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myOtaku.com: Kito Xlbermin

Saturday, July 16, 2005

   First Day
Well...Um...HM...I honestly don't know.... <.< >.>''' I shall attempt to think of something for no one but myself to read...yes well....Ya know, I hate Trivial Perusit...it makes me feel stupid, but not more stupid than the time I punched the car window trying to hand someone their change...then I felt stupid and my hand hurt. And then...my hand just kinda hurt and everyone was laughing at me...course I had to go and find a the change in the dark. ^^' Oh well, good times,good times! Wow...I think that I'm the most boring person alive...maybe I should write a book about how boring I am, that I know I could finish. I just realized that none of what I have just said has anything to do with my first day. Well, my first day goes like this- my friend signed me up because I'm sto stupid to know how to do it myself, she helped me do everything that I have done, she even helped me with the colors! And I thank you Ayame Skyes! Lots of love from your overly braindead friend...but as least I'm not as braindead as Braindead Monkey! And on that odd note, I am off to go annoy people out of their minds, and to try and get rid of my headache. ;.;
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