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myOtaku.com: kingdomheartsgirl

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Hey everyone!

Sorry I havent been on in awhile. I've been real busy with Drill Tryouts, FHA-HERO compititions and other things. How is everyone? Hope your all good.

I dont think I posted about my last FHA-HERO compitition, but me and my friend Dora a.k.a sayuaritoga qualified and we're going to state! I got second place and she got third. I only got second cause I said 'thank you'. My teacher siad it was okay though cause I was gunna beat them at state, I just laughed. At the begining though, we were bored as hell, what else are you suppose to do at 6 in the morning? So we decided to make up a dance, and we got in trouble by one of the staff people cause we werent sitting down, but nothing was going on. I think we were the calmest group there, all the other groups were all nervous and stuff. When we go to state we are going to preform that dance at the ball or whatever it is. lol.

Anyways, I made a new wallpaper and it's got 5 downloads already, it's under video games, KH. Oh yeah, I got KH2!!!!!!!!!!!! HECK YES!!!!! I got one world sealed, my favorite one, Beauty and the Beast. Im not gunna say anything else cause I dont know how many people have the game and I dont know how far they are. But the game is TOTTALY AWSOME!!!!!!!!! My dad was gunna keep it away from me cause he knew how bad I wanted it.

Well, thats about it for now. Please cheak out my wallpaper oh and if you guys want me to, I'll post the first chapter of 'We Meet Again'. Just let me know, kk.


♥ always,

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