myOtaku.com: Kissable-Krista
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Listening to: "Come to Me" by Jesse McCartney
Mood: Tired

I am so bored. I'm tired but i just can't sleep... So instead i'm working on pictures for my 100 theme Challenge. ^_^
It's pretty fun, i got four pictures down already so yeah. x3
Oh, I've decided to get rid of some of my pictures. ^_^ I still have alot to finish but pretty soon i'm going to have a little "stand" for free pics that i REALLY REALLY want to get rid of. >3<
Hopefully people will volunteer to bring them home, ya know?
A few pieces that i'm working on ATM.
 + Sketch Dump + Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Why do i have so many projects for school? :O I have a presentation on the Crimes and Punishments in the Elizabethan Period in English class, then i have to get started on the one-week project for one of the six kingdoms of life for biology. i'm so worried i might fail one of them since i both have Cs in those classes and the projects are worth 100 points. *sighs*
Anyway. how are everyone doing? ^^
BTW - I deleted quite a few people off my list due to some reasons. No offense meant if you aren't on there. ^_^
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