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myOtaku.com: kinara

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Hi! I guess I'm revamping my whole page huh? It's really been five whole years since I've been here? Wow! I don't go by nicknames anymore, I'm Rebecca. I'm a college student now, I go to the Culinary Institute of America, yeah! I'm going to be a famous chef when I get older, don'tcha know? I still have my Livejournal, and I have a Facebook and a Myspace too! I don't update these often, but my facebook status gets updates at least once a week!

If you need to contact me, my AIM screename is still the same, even though I've changed a lot over the years...

Monday, December 28, 2009

   Lucky Star
So, I found a new anime and mangs that I like! It's called Lucky Star, and it's kinda like Azumanga Daioh but with different high school girls...one's an otaku, just like me! It find it funny though, I jsut started liking Death Note too...I guess I'm kinda like L, not really a super genius like him but I sit like him and I like sweets and I don't really sleep...hmmm...oh! I like candy! Anyway, I've been reading Trinity Blood too and watching Outlaw star as a throwback to the old days when I used to have time to watch a lot of anime...can you believe it's been 5 years since I've been on here? Amazing! Well, I guess that's it for now, until I find something else to talk about! See you (hopefully) Soon!
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Long time no see! how've you been? I've been fine! ok bye
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Friday, November 26, 2004

I HAVE A NEW FRIEND!!! her name is Imidnight and she's nice! now i have 2 friends here and i'm happy!
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   My boyfriend and me
Ok, in the beginning of the school year, i broke up with me boyfriend. Now I go out with him again. Thing is, i don't want to. what should i do, oh what should i DO?
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