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The shadows
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To bring darkness
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I have none
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dont remember
Favorite Anime
Dragon Ball Z, Rurouni Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, Yugioh, Pokemon, Ranma 1/2, and some more cant bring myself to remember
To bring darkness to the world.
To surrender peoples heart to the darkness
Destroying hearts
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
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Monday, July 4, 2005
Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everybody how you doing.Happy 4th of July!!!Today im going to a big party here at fort hood(like katsume18 said)If you know who she is,but is gonna be awesome theres gonna be a whole bunch of people.Its a shame that you guys wont be able to come.It would have been nice for you guys to come seing as we are all good friends here.*sighs*Well i hpoe you guys have nice day.
See ya

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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Ok this is a disturbing picture of Armstrong that i found on the internet.

Weird right.Hey lookie at my wallpaper!
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Ok heres the other story i was working on.Hope you like it.
Its been a 1,000 years since the earth freed itself from the darkness,broke free and found the light,and banished me to a cave deep underground,there ive been planing my revenge on those mortals and on the person who did this to me,kitsumoto,my twin brother.You see,our parents were copletly different my dad was born by the light and my mom was born by darkness.Its ovious i was going to be born with the powers of darkness.Even tough me and my brother were different we loved each other just like our parents,but one day it all change...
Ok this like the other one i cot to think about the next part.
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
For those of you who dont know me and katsume18 are siblings.Yeah amazing right thats why we leave those kinds of comments.Anyway heres the rest of the story...
...searching for a light,something that will tell me "your ok"then i found it,the light.I got up from the the floor and there it was again,the blood.I stared closer at it and realized that it wasnt blood,it was red paint!!!Would you get a load of that it was just paint.I cant believe it!___________________________________
Well so much for a good story but thats all i had.But im working on another one and i think it will be better.Heres the Preview
In a time where heroes no longer live,were the light never shines above darkness,the angels of destruction rule the land on my command.No man who does not believe in darkness lives or shall live unless they join the dark side of angels.
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Hey lokk im Ed Thats awesome
 You are... Edward Elric. You are energetic and a little pain sometimes but you are a kind person over all. ^_^ Sometimes you state what others don't want to believe because you feel it isn't right to desieve people.
Which FullMetal Alchemist Character Are You????? (more characters to come) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Well not much happening nothing interesting happened today.Im gonna go to Puerto Rico for a month and i dont think ill be able to post anything for sometime so dont worry ill be back.And about the story i have in my notebook ill post it tomorrow
I found this pic somewhere its cool isnt it

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Monday, June 27, 2005
Hers a little something im working on.Its not done yet ill give the rest when i write it down.(plz tell me what you think)
I opened my eyes,looked out the window,the sun was up.It was a qiet morning,just like every other only something was different,the air was heavier.I got up from bed and went to the kitchen ,there I saw something red,it was blood...I looked at it then started walking towards it like it was calling me,I felt something taking over my body then everything went black,I felt empty soud...just sadness.There i stood in darkness....
Thats all i got so far plz tell me what you think
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
Hey guys how is it going?Not much here thats why i dont have anything important to post but i was thinking What kind of music do you guys like i mean i can tell a little but i want to know.I like rock music really cool I like the music and the way they dress(punk rock people)
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
Well so far Sephiroth is winning.I was looking for a picture of him and one of sesshomaru but i couldnt find one.If anyone knows where i can find one plz tell me.
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