Birthday 1992-10-29 Gender
Female Location Ohio Member Since 2007-10-31 Occupation Artist Real Name Kim Curry
Anime Fan Since ummm.... Favorite Anime Wolf's rain, and wHR, trinity blood Goals to be a excalent artist ;) Hobbies Drawing Talents Drawing, pasteling KimIsMissing
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Goodbye my Xenos!!
Goodbye fairwell my dear Xenos!
Today was the last day, and I
brought my friend, I didnt ask her
if I could put her pic on the
internet, so I am just posting mine
from Xenos. So this is me at Xenos!
Here is also some pictures from that
night, I will ask her if I can post
pictures of her. Anyways, yours truely
pictures of me being a dork XD
take the quiz made by yours truely, me :D
Whos your fav artist on DA? : Zeldis, Zindy, Shirleydyke
Who is your best friend in real life? : My friends form church...
Where is the furthest place you have ever been? : Germany/ Austria
Who is your best friend on DA? : CD, ramen_fox, Zeldis, ShirleyDyke
Fav vacation spot?: Um.. I dont know?
Fav celebrity?: I like politicians= Ron paul.
Person who inspired you most?: My adult friends, and Bhutto...
Fav movie?: Distrubia, End of the Spear, Hocus pocus... Pocohontas
Fav book?: I dont like to read.. I know :ssshhhaaammmeee"
Do you like life?: Most of the time?
How are you today?: Happy as a lark ;3
What are you happy/sad about?: I dunno, I should'nt be this happy actually... I am kinda worried for no reason at the same time....
Fav song?: "Before the dawn" Evanescence.
Fav band?: Evanescence
Top best songs to you? Any number of songs: Before the dawn, Fields of Gold, Even in death, Time of your life, California dreams, Goodbye beautiful day.
Fav food?: SUSHI and Middle eastern foods, like humus
Cause you fight for or things you wanna help, like an issue?: Saving the people, starvation.
What do you hate?: People who are morbid all the time, and really dont care about others, and the issues that go on.
One good thing about you?: I am a happy person most of the time.
One bad thing about you?: I am tooooo sympathetic, like if someone takes advantage of me, I may even blame myself, and say sorry when I should not.
Favourite symbol?: BUTTERFLY!!! and STARS
Fav colors (includes white black ex.): Pink, light and dark Purple, light blue, white, silver... black is kinda cool too...
fav animal?: Um... Um... Pandy bears???
Fav fantasy creature?: Faerys
Fav artist in general?: AMY BROWN
Fav t.v show?: Untold stories of the E.R. CSI crime, the NEWS
fav school subject? U.S and Global developments
Fav hair style?: On me? Curly. For others it depends on who it is on.
Do you eat meat?: Yes.
Fav medium in art?: Pastels. I wanna try air brushing
If you could have any super power what would it be?: FLYING!!
Would you use super power for good or bad?: Good, I would try to fly up and get people out of fires and stuff... then again, I would perhaps fly away at night, that would be awsome to T.P people while flying over trees, they'll never get that out x3 "ITS TOO HIGH HOW DID THEY GET IT THAT HIGH??
Fav drink?: WATER, and COFFIE
Are you a good speller? AWWW HEAK NAH
Do you like sponge bob?: YESSSSSS
Best child hood memory?: Well the old neighborhood with the hill/people/woods
Fav store?: I must buy my own cloths, any preppy store that is cheap.
People or animals?: PEOPLE. shoot, I am helping school run organazations to save the people, andhelp our troops.
Salt or pepper?: PEPPER!!
Pink or purple?: BOTH ARE HOT XD
Mustard or ketchup?: Mustard
Healthy or junk food?: HEALTHY! I LOVE HUMUS
Chocolate or gummi bears?: Chocolate...
Gum or Candy cane?: GUM
Japan or China?: Neighther... BUT If I had to choose, China, I love pandy bears... and people from there are so nice, and dont make fun of America.
Love or Lust?: Whats the difference? ??Neighther??
Kind or mean?: Kind, I like to make people laugh/smile XD
Happy or sad?: Depends on the situation, I have depression but try to push it all away now. I wanna be happy most of the time.
Fly or walk?: I hate to fly in air planes, I day dream about flying away with wings though... I wish I could fly for real XD
Butterflys- represent the
beauty and frailness of life,
the fear, and the emotion. They
represent freedom and strength,
and innocence - Good people
Stars represent people
Like a star - Some people
when you first meet them, seem so nice
and innocent, but when you get to know
them and come closer, you see the horrid
fire ball they really are. People can
be just like a star, or a butterfly.
Metophores (c) Kim Curry not to be
taken or used in anyway without
my notice!!
Goodbye to sat night
xenos! Oh well XD
It was funny, we played cards
while people on stage plays
Irish music about "Frisky Whisky"
It was sooo funny, Mary Beth
sat in front of me, and I was
not feeling to well. I felt
better during the teaching
though. I cuoldnt stop shakeing.
Miranda sat next to me, and
my beaceltes were jingling
I took them off cause I felt they
might annoy people. Our teachings are
on a power point, and you wouldnt
believe the commercial our speaker
playd on the Power point XD It made
me laugh sooo hard, and Miranda and
everyone... our church is weird
but thats why I LOVE IT
It was a condom commerical. why
they shared it with us? I have
no idea... Maby a choice thing? XD
Im at church, sorry, no
icon, it wont let
me copy and
paste here.
When I am here,
it feels like there
is no place I would
rather be I love my
friends here, even though
they are all adults they are
some of my best friends ever
My friend carey go's here
and she should come over tommaorow
I feel sick right now... bleh.
I saw clover field, it was good
I like action so I loved this
even though the ending was horrid.
Sooo sad *tear*
so what are you all doing
today? I cant wait till
the teaching :D
30mins left till me
and dad go up to the main bulding
I am at the church study center
right now :) Week after
next is then they close
us down sadly... Oh well
I am staying with dad and
our group we are all going elsewhere
to the new Xenos for C.T with everyone.
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Saturday, January 12, 2008
Oh lord.. oh well i'll deal with it
Theres word out to jump
me at school now. These gals
that hateme have turned my
"best friend" against me.
Well, my true friends are
at church some of them adults
but who cares? Age is only a
number. I have to watch my back,
their goal is to put me in the hospital
but I remain, quiet, peaceful and
conservitive in my mind untill she sends
people after me. She said shes gonna
kick my butt, well, she can kiss my butt
at my school we needa keep our mouth shut.
I would rather handle it in a mature manner
which they are not. This one kid says when
he finds out where I live, he will shoot
at my house, just because I wont sleep
with him.... and now there are these girls
who made up lies about me (because I
at an "emo" arcticle) hey that
was SUPPOSED to be a joke, but
it had their
pic in it... and they are paying
someone to beat the crap out of me...
nice... well they can try all they
want, but they will get sued and
end up in JV with community service.'
Man im in a good area but the poeple
are just...
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
Not much to say other
than my best friend ¬_¬
(at school) is cheating on her
boy friend and going out with
this guy she dosnt like. I said
I thought that was wrong... what
does she do? Im at the buses
and when I walk up, she grabs her and
her friends and says "dont talk to
her" and walks away with them...¬_¬
then she calls me up, and tells me
off saying "me and Stacy wanted to tell
you that you are never gonna like any
of the guys you go out with, and I'll
talk to you about this later when Im
not so ticked off! Then hung up...
Well, I dont feel bad or worried about
any of this, she likes someone while
shes talking to them then go's and says
bad stuff behind their back... well,
I am not sugar coating anything, certainly
I should stay out of what she does with
her boy friends, but oh man a little
extreme dont you think? Shes really
popular with lots of people, I just
wish I coulddtop her "friends" from
worshiping her the way they do...
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Saturday, January 5, 2008
I swear to god my dad
is supposed to see me today,
but my stupid 8 year old brother
wont get off the phone for me
to call him or for him to call me.
My brothers... we might have to
give up ALL 3 OF OUR DOGS cause
he might be allergic to him...
Last night
Was interesting. We went
over to a Xenos goers house,
I didnt know her too well,
but I talked up an interesting
conversation with her, her names
Barb... I got a new friend (adult friend)
We taled all night, Judy.. Only..
she kinda had a gutter mouth. When I
told her some people said I looked like
Brittney Spears with hair before I dyed
it brown, she said "yes you do, or now
cause of your brown hair, you look like
her pregnant little sister.. Jill said
she dosnt look pregnant, and Judy said
yeah your a skinny b**** *face turns red****
she was talking about me then said
you too Jill -__- Yea she said a bunch
of other things but I didnt care, I kinda
laughed at it and went on... so later on
that night we toilet pappered the house
and I got silly stringed from head to toe
all the little kids thought I looked
pretty with my sparkally eye shadow, and
rocker chick theme, and my dad... so
I was COVERED once again another new
year success! So glad Jill and John
was there, I was sooo happy to see
them there ;)
YYYAAYYY and r.I.P Bhutto
Its about time!! Any plans for
you all? I cant wait till tonight
Only, it is 9:57am, Im gonna
have to wait, I am an early
riser. Did any one hear about]
Bhutto? So so so so sad, she was
only trying to bring democracy and
peace to Pakistan, and save every one
from the Taliban and destroy al-queda.
She is one person, who SHOULD NOT
have died. R.I.P Benazir Bhutto Y_Y Now whats gonna happen?
The govenment being so unstable
the taliban could take over
and send a Nuclear bomb over
or something... This vid is
only bout 1 min 48sec long
I would appriciate it if you
would at least see who she
was for like 5 seconds...
One of my most best politicians
who inspired me got shot >.<
of course...