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hmm, Vampire with a cause?
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Waking up...?
Anime Fan Since've got me thinking back to Sailor Moon.
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I like way too many...I guess you could say I don't have a favourite.
Become a Ninja Turtle...I can be the black Ninja Turtle!!
Not get killed by my friends' weird ideas of fun
Im a red-head...need I say more?
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Am I really this scary? I must say is true...
Your revenge is motivated by don't forget when some one hurts you, and your motto is "eye for eye". but you don't let this blind you from the fact that some times you can't get to your aim that easy, when this happen you wait and don't let this person get away with it no matter what the consequences are.
What is your revenge (how will you payback)? (3 questions for guys & girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your dark side is centered around Death. Anger running through your veins, your soul is confused between staying or leaving in this pointless world. All you want is an open creative mind to go with your lifestyle, no conditions or judges, just loyalty to each other, so you can finally live your perfect exicting world you always wanted, life will worth something. You will find what you want when you believe in something more valuable then death and when you appreciate your life.
What is the center of your dark core? (updated) brought to you by Quizilla
 You fit in the third reality that exists. World number 3. The liberal home. You could survive in the most exciting world. You are bold, confident, moody, you like to explore, you don't like to stay in the same place for too long cuz you get bored easily, you like to break habits and expectations, you are outrageous comparing to others, you like to be different, you like challenges. You value excitment, adventures and oddity. Your power lies in {Body}. You live in the left side extreme area. Your representing colour is {Red}. Your strongest feeling is {Instability}. Your soul reflects the word {Dangerously Exceptional}.
(This world represented The Most Confusing Truth Of All).
Which Ultimate Reality Could You Survive In? Which Stage Of Humans' Life Fit you? (Details w/ pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Squee!!! My man!!
Looks, Ive got meself a smart man...he looks tough but he likes to read...Awwww.
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Found out my Box set was sent from Singapore...I think thats in Japan somewhere. The person sent it but its at the post office and my momma has to go and sign for it! I need that box set!!! Stir crazy!!!! By the way, first graders are evil!! I swear I will ring their little necks!!
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Monday, March 28, 2005
Mailmen and second graders...
I go back to school tomorrow and that is when my Health project is due on Fiction versus Non-Fiction...I have to teach this to second graders...Lucky Me! NOT!!
Im basically going to lie my face off to these little kids because I cant exactly say "Oh, well, according to science, faeries and vampires don't exist but there is no proof against it so I think they are real." I'd be confusing their already mushy brains. Im so stressed about this!! And I want my box set!! ...I ordered the entire Hellsing box set off Ebay like a week ago and it is still not here!! It was supposed to come like four days ago. My poor, poor box set...I bet the mailmen stole it!!! Die mailmen!!!
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Kinda ironic...
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Inner Child!!
Weee!! First Post!!! My inner child looks all innocent...but is she? NO!!!
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