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Sunday, September 11, 2005
totally awsome 2 days!!
Ok so yesterday and today were amazing! ^^ yesterday i went shopping with my grandma for a homecoming dress, we didnt find one, but its fun to go out and shop with her ^^ so after being out for like 5 hours i called josh to see if he wanted to hang out, so i got to see him, we had a really awsome time, it was really cool out and just a really beautyful evening ^^ so after all of that i went home and watched NARUTO!!!! which totally kicked ass!!!!!!!! lol omg it was awsome, naruto is soo cute ^^ lol i love his sexy jutso thing, thats so funny hahaha! ok so that was yesterday, today we went to kennywood for my dads b-day, it was my first time going, we had a great time!! i went on all the roller coasters, my favorite was the phantoms revenge! i also went on this pit falls which is like over 100 feet high o.o you go all the way can see EVERYTHING!! all of pittsburgh or w.e city that was and all of the amusment park..and than DOWN U GOOOO, ITS DROPS YOU AND YOU GO..REALLY REALLY FAST!!! omg my stomache was in my head @_o i didnt care for that one..but it was an expierence, anyways it was alot of fun, lol i dunt think my stomache could of twisted much more from all those rides it was in my feet and in my head XP im glad i didnt get sick ^^ ok soo that has been my last two days :P i got school tomarrow woo go me so yea L8tor!!
 Your a passionate kisser your kisses mean alot to you, you like to make the most of your kisses you draw your partner into you and leave them with a unforgetable kiss and love!
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 Your first kiss will be very romantic. Hope this picture will be good enough to symbolize that. You really just want to love and to be loved in return.
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 You are My Chemical Romance I really like your taste in music! Personally, I think they are one of the best bands out now. Even though they are going more mainstream (unfortinatly), they still know how to keep the good stuff flowing. This Jersey band is definatly for you.
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 Sakura: You're Sakura. You spend alot of your time fawning over the person you like most. But you're also an intelligent person, who can really come through when needed.
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