Yo! Man, is High School fun!!! Lakewood High is the greatest!! Im bored in PE cause Im not allowed to do PE for a month and I just learned, even longer!! gah!!
Anyways, do I have a story to tell you guys!!!! On my home from school today, I saw my friend Mario. When I turned the corner, it looked like he was fighting the hose and losing. He walked up to me and I asked him: "What the hell are you doing?! It looked like you were having a battle with the damn hose!!" He was like "Ha. Ha. Your so funny." and I was like "I know I am" Well he goes and picks up the hose and starts over to the tree. When I looked over to were he was going, I noticed a swarm of bees! My other friend, well 'brother' came out of his house and told me about the bees and that Mario was trying to kill them. Well Mario was swinging the hose everywhere and getting us wet, cause he was trying to get the bees that were flying around him. Fast Forward and hour. The three of us were sitting on the porch, a little ways away from the nest. A girl came walking by and Derrick whistled and waved, she waved back. Mario was acting like he was watering the lawn, then he asked Derrick if he knew her. He said no. She was on the other side of the street, but the bees were everywhere, so Mario HAD to be the hero for the girl. He shouted: "Look out! There bees! I'll save you!" As he said that, he ran into the middle of the street and half the hose was wrapped around his leg and just when he got to the middle of the street, there was no hose left, so he tripped! Then the bees started chasing him and he dropped th hose and was trying not to get wet by it. LOL. It was sooooooooooo funny!!!! Me and Derrick wished we had a video camera!!
Kag: *laughs* It was pretty funny.
me: yea! Other than that, my day was good. I want to try and join the Drill Team, but that depends on what my doc says. Well I hope everyone is doing good and Im sorry I dont get to your sites, I really try, I do! Its just High School and Im a freshy, so its kinda hard. Tomarrow I will post and leave you with a song my friend wrote. Shes new to MyOtaku, I just keep forgeting her user name. lol. Sorry Samarle!!!!!!

YES!!!! THANX FOR 2000 HITS!!!!!
Mir: YEA! 2000 GRABS!!! *SLAP* *CRASH*
ME: AGH!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!! Well thats it for now. THANX AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! ^-^
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