We have a monitor!!!We have a monitor!!!We have a monitor!!!We have a monitor!!!We have a monitor!!!We have a monitor!!!!!!!Sure its a old one thats the size of Mars,but you know what?!!?I LOVE IT!!!*hugs monitor*Oh,my fat,old,dusty screen!!!
MY knee feels a lot better.Thanks for the comments.Oh,and Edge-san,I'd take you up on your offer,but I think your knees would clash a bit with my legs....yeah....
SCHOOL IN 2 DAYS!!!!YEAH!!!!I know I'll want to be out of school again in 3 days,but right now,school sounds heavenly!!
With the screen back,this means....NEW SITE LOOK!!!HLW's site looks so l337!!!Must have at least 1/2 that l337n335!!!...I want a cute site...YEAH!!!
Well thats all for now.I'll check y'alls sites later!We're going school shopping!!I wonder if I can drag my mom into Hot Topic this time.Last time she got 3 steps in and turned aound and left.He,he,he.BYE!!!^^
I've freaking messed my knee up!!How?Prehaps a bike accident?A fight with a tiger?Nooooo!!A day ago,I went to bend down and my kneecap decides to relocate to the inside of my leg.I fall and hit the ground and my knee cap is like
Kneecap:"Hey,this place sucks.Lets go back home!!"
So it pops back,but not before messing with the nerves and junk!!!GAWD!!!!So yea....I hobbled to the library in a knee brace thing(My dad being a nurse,there was one lyin' around).I should use crutches....but they're a pain in the behind.So,instead I've being gollum walking around the house for the past day or so.Tommorow is school registration,so the crutches will be put to use it seems....sigh....
Beyond that "wonderful" experience,nothing interesting has happened...my computer monitor is still dead....so is my social life....hmm.....Maybe I'l post a bit of my comic script I've written next time....BYE!!!^^
if there were someone here with me,how happy I would be....
Posting from library: Ok,apparently the problem with my computer is the monitor.Something died on the inside,and it quit.So we need this new part,and I'm broke.So...I'm computer-less....*sobs*
My brother's b-day was yesterday!He turned 16!!Yeah for him!!!
Congrats to Sanji-chan!She has a boyfriend!And a sweetie at that!You go girl!I guess I'm the only one in the group now without a special someone,or possible special someone!*grins*Yea.....
Mystic is GONE!!!She's moving away to.....The North...dum dum dum!!!!Gonna miss her!And then Moni is going to leave!My old chorus buddy!!*sobs into hanky*
Hey....is it me,or has the group been going out a lot?And I haven't heard about it till afterwards?I swear,its like a curse.The most fun,and interesting things happen when I'm not around!!!Weird...
Have to psot quick.No time!Still at library,computer not fixed.The guy that built it for us never showed up....he must pay......
Oh,that last comment on my last post?That was the wonderful Nicole herself who posted it.Thank you Nicole.That was the first curse word ever on my posts.
Spent 2 nights over Sanji-chans.Fun,and interesting....isn't it always?
I wanted to go over Monika's house!!*sobs*She was having a get together and we would've watched "Clerks"!!I couldn''t go because of no ride and Sanji-chan.Sigh
Ok,thats all.Hopefully next time I post it will be at home!!SEE YA!!!!^^
I posting from the library again!!!WHY?Because my monitor at home is dead!!All we get is a white screen!!Someone is going to pay for this.The computer world is against me!!!I want to go out with friends!!I'm bored!......
On a lighter note,I may have a job!YEAH!!!!
I'm trying to force myself to get addicted to MySpace...it's not working.Maybe I haven't met the right type of people on there yet?Hm...
YEAH!!!! I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!I'm posting from home!
He,he,he.The internet being back means a new theme!!!But what?I've gotten over my KH2 fever,so I can think about other things now.So,maybe a Genshiken theme?Ceres?Our Kingdom?So many possibilites!And now I can mess with my site some more!WITH PHOTOSHOP!!!!!YEAH!!!
Welp,thats all for now.Till later.Here is a video to amuse you!!Ten seconds of Family Guy funny!
So we're supposed to get the internet back Wednesday....So someone up there has 2 days left to live....YAY!!
Oh,thanks for the votes!!The votes knocked it down to two choices.So,I'll go to the best choosing method ever!!!COIN FLIPPING!!!^^
I love that video from yesterday!Why can't you see Edge-san dancing,HLW?Don't you have faith in him?I love wasting your time Edge-san.It just brightens my day!Vash2214,your bf is like Edge-san?...hm...Good luck with that.
I WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE TOO!!!!!I've been reading up on it,you know.Its my senior year in highschool and all.And I realized.I want to go to a BIG SCHOOL!!!....Eh?Not only that.I want out of my house.Things have gotten tense!I want space(I have a 7 member family) and some FRIGGIN' RESPECT!!!I'm 17 darn it!I don't want to clean my brother's messes!No thank you!I don't feel like washing YOUR clothes today!...BAH!!!I feel more sorry for Mystic-chan.She needs some serious cookies man.
Those coding wizards out there,help me out.How did you learn all you know?Books?Sites?I'm practicing too.I just want to get better at it!
I think thats all....Oh yea.I BEAT KH2!!!WOOT!!!!Loved it loved it loved it!!!!Now to beat Sephie!!And now I need a new game to play.ANd a job...but thats a WHOLE 'nother rant.Ok,peace out!!^^
Why do I bother?HUH?!??!?!?!
Yea,posting from the library again!!!Someone had better be dead at that internet company,or there is going to be!!!But I'm at a different libary,one in NORTH columbus....OOOOO!!!!SPECIAL!!!!Manga,faster computers and everything!!Sure the building is old,but I can actually listen to my music!!!^^It all works out!!
School is going to start soon!!YEAH!!!Ok,I know.I was all about getting out of school.But you know what?I'm BORED!!!!!And I'm broke.No one will hire me!!WHY???!?!?Do I need to break down and work at Mickey-Ds?EH???I really don't want my first job there.Flipping burgers,fine.Flippin' McFatty's burgers?Not cool.But I really don't want to flip at all,you know?I want to work at a cafe,be a waitress,or something nice like that.No,its "Do you want fries with that?" for me!...Sigh...At least I'll make money.
When our internet is back up,I'll scan some sketches of characters for my comic and post them,ok?But I'm trying to decide on which to work on.Help me,ok?I went a bit nuts with the descriptions,so don't try to compare me to the mangas/animes I've named.YOU WILL BE SADDENED!!!!....Ok,thats all!!^^
Thank you!!^^Lurve y'all!!The characters essential the same,just some subtration here and there.I have the story for each and plot outline.Just gotta start drawing.Ok,I'm out!!!BYE!!!!
P.S.This guy can dance!!White guys can dance!!Edge has a chance!!!
Yea,my internet is still out at home!So I'm still at the library posting!!BOO!!!!I'm bored as a monkey.But I spent the night at Sanji's!!!YEAH!!!...I think thats all...I need to go.Sanji thinks I'm looking for a book right now,not on the computer!!He,he,he!!!BYE!!!Sorry about not getting to y'alls posts lately!!It's hard to,with no internet at home!!!*sobs*I love y'all!!!*waves*BYE BYE!!!!^^ Comments (5) |
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Monday we had fun!Flatrock,HLW and Edge kissing,mall,HLW and Edge kissing,skateboards,HLW and Edge kissing.Yea,fun!Hopefully we'll have a sleep over Friday!!Got to meet Dead Leaves(who seemed like he'd been there forever!).Cool dude....thats all.I'm in the library right now,and I need to get off so I can find Sanji-chan.Where is she?Bet you can guess what I'm drawing right now!^^Just check above!!Can't help it!!They are so naughty!!!^^Oh well!Till later!OH!!!!DGsoil posted!!YEA!!!!I can't wait till school starts!!*sighs*Ok,Sanji-chan found me.She's right next to me....*scoots away*Ok,she got a skateboard on Monday right?Gonna kill herself on it on I swear.She and Monika wee playing around on it,and Monika like....almost lost it under a car,and then said she would roll it into traffic!FUN!!!!!I LOVE SANJI-CHAN!!!*nods*There,are you happy?Ok,thats it for real!!BYE!!!!^^