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Saturday, March 6, 2004

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Saturday, February 21, 2004

What type of Bishounen are you? Find out at artificial-soul.net by Rin.

really truly...YEAH!

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Monday, February 16, 2004

late valentine's day
really for valentine's day....hope everyone had a good one.....

Put this in your profile if you like someone and you know they'll never like you back.

++ aishite'ru aishite'ru aishite'ru ++

Why do things like that have to be true... I changed the whole layout for valentines... i thought it would help, obviuosly it didn't but i did do something useful today... i drew this great JING!!! it is sooo good i don't think i am gonna give it to austin... or i am just gonna give him a copy... or i can just show it off at school and annoy him that it was gonna be the one i was gonna give him... do you think i am evil? im not really... at least i think so... anyway i really was freaked out by yesterday's shaman king... and i am still mad at FOX they skipped alot of eps. just to get that one on valentines day... but Faust is coool in a creepy kind of way... mall did that there were sooo many ppl!!! why i have no clue... i was there wit mom to get her ring that she had been wanting sooo much.... we have known this jewler for a long time and i had a crush on his son once... well he gave me a valentine's present! necklace, heart wit a diamond in it white gold and it looks soooo nice!!!! that was good.... left the mall went over to orbit2 and got me the Rurouni Kenshin best songs cd i don't remember what it was called exactly though... the one with tactics, 1/2, heart of sword, 1/3 purehearted feelings, and tons of others...i have been listening to it for a long time...had a great valentines dinner, in and out..... [oooo aaaa] ...... sleep now....

Ren Tao
You are Ren Tao. You are a silent person. You hate
the world and especially your father, whom you
consider as the source of your hatred. You dont
like to be pissed off and you always ready with
your weapon when people bother you. From
friendships, you learn that not all humans are
bad and you seem to open your heart now. You
either can be cool or unkind. You did thought
that you're the strongest man alive but after a
few things, you realized you're not. Thats
okay, cos when there's a will, there's always a

Which Shaman King character are you? (result contains image^____^)
brought to you by Quizilla

stilll looking for JING quiz....

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Saturday, January 10, 2004

this really isn't anything to do with otaku life at all i just need a place to rant...
Ok yesterday went to school had to pee the DOOR O THE BATHROOM WAS LOCKED THATS JUST WRONG!!!!!! so i went to go get the keys that was the last time i saw my history teacher... she went home sick...really she teaches lots other classes im in sooooooo we had different subs all day long! frist algebra was ok, took the dam english test in homeroom.... the time that really sucked was art i drew a penguin everybody could tell it was a penguin! anyways... we had the principal from hell that is like a copy of Prof. Umbrige from Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix which was a great book btw! Back to teh rant! she was making everybody show her the pics taht we had to make a collage on she comes over to me and asks me as I get out the pic "WHERE IS YOUR PICTURE MISS??!?!?!" but not in a yelly voice... ::i was getting it out dammit!:: <---(in my head) So i show her and she goes "WHAT IS THAT!?!??!" in like a way she hated it.... i said "Its a penguin." calmly....really...."NO ITS NOT!!!!" she couldn't tell what the kawaii little thing was! ::B--------------P you!:: "its a penguin ::twitch twitch:: ::getting really angry and pissed:: here are the flippers, the feet, and the beak" "WHERE IS THE MOUTH?" "it is right here, the beak." "THAT ISN'T A MOUTH!" ::thats right B-------P its a beak!:: "its a penguin, here are the eyes" interrupting me, "I DONT THINK THATS A PENGUIN MISS! YOUWILL NEED TO DO THAT OVER! YOU DONT EVEN HAEV EYES ON THAT THAT THING!" ::i was gonna kill someone soon:: "they are right here" "THOSE ARENT EYES THEY'RE LINES" ::the penguin was happy so it had closed eyes yeah you know what i mean ^-^ like that!:: "but they are closed thats all" " EXCUSE ME THOSE ARENT EYES THEY ARE LINES!!! YOU WILL NEED TO REDO THAT!" fortunately i had to do this ice cream thing and so i conviently had to leave "excuse me i need to leave i nee---"
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!?!? YOU DIDN'T ASK PERMISSION!" ::i hadn't moved yet at all:: " ::as i was saying befor i was so rudely interrupted:: I need to help with teh ice cream sales" "I DONT THINK YOU ARE PART OF THAT HUN" ::yes I am you bitch oh wait i mean B---------P:: so i left anyway... i didnt redraw the pengiun and i got freee ice cream! yum~ ^-^ ~mmmmmmmmm

Ok rant all done!

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Friday, January 2, 2004

I should really stop doing this
People admire your Coolness!
Coolness! You are a peacemaker. You are able to
smooth every fight. You are neutral and you
don't see just black and white.Nothing worries
you, you're always cool and calm.

Why do people admire you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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You're a Cute Catboy!!! You aren't the smartest of
the litter, but your uber kawaii-ness makes up
for it. While you can be kinda clueless and
confused at times, everyone still loves ya. ^_^

What Kind of Catboy are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

That was the somewhat honest one... now i just wanted teh rest of em....

You're a Seksay Catboy!!! People want you...and
you know it! You love to tease and seduce your
admirers and bask in your seksay catboy glory.

What Kind of Catboy are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

no no no no.....

You're a Kid Catboy!!! You're young, innocent, and
still learning the ways of catboy-dom.

What Kind of Catboy are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Come on you cant deny that he isn't kawaii

You're a Bishonen Catboy!!! You're so pretty...you
put catgirls to shame. *_* You tend to be
sorta quiet and timid, but with people staring
at you all the time, you have reason to be.

What Kind of Catboy are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

OOOO bishi catboy! YAY!

You're a Mystical Catboy!!! You're quite
mysterious and stealthy. You find your peace
amongst the magical and spiritual aspects of

What Kind of Catboy are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

kinda looks like yoko...

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   happy new year
HAPPY NEW YEAR! ok yeah its a bit late but it was family time and no internet connection... but i had my manga!
all is well now

does any one here speek l33t?

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Saturday, December 27, 2003

   ya know
yeah umm well ya know somethin... well i bet you do so im just gonna tell ya something else... i think im gonna change that dream into a little fanfic ".hack//DREAM" well i want it to include the ppl that were in it so when i get back to school and i can actually talk and have people understand me, then im gonna have them describe their PC (player character) yeah so itll be one of those things... itll make me happy to know i will have this when we arent together and stuff, moving on! watch later in life i find it and go What the hell is this crap??!?!!? and throw it away... hehehehe.....well tats all really for now...

oh yeah i drew this really kawaii Inu-Yasha for my mom and my friend Angie, they are crazy about him, for a christmas present... BUT i cant upoload it to the site cuz the file is to BEEEEEEPING big! well that is off my chest so im better! =^_^=

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Monday, December 22, 2003

   really weird dream
I had a really weird dream last night….you were there and you were too! Hahahahaha j/k j/k well I was playing the WORLD and Austin was like Sora he was really bouncy and stuff and he killed other players but he was on my side so he didn’t kill me! YAY! Justin was like Crimson Knight which was really weird and well he had a sword and followed the rules soooooo precisely, it was kreepy! WELL yeah they had different costumes and stuff but they still acted like them! And Sylvia was well she was a girl I think she was like a not Subaru well sorta but mixed in with a little bit of Black Rose. WE were not the adult looking ones but the kawaii little avatars that Kite and Black Rose are… Oh yeah ME! I was a main character well yeah it was my dream! But I didn’t look like Kite or Tsukasa… but I was a wavemaster!!!! Yeah! Oh yeah powers! Too bad not one was like Krim! Oh well….. I digress yeah ummmm oh yeah Maggie was a noob and she totally SUCKED!!! well most noobs are... I don’t really think they had usernames or we just didn’t use them… We were all in a party and well yeah…we had a portable version don’t ask how… well we could connect wifi yeah soo we would all meet somewhere and do stuff just to hang out. So Maggie once again tying to be the same as us and to have friends, bought the newest version and tried to join out party and stuff, she acted like A-20 and was an idiot! Well she is that normally……. So we just left her to wander around to level up and stuff… We are soooo mean! I love it! That’s all…..so after that i had to take a "which .hack character are you" quiz and i came up with these...

What .hack//SIGN Character Are You?

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Monday, November 17, 2003

tried to uplaod some of the pics i found in the vast and very dangerous to ander around in memory of my computer and they were obviously too big othrewise they would be here now!
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