Birthday 1988-02-10 Gender
Male Location in my office Member Since 2004-10-25 Occupation counciler Real Name Brian, or whatever you feel like calling me
Achievements Eagle Scout, 'nuff said Anime Fan Since first anime seen...1993, was Sailor Moon... Favorite Anime Yu Yu Hakusho, but until they get new YYH episodes, Fullmetal Alchemist Goals become a profesional blacksmith Hobbies swordsmanship, fixing computers, massive amounts videogames, and listening Talents super videogame player, swordsman, and...listening kirbysdouble
Thursday, March 1, 2007 off...too tired to post meeningfully.
I take that back. I want to rant now. Do you know how debilitating it is to have a room mate who sleeps in until 1? It's rediculous. I wake up at 7, everyday, no matter what. And he's able to sleep the whole !@#$ing day away with his honeybun (their infatuation almost makes me puke on a daily basis). It's bad enough I can't fall asleep until they're done making out at night. No~, they get pissy when I start making noise in the morning. I'm walkin' on !#@$ing eggshells for them, and I don't even get a single thank you. OH OH OH, it's not JUST in the morning either, they also take naps between EVERY class. You'd think these to had narcalepsy or something. Who can sleep 18 hours a day!? I'm tired of him coming in from that hooka bull !@#$ to. He always comes back either drunk off his arse, and even if he isn't, he has zero tolerance for taking hits from those bongs (yes, the "hooka lounge" is an establishment where people sit around and take hits off of bongs. they just say it has flavored tabaco in it. I say, bull !@#$). So, at least once a week my suitemates and I are treated to him puking his brains out at 2 in the morning.
Gods, I need this semester to end so I'm not in daily contact with this person. I almost killed him last year, I don't want to be pushed further this time.