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myOtaku.com: kirbysamurai

Saturday, January 10, 2004

this really isn't anything to do with otaku life at all i just need a place to rant...
Ok yesterday went to school had to pee the DOOR O THE BATHROOM WAS LOCKED THATS JUST WRONG!!!!!! so i went to go get the keys that was the last time i saw my history teacher... she went home sick...really she teaches lots other classes im in sooooooo we had different subs all day long! frist algebra was ok, took the dam english test in homeroom.... the time that really sucked was art i drew a penguin everybody could tell it was a penguin! anyways... we had the principal from hell that is like a copy of Prof. Umbrige from Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix which was a great book btw! Back to teh rant! she was making everybody show her the pics taht we had to make a collage on she comes over to me and asks me as I get out the pic "WHERE IS YOUR PICTURE MISS??!?!?!" but not in a yelly voice... ::i was getting it out dammit!:: <---(in my head) So i show her and she goes "WHAT IS THAT!?!??!" in like a way she hated it.... i said "Its a penguin." calmly....really...."NO ITS NOT!!!!" she couldn't tell what the kawaii little thing was! ::B--------------P you!:: "its a penguin ::twitch twitch:: ::getting really angry and pissed:: here are the flippers, the feet, and the beak" "WHERE IS THE MOUTH?" "it is right here, the beak." "THAT ISN'T A MOUTH!" ::thats right B-------P its a beak!:: "its a penguin, here are the eyes" interrupting me, "I DONT THINK THATS A PENGUIN MISS! YOUWILL NEED TO DO THAT OVER! YOU DONT EVEN HAEV EYES ON THAT THAT THING!" ::i was gonna kill someone soon:: "they are right here" "THOSE ARENT EYES THEY'RE LINES" ::the penguin was happy so it had closed eyes yeah you know what i mean ^-^ like that!:: "but they are closed thats all" " EXCUSE ME THOSE ARENT EYES THEY ARE LINES!!! YOU WILL NEED TO REDO THAT!" fortunately i had to do this ice cream thing and so i conviently had to leave "excuse me i need to leave i nee---"
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!?!? YOU DIDN'T ASK PERMISSION!" ::i hadn't moved yet at all:: " ::as i was saying befor i was so rudely interrupted:: I need to help with teh ice cream sales" "I DONT THINK YOU ARE PART OF THAT HUN" ::yes I am you bitch oh wait i mean B---------P:: so i left anyway... i didnt redraw the pengiun and i got freee ice cream! yum~ ^-^ ~mmmmmmmmm

Ok rant all done!

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