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Chocobo master of doom
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to be a Tae Kwon Do master
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
Why do I have to put a stupid title......
Uh....I think I'm going back to the first chocobos for a while.....then maybe I'll get something from Zelda....
As for the grandoise *eye roll*
events of went boating...I found out that I am quite good at using the skibob..... (uh....can't really describe it very's kinda like a balloon jet ski.....not really) Anyways, I can stand up and use one hand to hold on just fine....(the rope is attached to the balloon-thing....I hold on to handles attached to the balloon-thing) I can't do it with no hands...heh heh.....I got knocked off ^_^V (that was brilliant)
Uh........I'm giving you guys a warning, tomorrow I will be sending everyone on my friends list a message, and those that respond to it will remain on my friends list... (I have too many people to check on, and alot of them haven't updated in awhile) I'll be sending this to everyone...I know I don't NEED to give it to everyone, I've got quite alot of friends now *gives everyone reading this a big hug* But I've got....I think 90 or so people on my friends list.... Do you wanna hear my stats ^_^ *listens as everyone says NO* OK, here they are *ignoring protesting readers*
Visits: 673 (right now)
Popularity rank: 389
Guestbook: 99 (still gotta check out 2 of them...)
Private messages: None right now, just finished checking my only one for today ^_^
OK, now that I've bored you all to tears, I've gotta pick one of the three quizzes I've taken today.......Here ya go ^_^
 congratulations you Sephiroth the dark knight of Final Fatasy7, your feared though out the would, while welding your Massive sword no can stand in your way.
<(^0^)>What Final Fantasy Chibe are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Don't know why I chose to post this one over the others.....Oh well....I'll post the next one tomorrow night ^_^V
*leaves chocobo plushies for all*
Comments (16) |
Friday, August 6, 2004
First off, I'll start with a question about my background....
Did you like the other chocobos better, or do you prefer the new ones.....I personally think that these new ones are kind of blinding to the eyes......or do you think that I should put up a non-chocobo background, or at least a non-moving one.....well, you guys decide.......
Onwards towards the news my evil chocobo *cough cough* Today I got my drivers license.....bleh, now I've got twice the stress.....but at least I can drive myself places... I don't think my pic turned out good, and my signature was so bad the first time, they had me redo it.....heh heh heh..........
Here's a quiz that I got on Hinaru's site, visit him sometime ^_^
 You have angst because you are lonely. You need to learn to open up and let others in.
Why kind of Anime Angst lies in You? brought to you by Quizilla
That was fairly accurate.......
See ya around
*leaves a barrel of meltly chocolate* Drink up! Be sure to leave greens for the chocobos, and they might give you some tastey donuts
Comments (17) |
Thursday, August 5, 2004
*twitch twitch*
Today the most horrible of horrible things happened *cries* I had to get my picture taken for the first time in about 2 years *sadness* I was going to what I thought was a normal Tae Kwon Do class, but in reality they were doing something and wanted to take peoples mom was with me for some unknown reason....I think she knew about the pictures the whole time....grrrrrrr......... I had to do some TKD type poses *glares at photographer* At least it didn't take too long, I haven't gotten the pics yet, but when I do (depending on how they turn out) I might finally get to send chex a pic of me ^_^
Uh....that's all to say for I'll leave you with a parting quiz,
 Darkness- You are the strong, silent type, and would kick anyones ass if they were hurting your friends. You can also be pretty stubborn.
What Element Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Erm.....One more
Cerberus is the three headed dog that guards the gates of Hell. You are very agressive but only towards people who deserve it. You also seem to be able to sense when a person is lying. People stay away from you-afraid of your judgemental eye- but that doesnt bother you. You are self dependent.
What Mythological Creature Are You (Many Results and Beautiful Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
This one is fairly accurate *sigh*
And now.......
I think I've finally found a fairly good color combination ^_^
*leaves a giant chocolate statue of a pinecone*
BYE!! (too many times do I say that) ^_^V
Comments (13) |
Wednesday, August 4, 2004
I apologize to all the people who's sites I didn't get to visit last night, I'm too tired right now, and I've gotta go to bed, I'll try to update sometime tomorrow as well as check out everybody's sites, but it's not guaranteed...
Oh, and by the way I added a new friend, dent2, you can find dent2 in my friends list
BYE (for tonight)
Comments (11) |
Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Help please ^_^
Uh...I've got the hang of how to change the colors on the site now....BUT, it looks kinda messed up, I can't find a set of colors that looks nice *sadness* Can anyone help me decide? Oh, and if you haven't checked today's post, please do so, thanks....
Comments (6) |
Hooray....I'm actually on in the morning......(normally I don't get on 'till about 10 at night) OK, and now the moment you've all been waiting, not really... Oh....and before I begin.... I made a mistake yesterday, I said I was a sophmore going into 11th grade...that was a typo...I'm just used to saying that I'm a sophmore but I'm gonna be a junior in high school...sorry for the, I don't think that was a word......
Now for the new of the day that is today....actually, I'm gonna tell you about yesterday....nothing's really happened today
Here goes, let's go....yesterday pretty much all I did was go in the boat, again...we didn't really have alot of problems, BUT I did almost get up on the waterskiis, it was my first time trying to ski. I did get up, I just couldn't stay up.......*sigh* I guess I'll have to try again next time..........Uh, I didn't get ta go to sparring though.......
*sadness* T.T
Uh.....can't.......think.... uh......I'll add a quiz later if I find a good one, but I haven't taken one today....after all, I just woke up at 11......
I fed the birds today (the babies) with a medicine thingy.....they only one of them liked it...that one was extremely piggish..he ate an entire one and a half thingies of disgusting baby bird food... that's all I've done so far....
*leaves banana sandwiches and cookies for the rude people who don't like my delicious banana sandwiches*
Comments (7) |
Monday, August 2, 2004
Uh.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........too sleepy, can't....go....on..... *YAWN* Uh...can't think of anything to say right now, and on account of the fact that I haven't taken any quizzes right now, there is none to post....imagine that.. heh heh....OK, to make that up to you all, I'll check my saved quizzes and post one, k......
........wait for it.....
wait for it.............

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz
There's one, that's kinda funny, I getta break stuff ^_^
Guess I'll add another one......
in just a moment
 From "Final Fantasy 7" What Video Game Villain Are You?
YAY! OK, now I'm happy.....don't forget to leave a comment while you're here ^_^ Uh....I think I'll change my sites colors sometime tomorrow, so be prepared...though I might get lazy and forget about it...heh... Tomorrow I have to register for school >.< Summer went by sooo fast, I can't believe it's already almost over, I've only got about a week left....I'm going to be starting 11th grade (a junior) two more years 'till graduation *mixed feelings there* Uh..... goodnight... zzzzzzzzzzzz.... actually, most of you won't read this 'till tomorrow, so uh...
Comments (10) |
Sunday, August 1, 2004
YAY!! Lots and lotsa people commented on my last was 7 or 8 last time I checked....if you haven't done so yet, please check it out ^_^
How do you like my marching chocobos....I figured I might as well do something with my site, I haven't figured out a good color combination yet, and I might not get around to it myself...any ideas? I also changed my introduction, some of you may have noticed.......
Uh, what I've done today.... I've checked up on alot of your sites, and I did pretty much nothing else...So, I'm gonna leave it at that ..........
Heh...can't really think of much...too many people update at midnight, I just barely finish visiting most of the sites, and THEN new ones appear for me to check, just telling ya' might miss some of my comments if you don't check the other ones the next day.....
*leaves chocolate marshmallow cookies and some delicious nutritious PINECONES*
Comments (12) |
Saturday, July 31, 2004
Uh......some quiz-like thingy...ENJOY!
OK, now you've probably seen this on quite a few sites, you only need to answer the ones that you can think of an answer for, I just wanna see how many people actually respond to this....also, my day was dull and rather uneventful... so, please fill this out for me, k? ^_^V
By the way, I got this from VileFantom's site, if you have time after this, go visit his site, he's a great friend ^_^
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I lovable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. What was your first impression?
5. Do you still think that way about me now?
6. What do you think my weakness is?
7. Do you think I'll get married? If so, to whom and when?
8. What makes me happy?
9. What makes me sad?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Do you think I could kill someone?
15. Describe me in one word.
16. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
17. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
18. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
Comments (8) |
Friday, July 30, 2004
Heh...a happiness day for all...and to start things off...A QUIZ!
 Fists! Martial Arts Babe! You don't need any weapon your body is a weapon anyway! And you know how to kick ass! Go you!
What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
Yup, fight with my fists...nothings better ^_^
Uh....for today, I had a peaceful day, I didn't have to do much thinking, and thusly I had not many problems. I went to Tae Kwon Do....I didn't learn any new techniques really...we practiced using Bo staffs...I think that's what they were called, and then learned a few defenses against a gun.....remember peoples, using a kick is not very good against a gun, and doing like they do in the movies definitely ain't good ^_~ Kicking in general isn't good for a gun, it is good against a knife...but if somebody has a gun, and sees your foot move....well, your present is a bullet in the face...or wherever...a kick takes too long......actually, that's all for this lesson ^_^ Explaining the actual techniques might take awhile...uh....RI-GHT....
I never mentioned what I did on my little vacation thing....I uh...didn't really get to do much, we did go to the zoo, and I did get to see my grandma spill a large soda all over her churchy dress ^_^V She wasn't strong enough to lift the cup...I know I probably shouldn't be laughing, but you shoulda seen her face..... we also saw a bird show...the crow took peoples money as donations for something, the way that bird took the woulda thought it was candy ^_^
OK, that's enough of that, now it's time to say good bye.....where's the present you ask...why you good for nothing buncha present mooching youngsters, why when I was your age...*laughing* sorry, I can't do it, I can't keep a straight face...actually, I think alot of you are slightly older than me...I'm 16....
*leaves a giant pile of purple smily face cookies*
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