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• kisho_chan
• 1987-10-29
• Texas
Member Since
• 2003-08-30
• Chocobo master of doom
Real Name
• Pamela
Anime Fan Since
• No clue
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• I don't know there's too many!!!!!!!
• to be a Tae Kwon Do master
• Tae Kwon Do
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Thursday, May 20, 2004
Sorry to all who posted today, I didn't have time to read them...I will try to read everyone's posts tomorrow,k?
Today during Tae Kwon Do, I sprained my ankle, so I had to wait in the emergency room. I just got back about 10 mins ago (it's 12:42)
I have to use crutches at school tomorrow. This is f***ing crazy! Stupid tornado kick......
Bye ^_^
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Sadness and Happiness
I've only got about 8 more days of school left, one of the two weeks, however, is all for exams, 4 days of exams *cries*
Today is a painful day, I've got plenty of bruises from yesterday! Stupid Kevin kicks too hard, an instructor should know how to use control!!! Oh well, it's not like I care, I like the tougher matches, I get bored when I spar little kids. More people need to join my Tae Kwon Do!
Hope nobodys drooling on their keyboards from boredness now! ^_^
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Worrysome Tomorrow
I'm supposed to have a nice hard test tomorrow...
By the way, does anyone have a clue as to how to identify the rhythem of a poem?
*sigh* I am clueless...
Thought I might as well post something new before I go to bed...
ummm....what to say...
Well, guess I'll wait 'till tomorrow before I post any real info...
Bye for today ^_^
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Monday, May 17, 2004
hmmm...where to begin...I KNOW!!! The begining...
I went to sparring...I sparred...I left...
Ok...First off, I sparred one of the kids in the class (I'm supposed to learn CONTROL...) It was pretty easy, and I didn't hurt her ^_^
Then, Kevin,(in both TKD pics, he's the one I'm kicking...) sparred me... He's about 2 or 3 years older than me and about 1 and 1/2 feet taller *sigh* Let's just say I didn't do so well today...I only got a few points in...they were hard kicks though...but he won the match *sadness*. I wish he would wear his stupid gear, then I could kick him harder, especially if he would wear a helmet...
Next I sparred some kid, I forget their name and won easily.
For my last fight, it was me and Kevin versus all the little kids. (about 6, maybe 7) If one of us was hit on our target, we were out. Needless to say, the class ran out before we were out...HOORAY!!! Some of the students claim I kick too hard...oh well....
That's about it for my day, hope you didn't fall asleep...
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Age and other Info.
By the way, some people wondered how old I am...
For those who want to know I was born October 29, 1987
That makes me 16 right now
Also, for those who think this post is lame, I will be doing another post in about one or two hours...
For right now, I am going to my sparring class for Tae Kwon Do ^_^
Finally, I've missed it two weeks in a row previous to this week.
Bye, I've gotta go get ready ^_^V
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Saturday, May 15, 2004
Booth Watching
I just recently got back from going to watch my booth, I got back early because the booth wasn't doing so well... I forget how much money we raised for our scholarship, I didn't really pay much attention...
All I got to do was be one of those really annoying people who tries to call people over to the stalls...I annoyed myself. Then I got to collect some of the money. It was all in all a very dull time *sadness*
Bye, oh and while you're here, feel free to check out my site ^_^V
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Hooray! Our TKD (tae kwon do) school broke it's limit of 600 boards (that was all they brought)... I couldn't find the stupid place, and thusly I arrived late... I was only allowed to break 23 boards, actually, 26(I think) some were too hard for me. I couldn't break one with my head(I tried twice) and once, I kicked the holder in the hand (instead of the board...) A few times after I kicked the board, I went through it and still kicked the holder back a few steps..........I feel sorry for him... I will write more later today, after I finish watching my booth...I leave in one's 2:04 right now, so actually in 56 mins...I won't get back 'til 9:00...
Sorry if I've bored anyone, and I'm sure that I have....
Bye!!! ^_^
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Thursday, May 13, 2004
Don't know if I should be happy or sad
Hello all, I don't know if you all really care about my life, but I've got to blow off some steam.
Saturday, I get to go to a Break-a-thon, we break boards for one hour. Most of the Tae Kwon Do schools from at least the US are participating. That will be kind of fun ^__^ Unless of course I embarrass myself somehow...
After that, though... I have to watch a booth...there is going to be a "festival" here... I have to watch it from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM...lucky me... I can't even go to the carnival...
Oh well...can't change what's done...
Thanks for reading this...if you read it that is...if not, you suck...not really, I am rather dull to listen to...If you have time, check out my art-thingys and sign my gb, ok BYE ALL!!! ^__^
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Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Thanks ^_^
Now, I'd like to take the time to thank all those that gave me advice for Mother's Day, it was really helpful, and I think she may have been happy, normally I'm not exactly the greatest kid.....but I think she was happy
Bloody Dice- I thank you for your idea! I made my mom a nice card (I drew something up...) she liked it, unfortunately my acursed sisters copied me...oh well... thank-you, very muchly so, for the advice!!
lonewolf- sorry, didn't actually use your advice, the house is almost totally covered in junk (it would be impossible, literally, to clean in one day...)
oatz- well, it was a funny comment... not really advice, but I liked it...
VileFantom- I followed your advice too, ummm... it was really really good advice, but seeing as I'm not a normal child, my mom thought I wanted something.....(she's soo suspicious, I've NEVER asked her for something) Oh well... (she laughed at me...) I thank you for the advice though, it was good advice.
Nikorasu- I thank you as well, as I already mentioned, the card idea worked nicely
Thanks to ALL who commented!!! Bye bye-yos (good bye all) ^__^
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Sunday, May 9, 2004
Grr....I'm sooo bored!!!!!!! I can't think of anything to work on, I submitted a colored version of the chocobo that is being shown today, earlier (I just confused myself! ) I kind of like the background that I did, it was my first time doing any form of coloring what-so-ever with the computer ^__^ The rest was done in colored pencil...
Sooooo, anyways, with my babbling, I forgot that tomorrow (today, it's 12:29) will be Mother's Day! Can anyone give me advice on what to do for my mom?? I'm gonna make her french toast...I can't think of anything else to do...Please, ANYBODY, a little advice!!! Thanks ^_^
Well...that's it, bye bye-yos!! I'm long winded...
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