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myOtaku.com: kisha 02

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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msyugioh123 (12/12/04)

hey there nice site

deadman59 (12/11/04)

Gratutitusly enjoyed your site and your avatar. best of wishes on your poetic literary advents

bebopinutrigun188 (12/10/04)

your sites a little bright, but i like bright! thanx for coming to my site and signing my gbook! i like your site too! the colors go well together. the only thing is that u cant really read your sidebar info because the letters are so bright! rather than that, i like your site bunches! c ya laters!

Sakuma-Ryuichi (12/10/04)

Bright site...more than the other sites I visit...but cool nonetheless.

Faroe (11/23/04)

So your one of Kikii's friends. Thanks for comming to her site! I'm her sister. Hehehe... I never heard of your favorite anime before.
I'll add you as a friend.

P.S. If you need any help you can alawys come to me, even if you just want to talk, I am here.

kikii (11/23/04)

Hi there!! Thanks for signing my guest book. I'll add you as a friend, and we'll keep in touch!! I'll see you later!

f7chick (11/23/04)

wheeeee! hey kisha! i like your site! and your avatar! *thinks, 'i wonder who got that for her..?* well, make sure you come and sign my G.B bubs! love ya,
caio! xxx

hieikillua (11/23/04)

hello there. im so happy since i'll be the first one to sign your gb. i'll add you as a friend ok. faye valentine is so beautisul. take care

ps. find time to visit mine too ok and dont forget to sign my gb

hieikillua ^_^x

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