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California Baby!!!!!!!!!!
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HS student/idiot
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Kayu-san or Kagome-chan
still being able to write and draw
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showing horses and working for TCS
| kingdomheartsgirl
Saturday, July 1, 2006
Okay, sorry I havent been on again! Heres why:
Monday night I went to SESSHOMARUfreak's house and spent the night, then on Tuesday, me, her, and her dad went to Knotts istead of Six Flags, which was cool with me! The first ride we went on was Silver Bullet. I kept saying 'I cant believe im doing this, I cant believe im doing this' and Yugure(sessfreak)kept laughing at me. It wasnt funny Yugure!!! Then when we were on, the dude that cheaked to make sure you were in right asked me if I had been on Silver Bullet yet and I said 'no' and he tried to scare me saying 'I couldnt get off now and it was worse than Xcelerator' When the ride started I was screaming!!! And once again Yugure was laughing at me and her dad was laughing at her laughing at me. lol. Confusing huh? ^-^ But after that we went on it like 5 more times, and it was a lot of fun!!!
We also went on La Revolution and there was this little girl next to me and Yugure's dad and when the ride stopped, her eyes were as wide as dinner plates! It was funny. And during the ride there was this boy on the other side and he looked like he was going to throw up. We're like 'HELL NO!!' I dont know how many times I had to slap Yugure's dad for saying something stupid. I think I hit him like 5 times on that ride.
We were going to go on Xcelerator, but it was closed down, which really suxed! We went on Boomarang, which was really fun. And we went on Ghost Rider and me and Yugure sat in the very back seat. Im not doing that again!! It hurt like hell!!! And poor Yugure's dad didnt have any room for his legs, so when we got off his knees were all red!! lol.
And of course my all time favorite of that day was Big Foot Rapids!!! Last time me and Yugure went to Knotts we sang the Pirate song from Pirates if the Carribean(sp?) and got SOAKED!!!! Well this time they only put the three of us in the raft and we began to sing once again. The first rapid we hit, I was covered in water!!!! Next couple of rapids Jim (yugure's dad) was soaked, but we kept singing and we scared a lot of people that were waiting in line and the people in the watch towers. lol. Yugure was the only one that didnt get wet! Awhile later we went back on, but the raft was full this time. So me and Yugure sang the song again, but Jim stayed quiet and guess what?
He was the only one that got wet!!! LOL. Me and Yugure were dry! We also took a lot of video that day, so if Yugure puts it up of sends it to me I'll post it up, kk.

Other than that........
Miki-san is going today. I was talking to her over the phone and we both said that next year we are going to plan it out better so me, Miki-san, Loki-chan, and whoever else will go on the same day. lol. I'll be finishing my costume today with my dad. I'll take lots of pictures when I go Monday and I'll take a picture of what I look like as Kagome. My mom, who doesnt like anime, says I look a lot like her, only with blonde hair. lol. I dont know if I'll be able to dye my hair black. Only if I can find one that washes out in one wash. If not, Im going as Blonde Haired Kagome!!!! lol.
Well have fun Miki-san, make sure you take pictures!!!!!!!!
Thats about it for now. I'll see if I cant get to your sites today. Gomen nasi, for not coming by these past couple of days.
♥ always,
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