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Thursday, July 29, 2004
Uh...sorry I didn't post yesterday *sigh* actually I've no clue as to why I did that......uh...maybe it was cuz I did.....can ya guess?
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! Well... uh, I'm sure something happened, but....uh......I can't remember what..heheh..... for today/Wednesday uh...I guess nothing of interest happened today either....I've been having a hard time recently, someone has made me think alot about my past lately, I mean nothing overly tragic occurred, but...well I just don't like thinking about it... *sigh* I've been WAY too depressed lately....uh... I'll leave you with this parting quiz now,
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
At least it's not as bad as it first seems ^_^
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Quizzes and.....a post ^_^
OK, to begin with, I'll start off with the quizes ^_^
Wait....I'm gonna destroy the pharoah....but Yugi's gonna help me...weird......
OK....I'm not sure WHY I'm posting this one, BUT.......
Ja ne! I'm so sleepy right now.... uh...... you say it's on... uh *cough cough* HI! We're here tonight with.....uh... ya know what, forget it, here's the post ^_^
I'll tell ya a little about my trip in a bit. But first, I *cries* couldn't spar today >.< I was all ready to go and almost ready when I found out that I can't wear my ankle brace AND the kicking thingy (foot protection so the kicks don't hurt the other person so much) And I need the brace because my foot's STILL not cured, and I can't spar unless I have ALL the equipment (especially me because I keep breaking things while sparring) So now I'm sad, and to make matters worse I find out my friend chex (some of you may know him) is going to Mexico for a week, and now I've got nobody to talk to...would any of you like to talk with me? I feel depressed now........
And here's another quiz before I continue:
 You represent... angst.
You have an extremely cynical outlook on just about everything. It's okay to sulk and be depressed, but life is short, and you only get one. It's only what you make it, and only you can make it improve.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
Actually, I'm in a bad mood now, I'll tell you about my trip later when I'm in a better mood, BYE!
*leaves a bundle of balloons*
(sorry for the strangely organized post)
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Monday, July 26, 2004
I'm back!
OK peoples, I'm back! I'm sorry but I can't check out your sites tonight >.< I can't stay on any longer, in the morning, I'll check out your sites and posts, k?
BYE (I'll be sure to post more tomorrow, and I'll check out your things)
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Friday, July 23, 2004
I have to add a post now... actually, yesterday/Wednesday, I didn't forget to post, I wrote a VERY long post, but unfortunately my computer messed up, and froze on me, it refused to work *sadness*
This post will contain none of the details of last time, but I will give you a small summary...
Yesterday, I had to help carpet a house, my dad wanted me to learn, though I've no clue as to WHY... That work was farely easy, but I messed it up toward the end and had to go home................I ended up pulling up the carpet and ruining all of the work right before we were almost finished... that's all I'm gonna say about yesterday.
Uh.....Early today, I had to talk to a stupid Shrink....uh, I'm not sure what they're REALLY called, and she told me that I've been seeing a psychiatrist since 1998, pretty long, huh...I think I was about 10 years old then....that's pretty much all she said, I wasted my time. Then, we took our remaining baby birds to the pet store, I'm gonna miss the little brats..... Then, I went to TKD and found out that I need 300 training hours before I can get my second dan black belt, and that I will be traing for up to third dan in Hap Ki Do.........
That's can go now.... WAIT!!!! I forgot, I'm not gonna be on the computer 'till about late Monday. I'm gonna be vistiting my grandma tommorow morning we will be driving there at about 9:30 *sigh* I won't be able to check anything on the computer, I probably won't even SEE a computer...sorry to all of you, and BYE!!!!
*leaves a giant box of candies that will last three days...unless there are pigs hanging around...* *looks suspiciously at my readers*
BYE, have a GOOD WEEKEND!!!!!
(sorry for the lack of a quiz)
OH, and before I forget, sorry to all who signed my gb in the past I think two days, I won't be getting to you until after I get back, and I can't get to most of your sites until then too, sorry and BYE!
On second thought, I DO have a quiz for you ^_^

Take the Kingdom Hearts personality quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria.
Thanks for reading this, and please comment below ^_^
Good bye
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
My post......
OK, as usual, I'm here to post..... but yet AGAIN there's nothing to say *sigh* And the worst part of all, is that today there is no quiz...I may update this post after I'm done reading all of your posts with a quiz (that made absolutely no sense)
AND NOW, seeing as you all hate it when I'm depressed, I guess I can talk about something......uh... I went to Tae Kwon Do today, nothing interesting happened, and I learned nothing new *sigh* BUT, next Monday I should be able to spar, then maybe I won't be depressed anymore *big fake smile*
OK, so now I'm off to read everyone's posts who updated yesterday, and those that have already updated...uh...TONIGHT!!
OK, I DID update it ^_^ OK, now BYE for real,
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
*sigh* Yesterday was yet another horrible stinky day with nothing worth posting here to talk about, my life really IS being wasted...does anyone here know something interesting that one can do if you are bored. And drawing's not really an option right now because I've already ruined more than three perfectly good drawings...along with my painting. Oh well, time to continue on my worthless life, for now...*sigh*
Oh, and before I leave you, I figured I'd post a quiz since that's what I do almost every post *sigh*
 You are a Silent Dreamer...
Some say your a freak, others say your very blunt, but the truth is your just misunderstood. You understand a lot more then you let on, but that doesn't stop you from letting them think what they want. Who cares? Your you, that's all thats importaint.
What kind of Dreamer are you? brought to you by Quizilla
This is one of the most accurate (for me anyways) quizes that I've ever taken......I got this off of somebody else's site, but right now, I can't remember who....
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll continue to go live my miserable existance by least I've still got banana sandwiches....YUM! (That was my lunch today)
BYE! (for those of you who are still listening, there is a present under your computer)
BYE!!! *watches as you find assorted presents, most are non-explosive*
BYE!!!! (haven't I said that already...)
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Monday, July 19, 2004
Blah blah
HAH! Another quiz! Read below the quiz for the report of my past two days
 I Hear A Whistle....Hiei's Theme song...lucky's such a good song...and any YYH otaku or Hiei addict woulod be proud to have this as their personal anime theme song. ^_*
What is your anime theme song? brought to you by Quizilla
Lots of work, and emptying of storage units, it took forever, but nothing interesting happened. I did have to help deliver an entertainment center and some other stuff. Blah blah, I don't feel like talking right now.
Today, yet again I did nothing of importance. I think my life is begining to go to waste...... *snores* I can't really think of anything more, so.....
Oh, thanks to all of my new friends, I hope we keep in touch!
*leaves a heaping plate of banana sandwiches for those who read this* I LOVE banana sandwiches *hearts in eyes* YUM!! Try it, take some bread, add mayonaise, then add banana. ^.^V
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Saturday, July 17, 2004
To begin.....I apologize
OK, peoples, I'm very VERY sorry for not updating.....and even more sorry for not checking up on your site, I actually don't have time at the moment (I've only got a few mins...) BUT, I will be sure to check them early tomorrow! I should be able to keep up now, unless I get overly busy, though next week (on the weekend) I will be gone........Oh yeah, and before I forget, sorry to the newbies who signed my gb, I should be getting back to them sometime tomorrow.
OK, now to update you on what I've been up to! ^.^V
First, I woke up and had to go to the psycho-doctor.....(my psychiatrist...) yes, I go to a me, it's not by choice...stupid parents. But I've been going since the fourth grade, so I'm used to it *sigh* I just recently got a new last three all quit or reassigned me to a new doctor....ANYWAYS, I'm sure none of you cares about that, it ended with me getting a higher prescription to my medication, and getting rediagnosed with Bypolar (or manic depressant) disease, whatever they wanna call it, but don't worry....I'M NORMAL!!!! ^.^
Then, after that, I had to straight to my last (hooray) *jumps for joy* day of working at the library! I had to serve ice cream to boring. I had to say, 'gummy bears or m&ms? ok, strawberry or chocolate.... BLAH BLAH BLAH!!' I felt like I was just gonna throw the stupid bowl of ice cream into some kids face.....I had to wait and do that from 2:00 until 5:00! I actually got to eat one bowl myself though, so after that, I was happy.....and hyper.....Then, about 30 mins after I got home I had to go to TKD......bleh....after that, I was too tired to check on TheOtaku...sorry guys >.<
Let's see, I went to a Anime club, only to find out that it was being held somewhere else (I didn't know where the place was, so I didn't go) Then, we went out on our boat....the water was extremely wavey for some reason, but at least we were probably the only ones there (a day or two earlier, two people died on the lake from a jet ski collision) We stayed out fairly long, and yet again, I was too tired to check up much on the site....sorry again...
I woke up fairly early, my stupid medicine is supposed to make me sleep late, but NO-OOO, I wake up early when taking an overdose for some reason. Then my only friend who ever even comes over to my house came over and stayed for awhile....I actually got a challenge for Smash Bros. Melee (I think there's a Super in there...) That's good at least, though fighting a Yoshi master is extremely annoying.....Stupid Yoshi......Then, later I had to go to Tae Kwon Do, and they tortured us so badly *sadness* I was wiped out by the time it was over....still am, my arm kept twitching...I think I was getting dehydrated...anyway, now I'm back home, typing this...and alas I have ta go......I have to watch my sister tonight....stupid good-for-nothing brat.....and I have to go to bed in about two mins...I'll be sure to check up on your sites tomorrow....later today for those of you reading this tomorrow....
And now, since I'm in a semi-good mood now ^_^ Uh...I've been banned from giving presents....I can't think of anything.... ummm... heh, heh....... too bad I'm brain dead and can't think of a way around this, and I'm wasting my time, so....see ya....*drops a big box of nothing on account of I can't leave presents*
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
I apologize for being unable to respond to anybody's posts from yesterday, and I was only able to get to a few yesterday, I apologize deeply. >.<
Forgive me, but I should be back later today....
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Monday, July 12, 2004 title
Hmm.....I don't really know about this one....I've never seen him in any shows....
Onigumo's heart, having separated itself from Naraku's body, grows a body and becomes a faceless youkai - faceless because Onigumo's face has been horribly burned. The youkai goes around killing people, and finally, having robbed the face of a monk called Musou, calls himself Musou too. Musou has the ability to regenerate his body swiftly. Unlike the other detachments, Musou isn't under Naraku's control.
Which one of Naraku's depatchments are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Ok, now for the useless information, but before I began, don't forget to check out my latest pic.....I know it's not good, but please tell me how I can improve ^_^
Now, to begin......I had an OMELOTTE today ^_^ Yay for the deliciousness of a tasty omelotte!!! Uh...then, I played gameboy for awhile.....Then, I caused my father to become angry with me......he took the boat out with my sister (ya know to supposedly make me jealous...he's immature...) So, we had to make our own dinner (my mom was angry too, and 'didn't FEEL like cooking) So, I had french toast for dinner......YAY FRENCH TOAST!!! And now......uh, I guess I'm just typing this *sigh*
BYE, I don't have anything else to say..........Hooray for shortness, eh? I bet you're all happy to be able to leave now, eh?
OK, I'm leaving now ^_^V
*leaves a box of chocolates for anyone who read this, those who didn't get the special box of exploding chocolates*
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