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Sunday, August 22, 2004
So sleepy...
Uh....I've got alot of catching up to do.....uh...it doesn't really matter........I had a couple of essays to write, and some notes I was forced to write as homework, loser teachers..... I was told I had to write 2 pages of notes, so I wrote one page, front and back, but they claimed that they meant TWO pages front and back, so now my average for history class is a 50, and my test score won't be much better....*sigh* I think I'll drop out of my history class....
Now I've got two more essays to write this weekend, as well as a few other things....so boring, and so pointless... I don't even want to go to a big college...
Last night I was so tired that I fell asleep with the light on, it was weird...I'm kind of an insomniac so I usually can't go to sleep at all most nights.... It was strange.....
OK, I've got two quizzes today ^_^
 You're Chibi Kaiba!!!
Which Yu-Gi-Oh chibi are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Cute....I like it ^_^
Here's the next one:
 You're Squall. Quiet, somber, and lonely, people around you may wonder if you've just lost a loved one.
Which Final Fantasy VIII character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
It kinda reminds me of myself....
All right, that's enough for now....oh, you'll be semi-happy to know that I'm attempting to work on a chocobo drawing, but like most of my work, I probably won't post it.....
*leaves a big box of happiness and teacher-destroying weapons for all* ^_^V
*whistles innocently*
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
I'm sorry for not checking up yesterday (mainly because I left no reason) but I was not able to go on the computer yesterday, and I can't check your sites today either. I read all your nice comments yesterday, it makes me so happy to know that no matter what (almost) I will have friends here...I can't check today, and I couldn't yesterday because of all the homework, I've got even more essay-type things to do, so I've got to go now.
If I don't get to you guys by Thursday, I'll most definitely be on Friday (don't give up on me yet)
BYE (hoping things get better)
*leaves my box of homework on the floor along with a barrel of chocolate flavored pinecones*
Crud...all that work for nothing *runs back to get homework*
Sorry for the shortness! I hope you guys understand!
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
I hate my life
Well today pretty much sucked....
I didn't get to bed 'till about four last night, and I had to wake up early for school (7 remember)
I was so depressed today....I feel I would rather die a painful death...I feel I'd rather kill myself, and I probably would, but I am a rational person, and I 'know' things should get better...not necessarily anytime soon, but things won't always be bad.....
Here's some info. I will tell you (I'm not saying any of the really bad stuff) I have a total of three tests scheduled for Wednesday, then I've got an essay to write and six chapters of a book to read.....all this on the first day of school.....why must they torture me so, and the worst part is that I KNOW it will get worse, school is supposed to be easy in the beginning, and if THIS is what they call easy.........
I just wanna fall asleep and never wake up, school brings nothing good for me, and life in general is just as bad....I want to know why I should continue....but I'm hoping things will improve...if not school....SOMETHING.... *sigh*
I've got to go to bed now and prepare for my classes for tomorrow (my classes alternate as in 'blue day' and 'gold day' )
I'll leave you with a quiz I got from Hinaru's site....I think some of those questions were supposed to be only for guys O.O Bleh...just pretend they are talking about a boy...
 You are Remus Lupin,the kind werewolf and possibly the sweetest person in the world^^ You like to read and love hanging around with your best friends
Which of the marauders are you? brought to you by Quizilla
There ya go......
*leaves a large box of sadness*
Sorry guys that's all I've got to offer right now.....
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Monday, August 16, 2004
Today was alright...I went to see the Yu-Gi-Oh movie....it was good...the end wasn't that great, but all in all I liked it, and I got a good card.....
But now for the real news...tomorrow (Monday) I have to begin school again, thusly I may not get to check everything.... I'll be getting little enough sleep as it is since school starts at about 7:30 (not positive of the exact time) My life is over, this is like my 'last day' *cries* The horror they call school, the realm of tortures upon tortures..... My life will pretty much come to a standstill until next summer...only two more years to go........WHY DOES THAT SEEM LIKE SO MUCH!?!?! (I still haven't finished the process of fixing my friends book...it may take awhile still) I have no more time...I've gotta go to bed sometime soon...............
Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I got Riku again.....
By the way, I've got music on my site, it's not the song I wanted, but I can't figure out how to add that...it's chocobo music, listen and enjoy ^_^
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
Hmmm.....I almost always seem to have a sleepy face here....
OK, seeing as I didn't REALLY post for yesterday.....it was too short to count I'll have to do a little catching up.....nah...you all don't care to here that....I spent most of yesterday getting yelled at by my dad, and the rest waiting at Wal-Mart to get the tires of my car replaced....
Watching my sister was quite annoying, I couldn't have my computer on while she was around...to distracting, and I KNOW I would have been tattled on if I had disobeyed.....she ended up staying awake 'till 3:00 AM and keeping me up with her *sigh* It was rather boring too.....so I guess there's nothing else to talk about......
Oh...before I forget, does anyone know how to add a song to your site, I've got a few songs saved onto my computer, but I don't know what kind of code format it need to be in, plus I've got no idea what I'm doing....
Here's the quiz:
 Which Kingdom Hearts character are you?
I always seem to get Riku......
I shouldn't give people anymore mushrooms *watches chex still dancing like an idiot from the last time* ^_^V
How about this *leaves giant pile of chocolate sundaes....and a barrel of chocolate goo*
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Saturday, August 14, 2004
Sorry everyone, I can't post today first off I've got to watch my sister tonight so I can't be up too late *sigh* And I can't check your sites yet, I will try to do that as soon as possible tomorrow and I will try to add another post, see ya!
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Friday, August 13, 2004
Must......not.....fall......asleep.....must finish......post
OK, now I've got to add a post especially since I missed yesterday.....sorry everyone..... I didn't even turn my computer on....AGAIN....*sigh* Yesterday nothing much happened, but today I was forced to drive to Wal-Mart and get an estimate on tires... I HATE, loathe, and despise driving *glares at car* Then after that I had to drive to TKD....oh...I found out that it's alot easier to drive if you do so without shoes (barefoot) Don't know why.... In TKD today we did a whole bunch of punching excercises...it was kinda fun ^_^ Uh....I didn't get dinner today....I did however get a banana and mayo sandwich ^_^V
Uh.....that's it...I have been working on a drawing (actually 3 at once) I don't think they'll turn out very well, so I doubt I'll post them....
Here's the quiz
 Bad Guy
What is your anime occupation? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Not very good sounding, but compared to the rest, this is the most accurate....
Oh, and to tell you, tomorrow night I will be deleting everyone from my friends list that hasn't updated in a week if they do so anytime in the future I will add them and I will try to this weekly (thanks again to VileFantom for the advice)
*leaves bowl of candy coated mushrooms* MUSHROOMS?!?!?! That's the best you could come up with?!?! *attacking self*
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Nope....no emotion for today *YAWN*
Uh....where to begin.......
I went to bed at three last night ^_^ And I'll probably end up going to bed just as late again....bleh. The only bad part about that is waking up early... Today I had to go all the way to Fort Hood (a 30 minute drive) to the hospital area to talk to my 'doctor' Uh....uselessness... You know what kinda doctor.....
Uh....then I went home...YAY! I can't actually remember most of what I did today but I got to eat unhealthy food ^_^ (I usually try not to because I try to stay in at least semi-good TKD condition) I had ICE CREAM!!! ^_^
Err....now I've got a new quiz...
I'm SURE you're all looking forward to it *rolls eyes*
I'm not sure what the pic's supposed to be of.........but oh well........
*leaves bowls of strawberry icecream for all and exploding icecream for all the rude people who didn't read this or don't comment* *evil smile*
So long *rides off into sunset on chocobo*
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Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Uh....I'd like to apologize for not updating or commenting on anything yesterday...I didn't even turn on the computer.....*sigh*
Uh...I can't really think of much the say....I guess this post will be kinda small....and I don't have a quiz either... I went to sparring today ^_______^
*giant smile*
It was lotsa fun! I also got to drive my car for the first time alone....it was alright.....better than being with someone ^_^ Uh............................
Can't think of anything interesting (most of what I've been doing is reading my book with breaks in between)
Oh yea....and before I forget, I'm supposed to tell you all to go visit midgetswords. My sisters own that site together, and I promised that I would promote their site on today's post in exchange for doing some of my chores ^____^ *giant smile AGAIN* Uh....so here it is, don't forget to stop by midgetswords's site
BYE (goodnight for me) It's 2:30
*leaves assortment of candy including my favorite Nerds Rope from shinimegami* (hope I spelled it right....)
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
Don't ask about the freakish quote....it just pooped...O.O... Did I just type THAT!?!?! *cough cough* It POPPED into my head while trying to think of a stupid title.....
Uh...ANYWAYS *shifty eyes* onward to the topic......Today I had to go.........clothes shopping
BLEH! I had to go with my mom AND my sisters *cries* So boring....I even had to look at all the food stands (we were at the mall) I bought a book with the money I had...bleh, I'm poor now...The book was called Extinction as part of the Forgotten Realms series...if I'm not mistaken... It will be the first book I've read this summer ^_^ Stupid expensive book...I had to buy it, I've read the first three in the series...it had better be good......
By the way, I should be entering a karate tournament sometime soon....not sure of the exact date or any details...those karate losers will.....uh...lose ^_^
Here's my quiz....I have one of these almost everyday, so I guess you're looking forward to it now ^_^
 You're an untouchable. People like you make people like me sad. You're gorgeous, inside and out, but you're just a bit chilly and don't take well to being touched. I'll get you someday! ^_^
How Glompable Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
VERY accurate.......
Oh...and by the way, if anyone wants to know I pretty much forgot about fixing my friends list, I think I'm gonna follow VileFantom's advice which is to delete everyone who doesn't comment withing two weeks.....if they comment later, I'll add them again...is that ok with everyone? I'll start tomorrow...I think.... *sigh* I'm too lazy.....
*leaves giant candy replicas of all my friends*
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