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• kisho_chan
• 1987-10-29
• Texas
Member Since
• 2003-08-30
• Chocobo master of doom
Real Name
• Pamela
Anime Fan Since
• No clue
Favorite Anime
• I don't know there's too many!!!!!!!
• to be a Tae Kwon Do master
• Tae Kwon Do
Sunday, June 6, 2004
Let's see, NOTHING what-so-ever has happened to me, and I STILL CAN'T GO TO TAE KWON DO!!! I need a giant hammer and somebody's head to smash...ok Kisho, calm down...
I have three things that I've got to do before I can go to Tae Kwon Do again....It's mainly to prove that my foot's normal...
First, I've got to do three sets of 40 jump ropes everyday...bleh >.< I hate doing jump ropes, it's sooo, our house is kinda on a small hill so I have to do them at an angle...
Next, I've got to be able to do 40 toe-up thingys on a two-by-four...It's alot harder than it sounds, and my foot pops quite a bit......but, those first two are pretty much easy...
Finally, I've got to refind my center of balance...basically, my parents gave me (to practice with) a ball with a ring around it's center and I have to keep it steady in the center for about thirty seconds, try it, it's kind of hard especially since my parents make me keep my feet an uneven distance from the center...Once I do that, my dad's gonna cut a bowling ball in half, and place a board or something on top of it for me to balance on...*sadness*
Hope you guys didn't mind listening to me for too long ^_^
Actually, you have been warned, I'm in a rather foul mood today *staring at you ready to kick some...can I write that on TheO or not...anyways...those that left or fell asleep will recieve NO mercy today* ^_^ BYE
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