Birthday 1994-12-31 Gender
Female Location In a world I created out of delirious boredom. Member Since 2007-12-10 Occupation Otaku XP Real Name Miyuki Sagisu
Achievements Ummm.... a manga that's 52 pages long!! I have a short attention span, so that's a real acccomplishment! Anime Fan Since since I was 4 or 5. Favorite Anime Hidamari Sketch, VAMPIRE KNIGHT, Death Note, Bleach, Venus Versus Virus, Tsubasa, Lucky Star, Naruto, Shakugan no Shana, Kamichama Karin, others....(ALOT MORE) Goals To be an actual manga-ka! Or writer. If you see anything by a "Miyuki Sagisu" chances are it's me. If that doesn't work... dunno, stalk LM.C, be a visual kei artist...?*shrugs* Hobbies Drawing...writing...making fun of english dubs...and playing the most awesome instrument ever, MEH VIOLIN!! Talents Drawing and writing and... cooking. Crazy people say I sing well. Meh. I am terrible at all sports cuz I hate running. That is a talent!! kira miyuki
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I've noticed that alot of people on the O are having life problems. Well, if you are one of those people that just happen to visit my site, all I have to say is just keep trying harder. If you give up THE OPPOSING (whether it's people, a company, THE WORLD) IS HAPPY. IF THEY TRY TO WEAR YOU DOWN, YOU NEED, I MEAN
Bronchitis, My Dear Watson
I've been sick since Thursday and I went to the doctor yesterday. I have BRONCHITIS!! So... yeah. I'm contagious, whoo~~! My brain hurts. I'm gonna take a nap soon. The new song on my page, Sakasama no Chou, it's so relaxing... Comments (1) |
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hullo all.^^I think some of my friends are dead. --' Anywho, last night I got this really awesome goth-loli style corset and wore it to school today. It was the first time in my life that I liked the way I looked. Most people liked it. But then some peeps didn't like it... (I'm going to rant. I need to warn these peeps that they'd better be careful, or they'll end up on my webpage.) Okay, so I go to seventh period and this one dude that everyone hates starts acting really obnoxious and saying I look like a Japanese maid from some anime. (I question his intelligence. I looked nothing like that.) So then one of my friends got him in trouble. Then later on during ninth period I told my other friend that he made fun of me (he was walking through the hall and pst the room and we saw him through the doorway.) and the she was like, "OMG WHERE DID HE GO!?! I'm gonna KICK HIS ASS!!!" (this friend would be akasunanosasori, BTW.) I love my friends. They stick up for me even when I don't want them to.
Wow. This post is long. Okay, back to your lives people! Comments (0) |
Monday, January 28, 2008
Well, notin new in the life of kira-miyu. Umm... I'm teaching mehself the Hare Hare Yukai dance, that's how bored I am. (But it is fun.) LOOK OUT WORLD, I'M GONNA START RANDOMLY DANCING IN PUBLIC!! Oh, the poor, pitiful public. ^^ Hmmm... so wat's going on in ur lives? Comments (2) |
KK, if you like Death Note who'dya think is better, Matt or L? Put in comment box.
-ish bored- Comments (3) |
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Yay. ^^
I luv you all. -ish happy- Thank You to all the people who've commented on my art. I was in depression when at first nobody said anything. I was about to stop drawing for good. 0_0 (Which would've been bad because I really don't have much to live for except drawing. Trust me: ALL CIVILIZED LIFE WOULD'VE COME TO AN END. ZEBRAS WOULD RULE THE WORLD!) So yes, thank you for the help.
-Miyuki Sagisu Comments (2) |