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Thursday, July 1, 2004
My boring as hell........'day'........if you want to call it that
OK, I said I would try to post more, so here it probably won't be as long as my usual posts are.....but, knowing me...well, it will probably still be long....
Hmmmm.......Today started out kinda bad...first, I woke up WAY late, so I couldn't go to my job *whistling innocently* But, I couldn't go to the Anime Club either.....(I didn't actually wake up THAT late....but, as soon as I woke up, since it was too late for me to go to my 'job', my dad wanted me to work for him) I had to quickly eat my cold mostly empty bowl of cereal (at least I didn't have to eat Raisen Bran today) First we had to attach our trailer to my dad's truck...Then we went to one of my dad's storage units...(place where you store....well....I would call it junk...don't know what my dad would call it) We have lots of storage units, my dad buys them all the time....but he takes forever to decide which store to sell what to...... Uh...this one is too expensive so we have to move it to a place called 'The Dungeon' (they call it that cuz there's no electricity...there's another reason, but I forget that one......) Uh...we load it up ok, no problem.....(my dad had us fill the thing so high, it went way over the top of the trailer....I'm not sure how tall it is...taller than me...and it's supposed to be about 20-something feet long) Next, we unloaded it, and I got to use the dolly (some tool that you load up boxes onto, tip it down, and push it into the explaining skills still need work....) Everything was fine until the very end when me and my dad had to carry an air conditioner (like you see in hotels...) into the got caught on my shirt, but the thing was to heavy to put down and pick back up, so my dad said "Don't worry..." Then, of course my shirt ripped *annoyed mark* and I had to look down, and I walked into the trailer and smashed my bad hand onto it...damn that hurt (I decided I'll just write the stupid word...) I thought I had broken it a fourth my dad had me put it down and told my mom to finish with him....(she's weaker than me, so my dad wanted me to help instead) I just got back home, the whole job took about five hours.....and I get nothing.....I don't really care though ^_^ Everything should be all right.............
I think this post was actually longer than my last's official.....I've got a huge mouth..........Thanks to Hinaru and VileFantom for commenting yesterday, you guys make me feel better ^_^V
BYE!!! (no excess after posting today) ^_^V
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Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Uh.................................An Excessively long post......
OK, I'd like to start off by apologizing to anybody that's updated recently that I haven't yet got to and I would especially like to apologize to the...uh....I think three or so people who signed my guest book that I haven't responded to *flinches and waits to be attacked* I should be getting around to that shortly...
As for any 'works of art' that I may have, none of them are really turning out to be what I wanted... *sigh* They are either currently occupying their time in my trash can....or they are unfinished... Don't worry though, (and if you don't care to begin with....blah to you) I should manage to get something soonish..... (can't stop using those dots....can I? You should see my story......)
OK, since these things are usually used to discuss things.......wait a moment.... oh well...I lost my train of thought.... I think I'm gonna try my hardest to post at least something EVERY day....though......don't expect too much of me (I don't even usually turn my computer on until about 10:00 and then, I can't be on the computer too long, because "It's TOO late....blah, blah, blah..." to quote whatever my parents say................I hope they never see this..... Er......*cough cough*
MY DAY <---Pretty title ^_^V
Umm....I woke up (obviously) Then, I had to go to the library....They were doing something for the Fourth of July where the kids made 'George Washington' hats, kazoos out of toilet paper rolls, and 'newspaper poppers' (ya know where ya snap the newspaper and it makes a real loud sound) Anyways...nobody wanted my help ^_^V So, I just watched and tried my hardest to control my temper...Then, they paraded around the library making lots of noise *heavy sigh* After the kids left, THEN they wanted my help....I had to put up all of the chairs and tables...annoying really....I mean, they're just gonna take them back out tomorrow... Then, I got to drive home (I HATE driving, I mean it's pointless anyways, my mom won't let me drive anywhere unless she's in the car, then she drives it back home, comes and picks me up, and I have to drive BACK home) She COULD just do it herself....Oh well.....My parents then left somewhere to go eat......and, I am ^_^V Aren't you HAPPY (Actually, I bet you're just wishing this was over, huh ^_^ well, almost)
Ummm......anyways, I'll try and keep in touch more often (so you won't have to read such LONG posts) *dodging all of the things people are throwing at me and ignoring those telling me to get off my imaginary stage* Uh....I'll start checking all of your posts now.........BYE
*leaves all of my candy behind while running away from the angry mob*
See ya ^_^V
(da#@ long post, eh?) Can anybody tell me if I'm aloud to write that word or not, because sometimes I sure would love to use it ^_^
BYE for real this time (at least I've stopped typing BUY, now......)
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
......boring news...
OK...first off...some might have wondered how my demonstration went... (anyone ever notice just how often I use those dots...) went ok. That's details for you ^_^V I don't feel like explaining because nothing interesting happened........
Anyways for something recently...yesterday we took our boat out again. (it was fixed) Everything was going fine...but then the rope used to pull the ski-thing broke (wow, I'm great at explaining, hahaha) So, we were heading back to shore to go home...when......da da dum...
......we hit some constantino wire (a type of military wire...I'm not sure if I spelled it right though) it got tangled in the....(whatever the thing that makes it go is called...motor maybe?) My dad tried to use wire cutters to break it, but they were too rusty and they broke...then he had to use the pliers (sp?) It's a good thing that he's strong otherwise...well....I don't know what we would have had to do.....
Well......I've talked long enough....I'm going to start checking up on everything I missed, but I won't get to most of it until late tomorrow...I can't check many tonight because I've got to get off soon.......... ANYWAYS...........
(Nobody better have fallen asleep, or I'll REALLY cause some trouble! Does anyone know where the last parts from? Which reminds me.....more news...I just watched Pet was a pretty good movie, though it could have used more I'm really boring you....huh?
^_^V So....I've gone on long
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Still don't have much time
I don't have much time, so this probably won't be very long.
Uh.....sorry I haven't updated much lately, I've been working...and just plain busy....I've managed to keep up with other people's comments for the most part, but mine has been lacking. I've got to get busy with my art soon too....I haven't done anything in a while.....and I'm still trying to figure out how exactly I'm gonna finish my painting *sigh* Plus, I've started another drawing (I probably won't post it)
I've got a demonstration tomorrow with the Tae Kwon Do, so I might update after that.......
but then again, I might not....
BYE (for now)
I have to get off the computer now...
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.
That's pretty much true, but, hey, it's not all THAT bad...My life sucks.........
Oh, as for today, so far, nothings happened yet...
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Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Random assortment of dullness
Sorry to all my fans out there!! *bows but falls to the ground* (like I've got friends) ^_^V
Ok, sorry I haven't updated in awhile...I've been busy
Tae Kwon Do is getting back to normal...mostly (I have to wear the brace to TKD)
My library thing sucks more than ever....(no need to explain that...)
Oh, one bit of new information....
we got a boat recently...we tested it out ourselves (it was supposedly too expensive to pay to have it tested) and guess what...
you probably guessed it...
The boat was NOT in good condition...the radiator hose (I think that's what it was controls the coolant...something like that...)
Anyways, it 'popped', exploded... broke, and I got hit with the fluid...(it was hot) I jumped up and was brushing off my arm after my initial "HOT" (lame, huh?) and everyone stared at me as I explained, then my dad quickly stopped the boat and opened the engine thing it was smoking...there was steam everywhere... my mom was on the skiis, and she fell, it was quite comical...until we had to wait for my dad to fix was almost an hour *sigh*
Later I found out that if nobody had noticed that the thing broke, our boat would have probably blown up.....kinda cool, huh? ^_^V
(good thing that didn't happen though)
BYE for now, I've talked long enough......
Oh yeah, thanks for all of the advice on my painting, I'm gonna try Ghost SJ's advice and paint on some other paper, compare, and choose which idea looks best. I think since most people think it would look good with a sunset background, that's most likely what it will be. ^_^
Bye for real this time *waves and runs off* (it's getting close to bed time)
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
It's POSTED ^_^
I've finally managed to get it posted, I reduced the pic to about 500 by about...I guess 700... I guess there's no need to comment on my last post...
My scanner ended up messing the pic up quite a bit *sadness*
And then I had to crop it most of the way....but, if you look at my pictures, it's there....
SOOOOOO, the main message of this post (I guess) is to go check out my pic, if you want to....and most importantly, help me decide on the sky color, PLEASE
NOT buy ^_^V
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Submission of art?
Has anybody else had problems submitting art?
I keep trying to submit my chocobo pic, but it continually tells me that it's too big...
Now don't think I'm stupid, I DID resize it to be less than 750 by 1000...but it STILL won't work, does anyone know anything that may help me?
There, I got it this time ^_^
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Wednesday, June 9, 2004
*blink blink* I wasn't REALLY trying for this.....
![]( How evil are you?
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<----- Happy me???
I got to go to tae kwon do today, (it's 12:30)
I wasn't able to do as well as I used to be able to do, but I'll get there ^_^
I was able to run faster than alot of the people, and I'm still able to do a Valentine kick. However, I have to wear my brace still, and my kicking form doesn't look quite right (while I'm wearing it, I can't turn my foot)
It was a pretty good day...there were a few new people too >.<
I didn't know any of them...I did know SOME of the people though ^_^
Oh yeah, I painted a pretty picture that I think I'll submit ^_^ Bet you can't guess what it's of.....
Here's a hint, I draw PLENTY of 'em ^_^V
Well, not many options there
Did ya guess?
....(getting tired of this yet?)
(it's coming)
Yup ^_^ I painted a chocobo pic, but I'll need to figure out what kind of background I want...Maybe I'll get you guys to help me decide ^_^
I think I'll probably post it tomorrow after 'work'
BUY......(spelled it wrong...)
......that was weird.....
SEE YA!!!!!!!
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