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Brian, or whatever you feel like calling me
Eagle Scout, 'nuff said
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first anime seen...1993, was Sailor Moon...
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Yu Yu Hakusho, but until they get new YYH episodes, Fullmetal Alchemist
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Sunday, September 3, 2006
::Speaking telepathically::
This is tough, requires much concentration. I can't speak because of this throat virus I have. My tounsles are all swollen and spewing pus 0.o; it's nasty.
Well, I gotta go work on some class work. I still go to classes even though I'm not allowed to speak.
::Transmission starts to get fuzzy::
I'll see you around otakuites (cough cough)
::End of Transmission::
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
Good news and bad news my Otaku friends. We'll start with the good.
My friends and I have officially started ghost hunting. We went to an abandoned dog food factory (no ghosts, but it was a nice view at the top), most of my friends were to scared to go all the way to the top. Then we went to a burned down old plantation. I didn't go in (all that's left is the cellar, and they wanted to go in there without any lights). I was the only one who got injured (we had to jump a gate to get in, and I held it steady for everyone, but no one stayed to hold it for me), just a scraped leg, I know how to take a fall.
Now the bad news, the nightmare came back. Those of you who have known me for a year or more may remember. I'm gonna dig it up from my old posts, cause it's a long one.
The dream, or nightmare rather....
I'm not sure who the person was, but I had a sense that he was a good friend of mine of many years. This person (we shall name him Bob for my convenience) was reporting about a haunting in a church. This haunting I think was well known, because there was a display behind him about related religious facts about...demons. This display is important to the whole fear thing. He has 2 nuns and a priest with him. They are there to pray around him as he gives his report, to prevent (or provoke, I can't remember which now. But, believe me, I would never send someone to provoke a demon, period.) the demon from harming him. Well, he starts talking about the demon specificly, and the camera (my perspective of this event is through the camera. Not sitting somewhere cushy and watching on TV, I'm there, as the camera.) pans to look at the display, and the big picture on Bob's left has changed. It has become a distorted image of the church we are in (I can't remember if it started out as a normal picture of the church. And, no, I don't know what church it is either.). Everything is ok for a couple for comments, then Bob gives out a "Woah!" and the nuns and priest who had circled him break their circle around him for just a moment.
Now, what happens next is the scary part (after a few LESS scary events).
The camera pans once again to the display, and it has changed completely. It now depicts something that looks like either fallen crosses on fire, or helmets with crosses on top covering a blood drenched battlefield (at this point, I'm quite shaken.) What's next is even worse though. Bobs lets out a grunt, and the nuns and priest are thrown back, severing the circle completely. My view was shaken by one nun slamming into me. But, when Bob came back into view, his face was contorted to one side, his skin had turned a sick greenish yellow color, his teeth had become pointed, his tounge was sticking about 2 feet out of his gaping mouth, and he was making a gurgling sound. Next thing I knew, he (break in story, I have to stop shaking for a moment, my parents just started snoring like Bob's gurgling, and it's freaking me out) turned right to the camera and said, "Brian, I am here to tell you that your purpose in life is to bring about utter chaos in the world." Background music has struck up at this point. It is a creshendo (please someone check the spelling on that) of chorus voices. (you know, the one that is scary, I wish I could just make the noise. Think of wind howling in increasing volume and pitch.) I can feel, see, and just all around know, that the camera is dropped. As it's falling, the voices build, and right at the climax, the camera halts (sitting up somehow) looking at the display. It has become a devil looking thing wreathed in fire (it had been a black and white picture before, now it is full of vivid color and almost alive looking.). Oh, and the figure in the picture was laughing...I couldn't hear it. But, I felt it, in all of my being. I felt it.
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Friday, August 25, 2006
Well, the first week is over. I've already written a paper (it wasn't for a grade though, so I'm setting my teacher's expectations low lol). It was about liberal learning. What that really means...they require you to take classes outside of your field of study, so that you can be a more well rounded person. ::rolls eyes::
Anyways, just 15 weeks until the semester is over. I say WOW to that.
See you guys around.

I searched tired+anime and got this picture, I think it looks like me and my room mate (he'd be the blond, the one the picture is actually focused on ::that's me drawing an analogy to our popularity levels::)
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
This post is comming to you all from my dor...Residence hall (don't ask). Hope to keep you all posted on how things are going.
Move in was fun, my long time friend Eric is my room mate. He's prety cool.
No time for more. Busy welcome week ;_;
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Monday, August 7, 2006
Wow, no comments at all. Thanks guys.
Anyways, you have to pay 4.95 an hour for internet connection down here at the resort, so I have to make this kinda quick (parents are paying for it, so whatever).
Disney is fun, Univerdal studios isn't worth the price of the ticket. If I spend 72 hours strait with someone, I will begin to hate them. Mom says that it's because I'm a loner, and that too much company makes me irritable. I think she's right.
I'll be back home tomorrow, hope to find that most of you are still posting.
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Off to disney.
Will keep you all uprised of the interesting stuff.
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Transformers movie!!!!!!
Now that I got that out. Moved back into my home, my friend seems to have been shurking his house sitting duties. So I left.
OH!!!! I beat Kingdom Hearts 2 completely last night. I had finished the storyline a long time ago. But, I beat Sephiroth ^_^! He was really tough the first time I tried to fight him. This time though, I absolutely MURDERED him. Had a friend keep count, he only hit me 3 times, and that was when I let him.
I'm gonna go eat rice and be happy now.
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Ok, I'm torn. On one side, I'm going to miss the convention in Maryland, but, on the other... I'm gonna be in Disney World.
I really wanted to go to that convention ;_;
Oh well.
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
Time for a Weekly update.
Since I'm not at home anymore, I've had to cook for myself (not something I'm complaining about), so I'm gettin' pretty good.
I lost my train of thought...thanks Scott.
Anyways, I'll poke my head into some sites.
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Friday, July 7, 2006
Hey guys, I'm alive. I'll check back and visit sites tomorrow. Today it's "fun" at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. woo hoo...
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