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dreamland. no wait, hamham land! no thats not rite either. hyrule or- what? u ask where i am now? in that case, texas.
Member Since
student-drawing comics
Real Name
hamtaro, hamby, kirby, rena, hotaru, or link. i go by any of them.
can draw just about any anime character and drew myself- what i would look like in a certain anime
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
.hack//legend of the twilight bracelet, tenchi muyo, hamtaro, sailor moon, card captors, and dragonball. not z, not gt. just dragonball. sorta like full metal alchemist. and does my life as a teenage robot count? super milk chan, and hihipuffy ami yumi
to become expert at melee, to fill up all my journals, for pate and cashmere to move out of kelave, and to have cherri, pango, marcy, and samson to move back into kelave!
drawing comics/pictures
Hamha everybody! welcome to my site! i dont capitalize often, so dont get all grammar-o-freak on me. ^_^ well, enjoy what u see! oh and check out my archives if u can. itll really make me, hamtaro, and kirby happy! well, hope to hear from u all someday! byeque for now! ^_~

im an otaku angel, r u? go to cherri's site to learn more!
puff puff club member!!!
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
im finally back!
hey guys! im back! and im a little behind so heres the weekly poll- u can answer one, or both. by the way, i got all three .hack mangas and a huge stuffed snake! XD and i thought up some story ideas u might like! until next time... the poll questions. by the way, last weeks poll? thank u so much 4 choosing zelda. my stepmom is REALLY makin me mad!
1. if u were copied by kirby, what copy ability do u think hed become?
2. what r your favorite(s) copy ability(s)?
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Friday, December 24, 2004
i know its christmas and all, but i hate it when people steal my ideas. i just caught somebody who drew santa link. it was well drawn, but it was the idea. people, if ur going to draw one of my original ideas, u had better have my permission before u submit it! trust me, nobody wants to see me REALLY pissed off. so, get my permission before u submit one of my original ideas!
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the weekend of christmas
hey guys! im goin to my moms again for the weekend so i can have christmas over there. not to mention my dad and stepmom r goin to go pick up my ukrainian grandparents. here we go again with foreign language. oh well, ill be here til probably around 6. well, as soon as i check out the fanart, im gonna go get my chores done.
and to everyone who visits my site, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
kirby n melee!
i was playin melee all morning. *drooling* come to think of it, i kinda want my own copy of it, plus a memory card. oh well, when i was playin, i got jiggly puff and a lot of the pokemon trophies. also, my brothers gamecube wouldnt let him see the whole special movie, but mines still new, so i got to see the whole thing! link looked HOT in it! kirby of course was cute, but he seemed cuter! kirby RULES when it comes to melee!
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
guess what i found out!
me and my bro-kirby & yoshi- were playin melee, and we paused the screen just as yoshis tongue hit the side of kirby. yoshi looked cool cause he was metal, but then we looked at kirbys expression. it was one i never sawed before, so i drew a quick sketch on the back of my notebook. when i get time, ill try to submit it!
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
the weekly poll
heres this weeks poll. last week only two people did the poll. one said neither, and the other said peach. so heres this weeks. u better take it, or ill send my hamster army on u! along with kirby and his copy abilities! here it is. if u were somehow switched, would u rather be switched my stepmom, or with zelda?
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