Birthday 1988-02-10 Gender
Male Location in my office Member Since 2004-10-25 Occupation counciler Real Name Brian, or whatever you feel like calling me
Achievements Eagle Scout, 'nuff said Anime Fan Since first anime seen...1993, was Sailor Moon... Favorite Anime Yu Yu Hakusho, but until they get new YYH episodes, Fullmetal Alchemist Goals become a profesional blacksmith Hobbies swordsmanship, fixing computers, massive amounts videogames, and listening Talents super videogame player, swordsman, and...listening kirbysdouble
Thursday, March 8, 2007
::Big Ol' Yawn::
Mornin' ::rubs eyes:: went to bed 2 hours early and still didn't wake up until 7. I'm so glad my body has that autostart in the morning. Haven't had to use an alarm for over a week. Though it's probably gonna come back and bite me in the butt.
Odd question today. I've been playing this game Gunbound, it's really fun, and you can't play it by yourself (I like that in online games, people are key). But, something weird happened yesterday. I was playing just like usual, you know pwning n00bs and all that junk (I don't talk like that, it annoys me) and this girl catches my attention. This wasn't the good kind of attention, she sucked really bad, but I think there was a reason. She kept asking if I wanted to be her boyfriend. I'm like... "O.o wha!?" Now, I'm a nice person, and I don't like to just reject people. She was incredibly persistant. Even at one point shooting me (I was on her team). Well, for the good of the team I said ok. I'm kinda afraid of what I may have started, my hopes are that I don't see her again...but she seemed to be able to follow me into every match. O.o
What should I do MyO?
Gunbound...I'd suggest having the sound off.