl2nice
Birthday 1989-09-11 Gender
Female Member Since 2004-09-29
Achievements i guess i made good grades? Anime Fan Since wen i was really little! it all started with watching sailor moon... Favorite Anime well theres alot but i think fruits basket Goals hang with friends, talk on the phone, listening to music, watch tv ans stuff Hobbies talking?... alot? Talents i dont kno.. kimenguyen
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
sorry ppl!!
i kno i havent been on for awhile./... srry@@ but mai cousins are moving to another house n they have noting to do now since they lost their internet and satelite!! n they cant go chill at home cus theres basically noting there!! so they re over here alot eve since skool was out..... n we only have one comp in the house!! n they been hogging it@@!!grr.r.... its ok cus now im not addicted to the comp!! so ive been hangign out with mai freind teresa n making plans with friends... r trying to at least... ive been been with teresa alot lately at her house since mai house is kinda crowded... n mai dad doesnt like too many ppl at mai house n tersa lives across the street n she has like two lil other kids... n yeha... so ive beent ther alot///... but it was fun tho cus we were watchign a whole bunch of kiddie movies liek lion king !! woo hoo!! the classice are always great~~ n ive went to meggans house!! finally!! dang i wsih we could of went swimming!! but we couldnt!! but it was fun at her hosue tho!! i gtg!! try to post more later r somin... bai!!
srry for not posting for awhile n megan is starting to complain y id otn post!! ok well todya is a drag cus im feeling a lil bit whoozy !! n i feel like ima gonna fiant!! but i guess im fine todya... well on fridya i stayed home got som sleep!! finally!! but then thursday i had to see the missing stuff i havent seen so i basically watched tv saturday n mai friends came over n we decided to go somewhere to watch the movie nepolean dynamite! thats such a pointless movie!! but i like it!! n sunday i went to church early in tha morining n they were seeling roses n i didnt have ne moeny cus i wanted to buy some for mai grandma!! so mai mom paid for me!! but its sad cus mai mom didnt get nething for mothers day so me n her went to the mall n we bought some things. dang it mai lil sis is being soo spoiled!! she has a huge attitude problem n thinks she can do w/e she likes!! on saturdya wen mai frind came over n mai friend sheyda was playign wtih a jump rope, she came over n was liek.. that isnt urs... n sheyda was liek.. um im kinda playign with it... she said well it aint urs... being all mean n crap gosh that lil girl needs to get whooped soo badly!! n then for some reason mai bro phillip came over n took her jumprope r did somin iono n he ran n she chassed after her n yelled out u stupid bitch! omg shes only like 8 !?!? she dowsnt need to know wat that is!~!! sigh** n then on sunday morning we couldnt find her shoes n so i found a pretty pink ones for her that still was nice n actually fit her still that she can wear to church .. but she yelled out i dont like it all the way to the car... n wen she was in the car she started crying sayign that she didnt liek it n mai mom got so pissed at her that she had to stop the van n get out n grab this stick on this pile of sticks on the sidewalk n threaten her that she is gonna whip her ass... then she was quiet for a sec n then slap her medicine box .. then wen we were in church she was still at it agian n mom told her to go to the bathroom but she souldnt go cus she knew wat would happen gsoh she is soo stuborn!! well hopefully mai freind jaquece is fine!! she told me in 1st that she had walking pneumonia (i think thats how u spell ti) but she wouldnt go cus she needed to talk soo many tests todya! gosh i feel so bad!! well i gtg ttyl bia!
PS>. omg megan u didnt leave skool todya!!
Ramdom moments
well on sunday mornign it was really windy n damp n i was wearign this very... i guess "summer shirt" r somin that shows skin... but the only reason y i wore it cus i had on this other shirt on but mai mom was liek i need that shirt for mai suit r w/e n i was ok fine... so i got another shirt n gave her that shirt n she told me no i dont need it... omg!! so i didnt feel liek changing n plus it was time to goQ!! so in the van mai grandma told me that all she can see is meat in viet!!omg!! i wasnt really upset but it was jsut wrong!! i was laughing with mai bros so it was ok i guess...
at night wen me n mai mom finally came home from shopping... mai mom asked mai dad where is mai mai mother's day gift/... n he told her in viet that hes gonna save the money that he was gonna buy mom with n next year hell buy her a diamond ring...
mom siad... bullshit ur gonna wait till i die to give it to me....
o n mai mom gave me 20 bucks!~~(dont remember wat i was gonna write) Comments (2) |
hi finally!
hey!! well i didnt have time to post nething n i barely have time nwo so yeha... well mai freind came over sunday n its the first tiem that we actually hanged out ever since her b day!! wich was like on oct. 31,... i kno shes the devil!! but it was fun tho!! well todya i made a really good grade in spanish for the dialogues soo im happy!! but then math came!! i found out that i bombed the math test!! i made a 55!! sigh** i think ima gonna fail this 6 weeks!! sigh** thats not good at all cus tests are worth 60 percent of ur grade!! o wells.... ill try n make them up somehow...
PS.... if u do not want to get gross out or nethign i sugest u skip this!! im warning u!!!!
... its not disgusting but just a lil info!!! hehe
well i was shaving yesterday bcus cristi was comign over n i was trying to find a razor !! cus mines arent usable nemore@!! so i looked around n the only thing i could find is this one blade razor which hurt wen i shaved!! grr!! but wen i was done finally i found out i was bleeding!1 on both knees!! grr!! hehe yeha ikno weird for telling... thanks for listening!! Comments (1) |
Saturday, April 30, 2005
ramdom act of the day!
thought it was really cool!!but i couldnt find many good pics so i just put it liek this... hope yall like it!! Comments (2) |
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
hey finally cna post1@2
dang it!! i have a spanish project!! grrr!! this sux ass!! i havent even started!! then the worst part is that mai bro had to reformat the dam harddrive cuz it wouldnt open!! so all mai stuff n anime has all been erased!! grrr!! n i was so much looking forward to watching bleach!!! sigh*** dang it i need to stop procrastinating!! i have a test tommeorrow! n then the next day n then on friday!! wen will all the testing end!! grrr@!! dam those teachers!! how come they always have to give out tests wen theres already projects out@?!?@? grr!! neways ... i need to change the background n soon!! but wat to change it too..... Comments (1) |
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
TAKS tommorrow!!!
omg!! taks is tommorrow!! theyre these big state tests for students in texas... grrr!! math!!! i have no clue wat linear equation is!!this sux... sigh** o well... at least ill past geometry!! omg ms mahor n ms white was blowing up in class cus the bois in the front! they had a laser n flashed it on the board n this stupid boi thought he could hide his cell inside his book!! hello!! its soo obvious@! o well i didnt really like them neways cus all they do is talk n barely explain nething about the math taks to help us!! so stupid n a waste of tiem!! sigh*** lily's birthday is friday!! so ppl make sure to say happy birthday to lis sing ....... shes turning 15 finnally!!!!
i know it isnt her b day yet but jsut wanted to say it cus iono if i have time friday to post it so yeah....
yay!! im not in skool todya!!! sooo sooo happy!@! but i gots to go tommorrow tho!! but its ok ... todya we have to go to our taks room for the morning n i do not want to spend it with ms white!! grr!! but at least i got to stay home today... mai mom was abotu to take me to skool at 12 but i beged her !! n she was liek... ok u can stay home but dont ask me to stay home agian! ... yay!!! sop yeha... now i have extra time to do mai hw!! whoop whoop!! well i gtg bai!! later
You would be a regular girl. You are very nice and most of the time you are quite mellow. You don't stand out in the crowd but you have a lot of friends. You are also helpfuland trustworthy.(please rate)
today was ok i guess... so tired tho!! but i have piano lessons tommorrow!! grr! n this family that i babysit for is moving away!! i dont care about that boi tho but i miss the money!@@ i know its kinda wrong for me to say taht but im serious!! he was a brat!! but very cute tho@!! i should take pictures!! yaya!! n the lil bro has a brother i knew for like 3 yrs... ill miss him tho but he living with his dad in san antonio so yeha.... but his mom is moving to new mexico tho... sigh** this sux! well i say good bye to them tommorrow cus they re haveing a BBQ so yeha... well i gtg.. dam piano lessons!! n i jsut started last summer too!! so suck big time!! i gtg bai! Comments (1) |
QUizes You have a Bright Soul. You are one of the few in this world who appear to be almost continually happy. You are contented with your lot in life, and a firm believer in fate and fortune. This enables you to accept the bad things that happen in life and move on. People enjoy being around you, as you are very friendly, and are the life of the party. Some of your happiness seems to rub off on whoever you hang out with, so you always have fun with them, no matter how upset they are, your energy always manages to cheer them up. You enjoy going out with your friends, and spend alot of your time planning out your ambitions and how you're going to achieve them.
Likely Career: Nursery Nurse, Dancer or Fashion Designer.
Prized Possesion: Mobile Phone.
Mythical Creature: Guardian Angel