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Sunday, June 10, 2007
I have been on the go lately, so much to do. Haah, I have been up late doing school works, well summer asignments. And then during the day I get so tired I take naps. What clases, you may ask, would give summer assignments. AP Psychology, Biology 2, and English 4 honors, seems like they would be easy don't they? ANyway no worries about me I will be fine. THough Summer camp is coming up. Like the 24th I think. Anyway I have a friends B-day party coming up and that shall be fun, then I also have a physical and a talk with a recruiter*shudders* Then I also have the next day senior photos and scouts. I think I need to go comatose for a week or so so I will be prepared for summer camp. Anyway have ya'll be okay these past months? I am sorry I have been gone soo much, I have had a lot in life to deal with, a lot of personal issues and family actually. I missed you all I am glad to se eyou are all okay. I did make it to sites I seen were updated today, and I wil lmake it to more soon.
What type of Fae are you?
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Ben a long time.
Been either busy or helping people or catching up on writing or sleep. Did anyone se the virginia tech thing? If so I found it sad that students are still shooting each other and that these things are blamed on issues of videogames or t.v. I blame it not on fake instances, I blame it on the person, what they go through and thir network of friends. If I were to want to kill people because of anything I have friends here and at school and even home I could talk to that would stop me and take away my pain. So I feel bad for anyone with out these things and resorts to killing and then suicide. I may not be a devout Christian, in fact I am eclectic(I chose to mix religions)but suicide is an unforgivable sin. But it was an inspiration as was 9/11 to wriersand I have sen many bloogs and loved ones of the killed stand up with pride even though I am in Florida. But I wanted to let people out in cyber space and the real world know I feel their grief even though I lost no one. SO I wrote a small poem.
A morning of laughter and cheers a halway of energy, the blood of the future disturbed. A resilient love lingered through the halls as grief took overand the worries rose. No one knew, no one could tell, but some had seen that the lonely heart stopped and wanted love but was a shadow ignored. No one to love them, no one to kiss their brow good night, and these visions flowed through the halls as the heart spilled from the chest in an attempt to be known and loved. The love lost took down more love and now the souls spilled will live on in our hearts and minds from now 'til next we see each other.
I know it's not great but it's what came to my mind. I hope you ll stay safe, much love all my friends*hugs all* Remember no one her is really alone, anyone will listen to your problems, and make you smile when ever you need it.
Quote:"Why love is losing hurs so much? We love to know we are not alone" I dont remember the person who spoke this. See you all later. I will visit sites as soon as I am not busy I swear.
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
Happy $#@^&*! birthday to me tomorrow.
Oyy I am hating thsi week, nothing is going right for me. Pople are yelling and cursing at me, hitting me and many other things. Other people are complaining about their dying relationships, and then others are just being jerks.
Quote:(by me. No touchy)"The beautiful sorrow, its floas by my sight, as a butter fly on the wind. Yet as it flutters I can only scarcely feel the dread of being alone rise up"
Sorry I ranted to you, I genrally just hide it away. Anyway, love you all. Bye.
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg time no see
Its beeen a looong time siince I last posed. I am sorry I left you all for so long I jut didn't really have anything to post or any desire to post to tell the truth. I have been going through a lot I am not allowed to talk about because I have been sworn to secrecy by the pelople who told me news. I am still not able to tell most of it. My Ex gf Day has been very sad and depressed lately and isnt sure whats she is gonna do with life and I am sad that I cant help her but she talks to me and I try to give her advice. Then there are my newer friends. I have been hanging with newer people and they for the most part treat me alright, one likes to bite me a lo. and the way we act makes people think we are gay lovers. I have to laugh at that. But then there is my naruto fan girl friends. they know wayyyyyyyyy too much of naruto but they are funny. Another guy is just akward funny and keeps a certain girl that hates me occupied and away from me. He is cool, I happen to like it when I am left alone for the most part though. I am now copresident to the new Anime club and I am chilling with the responsibilities. I am a good leader for the most part I am loved by the members. And I like the anime LoveLess now it makes me smile. ^__^ I wish I woulda kep better contact with all of you. I am so sorry. I hope you all have had a lot of fun and been good I swear I will post more and visit everyone more often ^__^ Love yuou all*huggles everyone*
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
A simple post
Quite simply, nothing good has really happened over the course of this week. Morons have surrounded me, people have ignored or put me down, and pretty much I have no friends left. I don't even have aqquaintances, and those I do have I will have to leave behind when I am switched into carpentry. So I guess I will just be in need of real guts when the time comes for this to take place. Question is, will I do as normal people and break under the diversity, or will I rise above it? I dunno, but I will see. But I did go to a church thing with an aqquaintance of mine, and I personally don't like most churches, and it was the most redneck place I have ever been in, and the shortest sermon I have ever seen.
Quote: "As does every spring flower blossom from the winters heavy hatred, so shall I break free from these withstraints."
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Saturday, December 30, 2006
Long time no post.
I am so sorry I haven't been visiting sites or updating mine. With all the extra time I have from my weeks off you think I would be able to post every day, but I justdon't visit because I have*dramatic musi* chores *end music* and these take up so much time that by the time I go to sleep I am barely able to yawn before I am out. I do take stops and get on the comp but then I am visiting a bunch of things and I am answering messages here. I will visit more once I get back at school because then I won't have all these chores. Anyway, Christmas bombed this year like I knew it would, lots of anger from dad, mean words from my mom and her friend and few presents. Go figure. Anyway how was your christmas's, I hope they were cool. I swear I will visit sites now. Thanks for sticking around, you all rock*hugs eveyone* ^__^
Quote: "Be relaxed and the world will follow after."
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
[align=center][size=24]Merry Christmas[/size][/align]
Hope you like the new lay out. The song is the opening song for Eureka7 it is a cool show. Oh Thanks goes to my friend Somegirl and if you wanna leave a comment you have to pm me until I figure how to get the comments to e able to be left.
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Sorry I forgot to update my site , I swear it is just christmas vacation working its magics on my brain. Well that and I was working with my dad for the past few days so I didn't get the chance to update or visit many stes, and I apologize to you all, I really am sorry. ^__^ Anyways as I said it is christmas vacatioso I am now chilling trying to think of some good music to get and how to make cards by han that look good considering I am broke as can be. Ah well, I may be broke but astleast I can still draw somewhat. So how are all of you? Nothing bug to speak of other than the new BG, which how do you like it? Does it look cool, it was made by Somegirl, she is cool. *hugs my friend* Thanks again I love the bg. As for my orevious week, I found that no one around me in the school gives a damn about me, they infact give gifts away right in front of me and then say I am not getting anything because I am not important enough, so when school starts back they wont see me again, I say screw it, I need new 'friends' people that will actually like me. But then again it was a good week too becaus eI finaly got to relax evern on tests because they were easy. *hugs everyone and kisses mysts cheek*
Quote:"The canvas is blank, whats your excuse?"
Be safe, see you all later.
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Saturday, December 9, 2006
Hey ^__^
Well, my week was very bland, almost nothing happened. I did enter a contest though because it means I have a chace to got to the states capital and if I win the competiton there I will get to go to the countries capital. So that will be very fun if I do win. But I will be away for a few days if I do win. If I win the second i have to be away for 8 days i think. So I hope i win and yet I don't ^__^ hahah Ohh and people gave out christmas gifts to their friends and they are people I hang out with and I was over looked. Just as normal. But i am fine witht hat because if that is how they wanna be I am fine with it. ^__^ Just means after newyears they wont see me anymore. As is I was only out there for two people. But anyway, have a merry christmas or happy whatever you celebrate. See you later. ^__^ *hugs everyone and kisses myst*
Quote: "I never lost my heart but I just did as yo walked out of the door."
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Sunday, December 3, 2006
Busy week
Sorry I meant to update and visit yesterday but I was helping someone in boyscouts, sorry. I left after like 13 minute of being awake to go help, and half of that was me shaving or dressing and enough time to eat a donut. I worked for six and a half hours and now I am exhausted still. Ohh I watched toonami again though, I still love eureka 7 it is a god show to watch for me. It is a catalyst for my writing and is breaking me outta my writers block. Ohh and I was told I will be moved from y creative writing and computer class to carpentry and I started to cry. Christmas isn't gonna be a happy holiday for me. *cries* Ohwell I will have to deal I suppose. Umm lets see, ohh and the anme club is going awesomely, we have only had two meetings but the two shows we watchesd were cool. Genshiken and Final Fantasy Unlimited. Ohh and I am starting to draw some more things, but right now I want to perfect Edward Cullen and I hope I can do it soon, I think it will be awesome to hand near the picture of Isabella swan done by another fan of the book Twilight. Ohh and as soon s I get it ack I want to post a poem up here for you to read.I will get to you sites, love you all and you mostly myst*hugs myst*
Quote: "When did life suddenly become a dream in which I could hold you near? When did the dream become life to when I lost you again?"
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