Yo! Okay Okay, I remember my friends username now. Lol! Go visit my friend, she's new to MyOtaku and Im sure she will appriciate it if you visited her site. Her user name is LokiRagnarok. Also here is that song I told you guys about yesterday. LokiRagnarok wrote this......
me: Oh and the Inu Gang(except Shippo) and Sora will be singing the song.
Sora: A tale of two lovers
Such a cost,
She was gentle
He was kind,
She said he was her everything
He said he'd love her till the end of time...
He said he'd love her till the end of time.....
Sango: Have you ever had your heart broken?
So much that it truly hurts?
The tears fall freely from my face when I'm reminded of you.
Kagome: Distance memories becoming Sakura tear drops.
The rain falls around me, but the sky remains blue.
Still the sun shines.
I watched your face turn away from me
Breaking a million promises,
a thousand embraces.
Inuyasha: Distance memories becoming Sakura tear drops.
So sad because of our parting
you never even said good-bye.
The sun shines, but in my heart it no longer
will give off any light.
Distance memories becoming Sakura tear drops.
Miroku: Have you ever had your heart stolen?
Taken, Broken?
Have you ever had your heart broken?
So much that it truly hurts?
From the inside out,
nothing but pain.
Of the stone cold truth
that lies before you
Kagome: Thunder sounds in the distance
as you turn away from me.
Inuyasha: Rain falls as you walk away from me.
Kagome: Lightning strikes as you leave me.
Tears fall freely
when I think of you.
A million promises,
A million kisses.
A hundred sweet embraces,
lay shattered in the rain
Sora: Hopefully the rain will take away my pain,
take away the heart ache.
From the inside out,
nothing but pain.
Kag and San: Of the truth
That he'll never love you.
The rain falls around you,
but the sky remains blue.
Tears fall freely
when I think of you.
Everyone: A million promises,
A million kisses.
A hundred sweet embraces,
lay shattered in the rain.
Hopefully the rain will take away my pain, take away the heart ache.
Shattered forever...
laying forgotten in the rain.
me: Well that was the song, by LokiRagnarok. Hope you guys liked it. I know I did!! Very well done. I hope I wrote it correctly, Samarle!!!!!! Thats all for now!!! Oh and Shippo, since you didnt get to sing, you can ask the question, kk.
Shippo: YAY!!!!!! Okay question is, Whats your favorite type of song?
me: Well I like ones that have a good beat and some that clam you. Like the one I just put up.
Laterness!!! |