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Chocobo master of doom
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I don't know there's too many!!!!!!!
to be a Tae Kwon Do master
Tae Kwon Do
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Hey guys, just checking back
You know might not wanna be expecting me to post everyday, I will DEFINITELY post at least once a week, and I will try my hardest to at least look at a few of your previous posts!
About the music, I'll keep it for at least one more week, below are the lyrics, since some of you can't understand it, and some of you can't listen to it. It's kinda funny ^_^ Uh........I don't normally post lyrics, sorry. This should be the only one, here goes:
Final Fantasy is an RPG
The only one that I need
It's the RPG for me
Final Fantasy is all that I play
All other games are lame
It puts them all to shame
I only play games that are popular
I only buy the games the magazines tell me to buy
That way I know I get good games for sure
I may have a shallow mind
But you can kiss my behind
Final Fantasy; it consumes my life
And that is probably why
I'll never have a wife
Final Fantasy has awesome music
And that is probably why it
Always gets remixed
I always buy the soundtrack to each game
Oh it is the only thing that I will listen to
Oh sure one day it may drive me insane
You may think that I'm a fool
Well I'm here to say "Screw you!"
Final Fantasy on PlayStation 2
With music by Nobuo
And graphics by Wong Chu
It is Final Fantasy number ten
Must save the world again
Right here from my own den
Hopefully I'll get through the game just fine
I don't know why I continue to play each game
They'll be making these 'til the end of time
Oh I guess that I will pay
For these new games 'til Doomsday
Then, I guess it repeats...... heh, heh, heh......
OK, enough of that......dang, that kinda makes my post excessively long......
As for my life, quite frankly, it sucks..... I've got a 10 minute long project due Tuesday with a group *sigh* I gave the information to my group, but they insisted on doing their own the way, my teacher paired me with a buncha preps *sigh* I should let my evil chocobo friends loose *grins evilly and absently pats one of the chocobo's head* It's 20% of my grade, and it counts twice.... Uh.....I've also got some other stuff to do *looks towards my half-finished sculpture* Uh....I saw nothing ^_^ I haven't done ANYTHING this weekend, I would have checked your sites better, or at least submitted a pic, but my cousins showed up today. My uncle, aparantly my aunt, and all FIVE of their kids....what am I, a BABY-SITTER?!?! And they're coming back tomorrow *annoyed* They are NO fun, and they don't even know how to appreciate anime...... *whine whine* ^_^
I've got three pics now that I think I'll submit ^_^ I think they look nice, but I have to get them on this computer first..... (They are currently scanned into my parent's computer) *whistles innocently*
OK, time for the quiz ^_^
 Your anime expression is angry!
What's Your Anime Expression? brought to you by Quizilla
See ya!
Oh, and since people want more treats *begins throwing chocolate coated chocobo lollypops* YA-HAHAHAHA!!!!!! *cough cough*
*rides off towards group members on evil chocobo swarm*
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