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the land of twilight
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Having over 200 anime...having over 10 animals, and other...stuff
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since was 4, or was it younger....
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anime, reading, anime, writing, anime, drawing, anime, animals, anime, vidio games, and did I mention watching Anime?!
Name that voice, Touching my nose with my tounge...and funny jokes...
| Kitsune Foxfire
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Monday, November 28, 2005
running out of ideas of subjects...
The movie HP 4 was good, left out alot but good none the less. I'm back at the whole school work bit. Oh, and I've fallen down reapeatedly over break. once on the stairs. I'm kinda sore now.....YAY I have heat. TTYL everyone!
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
I got a space heater, since my room heater hasn't been working. Turkey day was great....and I WILL see HP ifn'n it kills me! and thats it for now. How is everyone?
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
I watched matagascar, cant say I was that impressed....Planing to catch the Harry potter movie sometime soon. Other then that....I restuffed my pillow, so its all firm and non flat again. Thanksgiving is comeing and I'm really looking foward to it.....thats about it. Hope everyone has a great weekend, talk to you all when I can!
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Friday, November 18, 2005
it's really really late.....
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
killing time till I can register for classes.....nothing to do, really. Kinda pissed at this one girl in one of my classes. she was suposed to finnish off our paper, like 2 days ago, and hasn't so now it's late. I'm not happy! So...I still need to pay for the headband...need to wait for funds to transfer.....I'm gonna go read a book. ttyl everyone! Oh, ps. watch the anime Black Cat, it's good.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
done droped off the face of the world there for a while, didn't I? Sorry. Been outragiously bussy. Uh...points of intrist, I now have netflix (full of anime) and I bid and won on a naruto headband. I had 4 papers to type...and I did. Lol...thats all. I'll try to get on later this week.
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Wednesday, November 2, 2005
grandma is out of the hospital!
YAY! but I'm still sickish. oh well. I'd visit, but I'm still kinda bussy, sorry. The reason I'm on is that I said I'd post the foxglen naruto fanfic, so I will. If you want all the foxglen stories and stuff, it's
Red:*Puts on headband* LOOK! I’m a ninja!
Black: Yeah, right…..
Red: *bounces up and down* Ninja ninja ninja!
Spicy: Wow? Ninja? Really? Where?!
Black sighed gustily as she sat on a tree stump, “So, which way now?”
“I donno,” replied Shadow, “Hey, what do you think of this outfit?” She holds up a black outfit with black headband with an etched line on it.
“What’s the line supposed to be?” Asked Crow as he held up his headband, which was a blood red with a feather etched on it.
“A shadow, duh.”
“Doesn’t look like a shadow to me…..” muttered Jawbreaker. His emblem was a dragon wing.
“Try this….” Suggested D.M. as he stopped doing a rough flame drawing and started sketching a flat human.
“Hey, not bad. I like it!” cried Shadow, making the adjustments.
“I kinda like mine…” muttered Death, tying her hair up with her Scythe headband.
“You know, it might have been a better idea for us all to agree on a symbol to use so we would only have to lie about one village….”
“And take all the fun out of this? NO WAY! Sides, we have no clue where Spicy ran off to with the scroll, or what disguise he’s in.” Grumbled Red, “Which one now...?” whined the petulant wolf, holding up two head plates, one with a smiley face with the tongue sticking out and a pair of wolf ears, and another with a silhouette of a wolf howling.
“Go with the Smilie,” Sighed Black, “But hold onto the other. Done!” She held up a rose emblazoned one.
“Ahhh.... Rose whip, right?”
“Of course!” Grinning like a, well, like a fox, she stood, “Well, now that we’re all done with that....Can we please get going? I don’t know about you guys but I don’t Like to sleep out in the cold rain at night if I don’t have to....”
“Hia, Hia, We’ll get going then. Nothing worse then waking up near a soggy bitchy fox, right Shadow?” Chucked Crow.
“I don’t know, I don’t think that would be nearly as bad as the smell of wet wolf in the morning...can foxes even be bitchy?”
“Har har har, very funny guys. Can we go now? You’ve had your fun.”
(You can continue with the dialogue if you want)
“Naruto! Wait up! You’re going to fast!” cried Sakura.
“I’m going to beat Sasuke, Believe it!”
“Naruto, this isn’t a race.” Kakashi as he opened his book Come Come Paradise. He had decided to take his group out for a little extra training and for a party of sorts at the place where they first officially became his charges.
So there they were, all set to have a nice, fun (well to Kakashi anyway) day, and already Naruto was being an idiot. Not surprising, after all, he was the number one idiot in the village.
Sighing as his rival bumped pass him Sasuke muttered, “Naruto, you’re an idiot.”
“WHAT?! What did you call me?!”
“They’re at it again...” Kakashi said as a fat raindrop landed right on his book, “Looks like it’s going to be a little wet today...Oh well, a little rain never hurt anyone, right Sakura?” He smiled.
“Right Kakashi-sensei!” what do you mean a little rain never hurt anyone?! I spent an hour on my hair today and now it’s going to be ruined!!
“AHHH! Crap! It’s started to rain already!” Black Fox Snarled as a drop hit the map she was looking at and ran down it “Well, looks like we’ll be camping out tonight.”
“Oh, and I so wanted to find the Leaf village and eat Ramman!”
“Do you always think with your stomach, mangy Wolf?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact I do!” Laughed Red, Pulling a tarp from her backpack and heading over to some rocks. “I mean, what do you expect? I’m a wolf, I have to always be ready for a meal. Law of the forest. Grab that corner will you?”
“Why, might I ask,” started Shadow, pulling another tarp out, “Are you setting up on the rocks?”
“Simple, my dear Watson, we’re in Ninja land.”
“So?” asked Jawbreaker, giving Shadow a hand, “What’s that got to do with it, It’s not like we don’t have tent sakes....what are we going to do with them if we set up on rocks?”
“Use them as weapons!” Laughed Death, “Maybe being a ninja for a while isn’t so bad....” (A.N.L.: In case you’ve forgotten, Death is a pirate!)
“Exactly!” Grinned Black, also pitching in, “Grab some firewood, ‘K, DM?”
“If we set up on flat ground, the Ninja in this area will be more likely to sneak up on us, and these rocks are perfectly spaced to make that difficult. Sides, we can weigh down the corners with more rocks.” Grinned the wolf, for once giving a logical answer.
It was quick work to set up a big tent between the rocks (Where Kakashi had placed the lunches in episode 3) and a small tarp around the rock in the center of the field. As the group got a small fire going under the smaller tent they amused themselves by doodling on the small rock. Just as the gang was settling down for a bite, the sky opened up, and it went from a drizzle to a full blown thunderstorm. The group, acting in tandem, quicky grabbed their food, put out and hid the fire, pulled down the tarp and ran for the big tent.
“I gotta be honest, I am most definitely Not looking foward to sleeping in the same tent as you guys,” sighed Death’s Minion as he jammed a tent pole into the ground.
“Yeah, I don’t think anyone’s to happy about this....” Shadow sighed, doing the same.
“Kakashi-Sensei! Look look! Did you see that?!”
“Wow! That was so cool! Wasn’t it Sasuke?”
“.......I guess.....”
“Good to see you guys aren’t worried about a little lightning.” Kakashi stopped, “Hey now, looks like someone was here before us. Hummm, wonder who that could be.” They had arrived at the training field, which resembled a badly set grid more then a training ground. Poles stuck up in various locations across the field.
“What are these things....?” Mused Sasuke walking up to one of the pools.
“Yeah Yeah! What are they?” Grinned Naruto reaching out.
“Naruto! Sasuke! Don’t touch them!” Kakashi shouted at the two.
“Huh?” They both froze, still right up against the pole. Suddenly a rock came out of nowhere. The two young ninjas quickly got out of it’s way, which meant away from the pole. “What was that?!” Shouted Naruto, just as a bolt of lightning hit the pole. “WAAAA! DID YOU SEE THAT!”
“You idiots should know better then to be near a metal pole during a lightning storm...” Kakashi growled. “I wonder who threw that rock....” With supernatural speed, Kakashi traversed the distance to the monoleum in the center of the field with his student’s trailing after. As he reached the rock, he went ridged. “Bastards!”
“What’s wrong Kakashi-sensei?” asked Sakura coming up behind him “What?!” she cried, seeing what had angered her teacher, “Who would do such a thing?”
“They deserve a good pounding! Believe it!”
“When I find out who did this.....” growled the Jounin. The stone which had the names of all the fallen ninja heros of the leaf village was covered in graffiti Very colorful graffiti, like some sort of demented rainbow, in fact. One that was a little runny in the rain. It didn’t make a whole lot of sense either. Not surprising since it read: Red Wolf Waz Here! Pirates Kick Ass! Torch the planet ninjas! OMK lives again!! Where oh where is my Dinnnaaa! Sk8ter boyz! Beware the tuna of dooooom! <– no beware purple Monkeys! But I like tuna.... Purple Monkeys DAMN YOU! Gorillaz for president! For a good time call 576-831-8143! We’re sooooooo lost!
“Kakashi-sensei? Can you understand it?” asked Sakura.
“Yes. I can. It’s in another language. One called English. It looks like we have some unwanted guests from far away.....”
A.N.L.: TADA! The first Foxglen chap in the Naruto world. 2 things: 1) Spicy is introduced in the all original story. He’s a thief that works with us. 2) I’m going to say we got to the Naruto world thorough nefarious means, involving a toothbrush, a battery, cow manure, and a color tv. You really don’t want to know how that works, now do you?
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Saturday, October 29, 2005
Ok, still sick. I have a temp (was 100 yesterday) and I found out on thirs that my grandma back home (NJ, I'm in Wisconson now) is in the hospital. Other then is not bad. School is still sucky. Hate my bio teach.
I'm not going to ad visited today, cuase you know if I visited you or here are some pics! Oh, btw, Foxglen Naruto fanfic will be comeing soon, as will chapter 2 of the all orriginal.

The last two will make scence (sp?) after you read the Foxglen naruto fanfic chap 1, which I will post when I get the chance.
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Thursday, October 27, 2005 throught hurts.....and I tried to visit people, but then my comp crashed, sorry. I got to run. I got a soc test, ceramics, and an experimantal psych experiment to run..... I'll try to get on this weekend....sorry I havent realy been here.
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Monday, October 24, 2005

happy early holloween! I got to go write a sociology paper now....College sucks ass! lol. No one on campus is doing ok, one persons BF is with the army, no one knows if it volintary or not, people have mono, I got a cold, and the caf food really really blows. But hey, I carved a kickass pumkin, no? ( yes I carved that! 3 hours of labor!)
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