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Thursday, September 29, 2005
so sleepy........
Hiya everyone! im ungrounded finally! ^^ hehe anyways not to much going on, ive been super busy this week! rawr i hate school! i hardly get any time to see my freinds cause we get no free time in classes. omg these days have been going too damn fast i cant get a hold of everything! @_@ i really wanna spend more time with josh..but yea we dunt hardly see each other and it hurts like fuck..w.e., nothing i can do about it..so yea i could probaly write a bunch more, but..i dunt want to lol ok Later!
*~Missing time with my someone just for me...
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
on and off days
Okay so not alot going on,the last few days have just been crazy and confusing, i really dunt wanna get into it..so i wont lol anywho, its like 6:30 in the morning..and im bored..out of my mind! @_@ im also lonley XP blah! ugh i hate my brother and parents! last night i was watching FMA and my brother just keep bugging me, so wat do i do?..what every oh so normal 15 year old grl would do..take a belt and try and scare him away lol, lucky for me i acually hit him..heh, yea so i get sent to bed for doing absoulty nothing wrong except injuring my brother, which he probaly would of done himself sence hes smart like that, i just took the liberty and doing it for him ^^ see im a nice sister (lmfao!) anyways, yea i was really pissed! and you know what my anxitey was kicking in (it does everytime i get in a fight or get upset) and i end up crying my self to sleep thinking about what a horroble person i am...*sighs* life sux, but what can i do? today is another day i guess, so yea thats all for now.
sianara minosan!
aishiteru wa josh-kun ...tsuneni soshite itsumademo <3~*
mie itonami..mie jisatsu..mie takai..KOMO IS MIE YUME!
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
isnt it funny how one little thing can make u wanna fucking kill your self...i just cant take any more.. :'(
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
You're looking for a romantic kind of guy, one that cares a lot for you and is so proud of having u as a girlfriend but isnt all over you and isnt over the top. You just love spending time together. :) arent u lucky!
what kind of boy is for you? (uh, in case it aint obvious, girls only) (unless ur gay) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your name is ... Sakura, the cherry blossom. you are the most bubbly of the group of friends you've learned to love. you love nature and is very kind.
What japenese name best represents you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
totally awsome 2 days!!
Ok so yesterday and today were amazing! ^^ yesterday i went shopping with my grandma for a homecoming dress, we didnt find one, but its fun to go out and shop with her ^^ so after being out for like 5 hours i called josh to see if he wanted to hang out, so i got to see him, we had a really awsome time, it was really cool out and just a really beautyful evening ^^ so after all of that i went home and watched NARUTO!!!! which totally kicked ass!!!!!!!! lol omg it was awsome, naruto is soo cute ^^ lol i love his sexy jutso thing, thats so funny hahaha! ok so that was yesterday, today we went to kennywood for my dads b-day, it was my first time going, we had a great time!! i went on all the roller coasters, my favorite was the phantoms revenge! i also went on this pit falls which is like over 100 feet high o.o you go all the way up...you can see EVERYTHING!! all of pittsburgh or w.e city that was and all of the amusment park..and than DOWN U GOOOO, ITS DROPS YOU AND YOU GO..REALLY REALLY FAST!!! omg my stomache was in my head @_o i didnt care for that one..but it was an expierence, anyways it was alot of fun, lol i dunt think my stomache could of twisted much more from all those rides it was in my feet and in my head XP im glad i didnt get sick ^^ ok soo that has been my last two days :P i got school tomarrow woo go me so yea L8tor!!
 Your a passionate kisser your kisses mean alot to you, you like to make the most of your kisses you draw your partner into you and leave them with a unforgetable kiss and love!
What type of kisser are you?(pics)[[for guys and girls]] brought to you by Quizilla
 Your first kiss will be very romantic. Hope this picture will be good enough to symbolize that. You really just want to love and to be loved in return.
What will your first kiss look like? (beautiful pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are My Chemical Romance I really like your taste in music! Personally, I think they are one of the best bands out now. Even though they are going more mainstream (unfortinatly), they still know how to keep the good stuff flowing. This Jersey band is definatly for you.
What Rock Band Are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 The gentleman! You love the type of guy who treats you like a princess.. buying you roses, boxes of chocolate, putting you above all else!
What kind of guy would be your perfect partner?? (pictures in results!) brought to you by Quizilla
 Sakura: You're Sakura. You spend alot of your time fawning over the person you like most. But you're also an intelligent person, who can really come through when needed.
.:What character from Naruto are you?:. (20 results with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
ok so today was decent, i got to see josh in the morning ^^ i was messing around with him..but he ended up taking me seriously :P oh blah, well anyways today went kinda slow, more so than usual, in science i got in trouble cause this boy who sits next to me kept talking to me and farting -_-* some guys are real asses, anyways not alot happened, art club starts next wendsday yay ^^ i cant wait, i also cant wait for homecoming! hehe ok i have to go eat dinner, l8tor!
luv yah joshie ^~
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
ahhh boredom...
ok so im sitting here bored out of my mind..today kinda sucked, im not gannna get into it, but yea tomarrow is another day..acually..o.o tomarrow is the 8th..josh if u forget what tomarrow is im ganna kick ur butt XP lol Just playin, ill remind ya tomarrow ^^ anywho, homecoming is coming up..and im excited..but i dunt know how to dance..and i gatta find a dress, blah, i dunt look good in dresses :( yea..but w.e, ill be with josh so ^^ ill defintly have a great time hehe, ok so a question for the grls who read this thing!!! i just need some ideas for a romantic day :) Pm them to me ok, thanx a bunch..ok and thats all for now L8tor!!
I luv you josh ^^
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
ok so today kinda sucked, i stayed home from school cause im still sick :( i hate being sick, cause when i get sick i get really sick, im feeling alittle better though, so hopefully ill be in school tomarrow, sooo i got to watch my inuyasha movie today (i taped it)..i get a little bit half way threw..and another show comes on O_o my brother taped over the end!!! i am so mad!!!!!! XP im ganna have to wait untill it comes back on tv to watch it..which who knows when it will be on again, RAWR!! i hate people..i think the only good thing that happened today as i had an excuse to wear my kimono robe around the house :P so yea, thats all for now! bye
My soul it screams for you
can you not here it
my arms reach out for you
why cant you take them
my heart burns only for you
can you extinguish it
i love only to be loved by you
why cant you love me too
i long only to be held and care for
why cant it be
am i to die alone and bitter
what the hell is wrong with me
my face is blackened and my eyes are sewn shut
with fear and sorrow
i no longer wish to love anything
just cut the heart right out of me
sometimes i choke on all the false love
that infects me
sometimes everything is not enough to cure
the sickness inside of me
i did it all cried black tears for you
why cant you see see
like a vampire biting my heart
suck the love right out of me
dont even care as my blood stains the floor
cannot be cleaned
you cut me out and tore me through
six feet unders the place for me
i feel it all as it sickens me
it feels like im dying inside
because of the love i gave that cant be returned
my longing for instability is a personality flaw
i trust you with respect
and you tear me down
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Monday, September 5, 2005
HAPPY LABOR DAY!!!!!!!! YAY!!! LOL ok thats all Rox on everyone :P
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
shoujo of the month..
Well ive have decided on one of my personal favorites..revolutionary girl utena!! yay ^^

Okay so this is what utena is about..Just after Utena's parents died she was consoled by a prince who gave her a ring with a rose crest on it. Utena was so impressed by the Prince that she vowed to become one herself one day. A few years later Utena is attending Ohtori Academy where she gives all the teachers headaches because she dresses in a boys uniform so she can be like the prince she met long ago. After Utena's friend is insulted by a member of the Student Council, Utena fights in a duel for her friends honor. Utena's rose crest allows her to enter the dueling arena where Utena wins the duel and becomes engaged to the Rose Bride. Unknowingly, Utena is pulled into a series of duels with other members of the Student Council for the possession of the Rose Bride. As she becomes fond of Anthy, the Rose Bride, she must fight to keep her friend safe and to discover the horrifying secret behind Ohtori Academy.
^^ it is an awsome anime!!
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