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Lin Oni
Won a drawing contest
Anime Fan Since
12 years old
Favorite Anime
Tokyo Mew Mew,Full Moon,Inu'yasha,CardCaptor Sakura,Angelic Layer,and Tsubasa.
to be an animator
drawing, singing
Ohayo! I am Lin Oni. I love the Otaku, and I hope we all have a great time on here! I'm new at this site, so I'd love it if you could help me out and give me constructive criticism!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Life's Crazy, But I can Handle It ^-^
Hi everyone, wow, I can't belive that this is my frist post! As you might be able to see, I'm not very smart when it comes to computers, so, it's a good thing I have computer wiz friends like Yoshiko (thanks Yoshiko¢¾)! Anyway, about the title, are any of you guys reading this having a tough life, I know I am! Things with both my home life and family life are a little crazy, like I have too much to do all the time, my teachers keep getting on to me about drawing on my work (Hey, what can I say, I love to draw! *giggle*¢¾),I have friends I need to comfort, and I have to watch my neices and nefeuw, like, A LOT!! But..... dispite it all, I know I'll make it threw alright, it's just like my favorit quote:"Bad Things Don't Only Happen to Bad People". So, it's like I said, lifes a bit crazy, but I think I can handle it ^-^. What do you all think? *hee,hee* ^-~
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
cooolllyyyy ooooooooooooo
Who would you be as an anime girl? Your anime life! (girls only and with anime pics.)
 Congrats! You'd be a miko/priestess! Your calm and peaceful and like to help out your fellow characters! You'd be in maybe 'Inuyasha'! Give yourself a pat on the back, 'Inuyasha' is an awesome anime! Take this quiz!

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Whoot, whoot!!! I got another one ^-^!
what kind of anime girl are you?(girlzz only)
 Confident- you are not scared to share your mind you help people without hesitating you are just a person but u have a beautiful personality people loves u and have faith in u Take this quiz!

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This is cool! I'm popular (sort of '-')!!!!!!!
What do the Naruto people think about u? (MY VERSION)
 U seem like a well-rounded person!Every1 treats u nicely, but ur not perfect. U do have those few girls that hate ur guts and then the not so evil girls that like u as a friend. The guys rather a)love u, b)think ur alright, or c)think ur a nusenseTEAM 7:NARUTO: thinks ur cool. U talk to him as a friend but he's not ur best friend.SAKURA: HATES U!!! Shes always complaining saying ur in HER spotlight! She cant stand it wewn she sees Sasuke watching u train and that ur always making him smile....shes just jelous. HAH!!! in her face!SASUKE: doesnt know if he loves u or if he just thinks very highly of u. (wuts the difference?) But he enjoys training with u. U always seem to make him theres sumthing worth fighting 4. So i guess he does love u. But he is also concerned about how u'd feel about him joining Orochimaru. He might change his mind....just 4 u.KAKASHI: Thinks u r capable of defending urself threw ne battle. As a studend of his, he feels much oblidged when 1 of his students gets a compliment from winning a fight or acheiving sumthing very grand!LEE'S GROUP:LEE: doesntr want to be picky, but he might actually like u better than Sakura! But he thinks about how close u r with Sasuke. So i think he'll stick with liking Sakura but still...he thinks ur pretty cool.TEN-TEN: She doesnt hate u, but she does get jelous wen u do beter than her durring battles. U rnt close with her, but wenever u get the chance, u say hi and b nice to her and she returns the favor.NEJI: Tries not to focus so much with u in his head! He is pretty straight-foward wen it comes to feelings. Inconclusion Neji thinks ur awsome and wishes HE was Sasuke.INO'S GROUP:INO: Agrees with Sakura! In general...SHE HATES U!!!SHIKAMERU: Doesnt really care about u that much. just thinks ur a normal girl.CHOJI: Has nuthing to say so i think he's pretty much the same as Shikameru.HINATA'S GROUP:HINATA: Is ur closest friend. U 2 talk about everything. she thinks ur the coolest and really looks up to u.Kiba: in all....he wishes he was Sasuke!Shino: Thinks ur too much of a 'everybody' kinda u care!GAAR'S GROUP:GAARA: ......thinks ur just another opponite.....TEMARI: Would luuuuuuuv to just fight u ne day of the week!KANKURO: Doesnt think much of u but does wish to have a chancde to fight u!and last............OROCHIMARU: Thinks u could ruin his plans with Sasuke! He is on a mission to kill u....b4 u kill his plans! (watch out!)hope u liked it! ^_^ Take this quiz!

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