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| Kitsune Foxfire
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
damn comp...adn new foxlgen!
So. Firefox keeps dumping me so I'm really really pissed. and on a happy note, I got 1 class tommorow, (abnormal psych,yes, I'm a crazy psych major...) and I downloaded and RSS reader.....maybe I'll start doing and RSS feed for this site....or not. Oh, and here's the new all orriginal foxglen chapter (chapter 2) as alway's, for all stories, or foxglenworld stuff, go to This site
Jack checked his tie as he made his way to the office. Whatever his new assignment was going to be he was swimming with excitement. Maybe he would get to take down some terrorists or something involving international espionage. “Eh HeHehehe Cigarettes! BOOM! Eh HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” A man in a straight jacket was lead past him, firmly strapped down to a bed.
“Wow, was that Stewart Grossly?”
“Yup.” a nearby guard chimed in. “They had to pull him off his last assignment. Poor sap, couldn’t handle the pressure.” A little shaken Jack continued on his way. What could possibly have happened to him? What would make a senior FBI agent snap like that? He shuddered to think.
Arriving at the end of the hall he knocked on the door. “Enter.” Jack opened the door and stepped inside. He was greeted with the cold sterile atmosphere that seemed to permeate the all of the offices in the pentagon. “Agent Buck reporting for assignment Sir!”
“Sit down, soldier.” He motioned to the chair across from him. “Your new assignment is strictly surveillance.”
Jack twitched in his chair. “Surveillance, Sir?”
“Yes, Surveillance. You are to avoid any unnecessary contact with the subjects. As Agent Grossly has already demonstrated, that is just simply not a good idea. Though he was one of the luckier ones.” Luckier Ones?! Jesus! If Stewart was lucky , what the hell happened to the rest of them? “Ehem, as I was saying, you will be watching a group of assassins known as Omi Wa Kurusu. As this is a unique case you will find your security clearance has been sufficiently increased.” He got up and locked the door. Hitting a button he armed the security. “Now, you will be able to access the profiles from any PC that has been secured by the FBI..”
Pulling up the files Jack quickly scanned them. “Sir, Permission to speak freely?”
“Permission granted.” “Pryokenetic, shadow dancer, undead, dragon, kitsune, DEMI-GODDESS, DEATH? These classifications, they can’t be serious.”
“They are quite serious. That is why only our top agents are given this particular assignment. Since we are being frank, I wouldn’t be surprised if they kill you after the first couple of months.”
“Kill me?!”
“Yes, sometimes they get... bored, with their current agent. That’s why as a general rule we encourage avoiding contact or detection by them for as long as possible. Now, any other questions?”
“No, Sir.”
“Good, your flight leave in the morning. You are dismissed.”
Jack left eh office shaken yet determined. The boss said they only gave this assignment to their top agents. That means he was their top agent. Yeah! He was their top agent! Feeling pleased with himself he headed back to his apartment, to review the past reports.
“Let’s see..” Jack reviewed the profiles for his new assignment. “So, Black Fox, and Red Wolf are the founders...two founders?” Why was he surprised nothing about this group was usual. He sighed deeply shutting down his laptop. There was nothing else he could do from here and he had a long flight in the morning. Putting his laptop back into the safe he turned off the lights and went to bed.
After his plane arrived and he had unpacked his stuff he headed out to start his assignment. Staring through his binoculars he watched Red wolf hitting the one called crow over the head. Unless he was rusty with his lipreading it appeared she was demanding a piggy back ride. There was one man he didn’t recognize from any of the files. He made notes on this new figure. Tall, probably around 6'8", and of Hispanic decent. The others were calling him Spicy. “So let’s see” he looked around with his binoculars. Apparently “Crow” had given in and was now sulkily carrying a rather enthusiastic Red on his back. The ones called Shadow and Black Fox were talking business about a new target. It appeared his information was accurate Shadow did provide surveillance for this group. Squinting so he could make out what Shadow was saying a voice sounded from beside him.
“Would you care for some tea, sir?”
“No thank-you. WHAAAAAA” Jack spun pulling his gun on the butler standing beside him.
“The mistresses wished for me to inform you that if you wish to continue surveillance there is an outpost in that tree. You can see much more from there and there are, ehem, “Things to play with”. They also wished that I should bring you something hot to drink, to quote, Lying on the ground is cold business.”
“How, how long have they been aware of my presence?”
“In due time sir.” Joe led him to the aforementioned tree.
“Would you like a leg up sir?”
“No, no thank-you.” A bit wary of the hospitality Jack scaled the tree. What he saw in the upper branches amazed him. A Night scope, a television, audio surveillance equipment, a mini fridge, a couch, and a stove? He could practically live out of this tree.
“Now that you are situated, sir, are you should I cannot change your mind about the tea? We have earl grey, green, and Chai.”
“No no thank-you.”
“In regards to your previous question. My Mistresses have been aware of your presence for the past twenty minutes. Now if you will excuse me sir I have other duties to attend to.”
“Yes, Yes of course.”
The next day while the “boss” review Jack’s first report he smiled.
“I regret to inform the company of my detection a mere ten minutes after my surveillance began.”
A whole ten minutes, Damn, that Buck was one of their top agents, a new record.
((A.N.H.: HA! I finally finished a chapter....okay I am at Loviatar’s house and on her laptop , but hey I got it done. Poor Jack Buck. He has no idea what’s in store for him. Yes Jack Buck no not John Doe. Mwah kiss kiss! Buh byie!))((A.N.L.: and once again, my partner’s typing skills are....odd. Stay tuned for the next installment!))
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Monday, January 16, 2006
SOOOOO sleepy! Oh, and I got into Yoga by the yay! How was everyone's weekend? mine was boring. did nothing on sat, except go grocery shoping and watch anime, and yesterday I went to work, then walked down to the chinese resteront (bad spelling, I know) then to DQ. Of course, then we went back to campus, so it was like 9 pm when we got back. but it was fun. and that was my weekend....
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Friday, January 13, 2006
so, I'm wait-listed for yoga, at 7:30 in the morning.....yeah. Today's a bussy day, so I can't really talk tha long. To be honnest, if I don't get into yoga, I'm not going to be crushed. oh, and for the first two naruto chapters, please go to This site
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
hello everyone!
Yeah....nothing's going on....Oh, I got into Budo-Tijitsu (Sp?) YAY! and that's's foxglen naruto chapter 3!
“So you’re telling me that you’ve all traveled from your perspective villages just to find this thief.” Tsunade raised an eyebrow, consulting the letters in front of her, “Now, what I want to know is why The country of Water felt it necessary to send representatives from seven different villages, no of which I’ve ever heard of...I can’t even pronounce these names. You there!” She points to Black, “What is the name of you’re village again?”
“Ahhhh...Crumpet? Yeah, that’s it, Crumpet!”
“And where is this hidden village of the Crumpet.” Tsunade asked, over the snickering of everyone in the room.
“Uhhh...just...east of the river! Yeah! See, the good old village of the Crumpet is so good at hiding even I, the top Joinin, don’t even know where it is!” Black thought fast, covering all of her bases.
“Oh really? Well then...where are the rest of you from?”
“Gray Pupon”
“...I see. Tell me, why haven’t I ever heard of these villages before?”
“It’s because they’re hidden villages Duh!”
“Forgive my partner, she’s a little...obvious at times.” Black sighed, “what she ment to say was that they’re uber new.”
“Well, nothing has gone missing from here, but I will send messages to our allies and see if they’ve had any problems. In the mean time, please make yourselves at home.” As the group left, she called over on of her guards, “Have someone watching them at all times. I don’t trust our new friends.”
The door open right as Tsunade finished talking, “Not trust us? What’s there not to trust?” sniped Jawbreaker before shutting the door.
“Leave me alone!” growled the sullen youth, spinning around to shout at the two following him.
“We’re not doing anything to you...”
“Yeah, can’t a man walk with his woman down the street in peace?”
“I’m your woman?” grinned Katie, “How sweet!” she grabbed Crow’s hand as they continued to follow Sasuke.
“Nii-kun! Nii-Kun, where’d you go?” Pouted Red, “Excuse me, have you seen Nii...I mean Naruto anywhere?”
“Oh, yeah, sure I have,” smiled the blonde pigtailed girl, “He went that way!”
“EEEE! Thanks!” Red ran off, shouting “NIIIII-KUUUN!”
“Phew, that was close!” grinned the girl, “Thank goodness I finally lost her!” she started walking in the opposite direction that the hyperactive nut had taken. “Now to find Irika-sensi...”
“You’re Stupid,” Sighed Black, stepping in front of Naruto. “cute, but stupid.”
“Now, you shouldn’t be so harsh...” started Kakashi, as he came up alongside of Black.
“Ok, fine then, I’ll admit he has his moments. Happy now?” grumbled the wily assassin, “Can we go eat, please! I’ve seen enough of this Goddess Damned village to last me a while!”
“Hey, what, runt?” growled Black, “You wanna make something of it? I’ll eat you for lunch!”
“Now, now, you told the Hokage that you would be on your best behavior...”
“Well, yes, yes I did. But that was yesterday.”
“WAAA! How dare you...!”
“How dare I what? I’d shut my mouth if I was you. After all, I’m not the idiot going around as a girl. Who would be stupid enough to fall for that...?”
“Apparently your partner...” Kakashi smiled. “but then, Red seems to be a special case. And I do mean special.”
“Oh, and why would Naruto be running away form his Nee-Sama?”
“She’s not my sister! That nut job has been following me around all day! When I woke up she was at the foot of my bed, staring at me! Believe it!”
“She just likes you...why, I have no clue...but that’s Red for you. Come on, Kakashi, let’s go eat...” Black started to drag the older ninja along (not that he was fighting much) “Oh, and Naruto, I’d get moving if I were you... Red isn’t a stupid as she acts, unlike you...”
“you were awfully mean to Naruto...”
“Mean? What on earth are you talking about? That wasn’t mean at all! That was...constructive criticism.”
“Well, I think you should have been a little nicer with your criticism then.” Kakashi started, as a bowl of noodles was put in front of him. “He’s had a rough time of it... so try not to hate him.”
Pausing from slurping her noodles she glared at the ninja, “What does that have to do with it?”
“It’s just, he’s never known his family and he had no friends as a child...”
“That’s not what I meant.” Sighed the fox, “What I meant was, ‘what does a rough start have to do with whether I like him or not?’” She poked Kakashi with a chopstick, “I’ll have you know that I think Naruto is an idiot because he is in fact an idiot. Get it?”
“Not really, since Naruto acts the way he does because of his past...”
“Now your just making excuses. I know you like the kid but get real! I mean, that’s not fair, just look at Red.”
“What about her?”
“Well, she’s had a rough childhood too, but you don’t see me using that excuse for her behavior...and besides, her hard times doesn’t make me dislike her, now does it?”
“Somehow, I find it hard to believe that that girl has had a rough childhood...”
“You know...some would say the same of Naruto.” Black got a wicked glint in her eyes, “Wanna swap tales?”
“Sasuke-Kun! There you are!” called Sakura as the pink haired adolescent ran up to her teammate. Grinning, she started to badger the silent youth with questions, only to stop as she noticed the two taggers on right behind him. “Uhh...hello again.”
“Hey Death, so they stuck you with the head case huh? Poor baby!”
Sniffling, Death’s Minion bemoaned his lowly fate as a minion.“It’s not fair...everyone else is out having fun and we’re here stuck looking for spicy and that’s not fair why don’t I, I mean we, get to have any fun? It’s just not fair and all the guys are strait why does the world hate me, I wanna go home...”
“All these two have done is sit and Bitch for the last two hours...What does the Hokage think these guy’s are up to again?” grumbled the chef.
A.N.L.: so, thus ends chapter three of the Naruto adventure...more to come, obviously. And didn’t Black seem really cool? Ok, now we should also have an all original chapter coming (hopefully 2, it’s hard to stop...) And a sky high fanfic is in the works. Look for a KKM one a long way down the road.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Guess what? Foxglen has once again updated...2 times! the orriginal has a new chap and so does the Naruto one. They are'nt posted at the main site yet, however. If you want, I can post them here....just tell me which one you want to see. also...I might have to cut down on my friends list...since some people on it haven't updated in over a year....oh well. everyone, have a nice day!
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
I'm back on school grounds. Been a heactic vacation....I should be on every day now, since my schedual isn't too horrible. Hope everyone had a great break! (I know I got cool stuff.....mp3 player!) anyway....I'm gonna go do some paperwork. ttyl.
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Friday, December 16, 2005
What I was writing yesterday is actually about sex. I think I posted that like over a year ago on this site. Up under is bark is, well, going all the way, and the Willow is another girl. The rest is kinda easy to figure out.
And I have been watching lots of Naruto. LOVE naruto. and that's all that's new. It's all I've done. I fly tommorow. back home...yeah! bye bye.
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
I don't think life is quite so simple....
Simple and clean good song.....So....Foxgleny stuff.....
uh.... about how foxglen started?
Ok, see, it was really REALLY late! and my friend and I watch YYH, and wondered what it would be like in our school. The rest, as they say, is history.
now for some fun stuff..:
Black: Do trees have sex.
Red: Only if no one's in the forest.
Red: So, did you get all up under his bark?
Black: Is sap sweet?
Black: The oak is withered.
Black: Somebody was in the forest...
Black: No, the willow beat me to it.
Red: Let's go break the willow's branches.
Now, what was all that about? can you firgure it out?
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
where have I been?
I actually asked myself that the other day, when I relized how many caf meals I hadn't used. I've been in class....and very very bussy. I'll try and vist everyone today (after my last finnal) and post something foxgleny later. Missed you all lots, glad it was mutual.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Finals week.
So. I've been studying alot. And watching Naruto. LOVE the boy....sorry I dropped off the face of the planet again.... anyway. on my happy website, there is now a new foxglen chapter (naruto fanfic chap 2) and the next all orriginal and naruto ones should be up by next month. I'm not gonna post the story.... but to check out it and other foxglen stories, click on the happy picture!

I drew it myself....not bad, huh? considering to color it I used my computer with a touchpad mouse!
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