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• kisho_chan
• 1987-10-29
• Texas
Member Since
• 2003-08-30
• Chocobo master of doom
Real Name
• Pamela
Anime Fan Since
• No clue
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• I don't know there's too many!!!!!!!
• to be a Tae Kwon Do master
• Tae Kwon Do
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
What's up ^_^ looks like there are others living as well, *laughs*
I've been keeping myself entertained lately, doing semi-decently, for some reason tae kwon do is starting to bore me lately...its odd, until recently, tae kwon do was my life *sighs*
Today was the day of the art show, I got a few blue ribbons, as of right now I still have yet to get the best in show *growls* That's been my goal for awhile, and the same girl ALWAYS beats me *super glare* It's mostly sculptures though, and I can't post that digital camera would completely ruin the image.
Well, bye for now, I'm off to check up on everyone else's sites ^_^
*leaves pile of art supplies and partially chewed on ribbons*
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Saturday, May 6, 2006
Last week my school had its AP (not sure if any of you know what that it...) testing... I just wanted to pop in and kinda rant about it...
Monday: NOTHING (woohoo)
Tuesday: Class trip to a Renaissance thing (freaking sweat) They had some pretty neat stuff there, but alas I am poor
Wednesday: Calculus AP exam (completely fried my brain, for about four hours I couldn't even speak coherently)
Thursday: English Lit AP (nothing but poetry, I couldn't even focus, all I could think of was calculus equations)
Friday: Art AP (the teacher lost the slides, everything was mayhem)
I don't think I've ever been more tests, making a three out of five or better on these means that I don't have to pay about $500 for these classes in college.....
I can't wait to see what kind of grade I get on the art one, I chose sculpting which is a big part of why I don't have any submitted images, our digital camera just does not do the pictures justice........
*leaves pile of special treats to the presumably only one person who will even read this*
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Bah! Just checking up again, especially since I've been having a bad day.... I invited a bunch of my friends to a special Hapkido class, and some of them told me a week ago that they would come... ALL of them came by today and told me that now NONE of them can go... am I being selfish in holding a grudge? Now I don't even really want to go anymore....'s all one big headache...
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Saturday, April 15, 2006
Again, I have nothing of importance to talk about, for I am a creature of no importance O_O *gloom*
Uh....Thursday I sparred, and as of right now I cannot feel my right foot, that's my example of how hard I kicked someone in the face last class.... I kicked him in the side of the head, and now MY foot is starting to get all bruised up... WHAT is with THAT?!?!?! Blasted foot...should just remove the danged thing.... speaking of useless limbs... *gazes at left arm*
That's just odd though...I wonder what his face looks like...I wasn't really trying to kick his face, btw, I faked high, and went low, and he ducked into it.... O_o
Always and forever the chocobo master!
*leaves box of explodo easter candy* Sounds tasty... ^_^
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
..................................*suspicious face*
Hello again guys, just kinda popping in to prove that I am not dead....Wee-hoo! Oh, I just recently got into the Saiyuki manga, though I don't have the money to get fully into it right now.... and recently also the Naruto from Cartoon Network, though it is a little odd.....
Did I ever tell you guys that I have my second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do (can't test for third until April of next long....) And I got first degree black belt in Hapkido (woot, got it last December ^_^ ) Umm...and I have been attempting some hard studying of the escrima sticks.... *pain*
Uhhhhh...............I'll speak again when I come up with a decent topic....oh yeah, and semi-soonish (once the scanner gets hooked up) I'll be submitting some art....
---always and forever the chocobo master!
*leaves mysterious looking box of candy for those who leaves posts* Nyahahaha
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
I just went through and deleted some of my worse pictures (any that I didn't like but had high percentages I still kept....) I did delete quite a few though...blech....
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Wow......I'm finally's been how long?!?! I doubt if anyone even still has me added.... It's been forever.... I apologize to all who used to know me, I've missed talking to you guys *cries*
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005 least temporarily
Hello! Not much for an intro, but I'm least temporarily so.... Actually, I probably still won't be on much, I just kinda missed this site and the fun I used to have on it and talking with you guys *sigh*
I have drawn more than a few acceptable pictures, however I don't think I'll be able to post them........well, bye for now, I may or may not be able to talk again for some time.........
----Always and forever the chocobo master ^_^
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Friday, January 7, 2005
I am busy again, I can't see right now, so there may be a few spelling misttakes, I lost my contacts and broke my glassis, luckily, I'm a fairly good typist-person..... Uh anyways, I'll try to at least get to the sites of the frientds who visited my site, but I can't until at least Sunday, or possibly on uh....Fryiday. My teacher gave me a group project to work on this weekend. We have to make a 40 minute presentation on Michael Shaara (sp?( book, Killer Angels, needless to say, I have to read it by then too *I'm lazy and haven't started it yet. Also, I've been working on an interesting picture, for Devil Girl's competition thingy.... I think it'sll come out nicely. I may also get to finally send in a few of the pictures I've worked on since the last submission of mine... Including my Halloween pic, but I don't know if I'll submit that one, it IS a bit late........... Uh.....Talk to ya later! *cries ovet probject*
*leaves chocolate-covered, chocobo-shaped donoughts for ALL*
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
Hey guys
Hiyah, sorry I haven't been around, school has been hectic, and I was even given 2 projects over Christmas break!! So unfair... I probably still won't be updating much, sorry about that *cries* It's so unfair... Tae Kwon Do is taking alot out of my schedule as well, but I'll be sure to at least attempt to update every once in awhile, my grades were fairly low last semester, so I've gotta play catch up.....and that will reduce my chances even more.....but I will try, see ya whenever ^_^V
*Rides off on chocobo, and leaves Christmas presents and stockings full of chocolate bars*
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