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the land of twilight
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student, casher, Otaku
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Having over 200 anime...having over 10 animals, and other...stuff
Anime Fan Since
since was 4, or was it younger....
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Saiyuki, S-cry-ed, raxephon, .hack, FLCL, FMP, wolf rain, basicly any I can get my hands on, I have over 200 for Crying out loud!
....better spelling skills
anime, reading, anime, writing, anime, drawing, anime, animals, anime, vidio games, and did I mention watching Anime?!
Name that voice, Touching my nose with my tounge...and funny jokes...
| Kitsune Foxfire
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Talked to someone I haven;t heard from since 8th grade today. Found her on facebook. good to hear from her again. About a month until KH2 people! *the crowd goes wild!* I have 2 tests on wendsday, and I have to deside if I'm going to stay for may term. Also, got a 2-3 page paper due next week, have to declare my major, read a book, and finnish 2 foxglen chapters. So much to do! anyway, I'm feeling better. Ear's still cloged up. That's it for now. Have a great tuseday...*must rember to watch NSCI...MUST remember!* Love that show.
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Monday, February 6, 2006
Fun word, huh? it's a volcanic mudslide. Very deadly. OOOOOO! Yay for studying. Ok, sorry I wasn't on this weekend, I was sleeping, cause, you know, I've been sick. Got some studying done, and wrote some Foxglen stuff, and that was all. I'm gonna go crash now, cause I can't hear a ears are all cloged up! *grins*. OH! random Foxglen diolge!
Jack: You can’t defy the laws of Physics you idiots!
Black: Who say’s we defying them? Why not say we’re......seeing things in a new way.
Jack: There is only ONE way to see gravity! Things fall down when you drop them!
Red: Unless your on your head...*demonstrates* then they fall up!
Black: It’s just a change in perspective.
*please check out the foxglen here.
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Friday, February 3, 2006
Still feel sickish, but oh well, going to class anyway *again*. I've kinda temporarily run out of games to talk about. So this post it gonna be short, cause I'm really sleepy, and I have some stuff to do before Yoga. Everyone, have a great day, ok?
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Well, like half the world out there.....I'm sick. Shoot me now. Got two bugs that were running around campus. Oh well.
Anyway. Yeah, the new FF game is getting some hype now. Looks like it's going to be good.
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
next up.
There's some new .hack games comeing as well. There's G.U, and even a .hack//fragment version of the world. Both have gotten a lot of hype. If you couldn't tell, I'm on a game kick. There's all sorts of rumers on the .hack games, and there's talk of them on the OtakuBoards.
Oh, and the nickname from a few days ago is this: Mary Jane, in the south part of the eastern USA is slang for Marajuana, also known as weed. So "Weed" is a play on the fact my mom considered nameing me Mary Jane Plante, or Marajuana plant. The Joy is just something that I said, spur of the moment.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
So, I've heard from a friend (jerri) that the New Zelda game is slated to be out relitively soon, which he can't wait for. 'Sposed to be really really good, and it's for the Gamecube. Sounds cool, huh? I don't even know the name....
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Monday, January 30, 2006
Got a really cool KH2 Screensaver, and attemting to get the Soundtrack, from a cool new KH site. nice pics. Of, for all you fans out there, click on the pics to go to my two all-time fave KH sites....

and I earned the nickname Joy Weed from the NCSA meeting (they beat eachother up with swords, dress in period, all that fun stuff). The name is from my highscool nickname (my mom wanted to name me Marry Jane with the Last name of Plante...think about that people, and let me know if you get it....) and Joy, which I said when it was my turn to say hi. Other then that, nothing new. Did my Homework, started playing "The Bouncer" Which seems like a fun game. gave up on Inu Yasha for now. anyway, enjoy the sites. Let me know if you guys have good ones too, ok? and you know the whole nickname thing. ttyl people!
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
FMA FMA FMA is on today!
Why? because I can. So anyway, I went and played DDR, did yoga, and went for a walk. Bought a reading book, a Sudoku book, and a Kakuro one. Then I got candy. Ate Japanese instant noodles. They were good. And that was my day. OH! My mom went to the mall back home and saw that Ghost in a Shell Stand Alone Complex was on sale, and you know what she did? SHE BOUGHT ALL OF THEM! I love her soo much, cause she's sending them out week by week.
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
So we had the meeting, and like no one showed. X( But we're going to have a fundraiser later, like 2 weeks from now for money to buy anime. Other then that.....I have nothing much to share. Got a package from home, I get one like every week. They've normaly got food and some toys, and a small stuffed animal. I love the stuffed dog I got this week. He's soooooo cute. I think I might name it Pochi, not Poochi, Pochi, short O as is Oh. And that's all for today. I have nothing to do all day, so I think I'll chill, watch tv, go for a walk, the normal saterday stuff. YAY FMA is gonna be on! Lalala! killing time.....
oh, here's some weird facts:
New Jersey is a peninsula
If you enter the word pencil on google, you will eventually get A) a drawing of a naked guy or B) a picture of a guy's privates. (There's a joke at my highschool that anything entered on google will bring you to porn, that's where that one comes from)
Letter writing is considered a dieing artform/communication. (you know, post office,not email)
So remember this all, sit down, and write a letter to someone. Even if you type it.
And it has occured to me that being bored is bad. Havoc has been reeked.
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Friday, January 27, 2006
let us see.
I'm soooo bussy today! Yoga (done) geology (next) work Enviornmetal Psyc Work, and then an anime meeting tonight. Should I even hold the meeting? I probibly will. Gonna watch KKM (Kyo Kara Maoh) tommorow, with my budy Jeri. And that's my day. I'll try to get on latter. TTYL people!
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