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the land of twilight
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student, casher, Otaku
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Having over 200 anime...having over 10 animals, and other...stuff
Anime Fan Since
since was 4, or was it younger....
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Saiyuki, S-cry-ed, raxephon, .hack, FLCL, FMP, wolf rain, basicly any I can get my hands on, I have over 200 for Crying out loud!
....better spelling skills
anime, reading, anime, writing, anime, drawing, anime, animals, anime, vidio games, and did I mention watching Anime?!
Name that voice, Touching my nose with my tounge...and funny jokes...
| Kitsune Foxfire
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Friday, October 21, 2005
love to chat....
but I got a lot to do, sorry! It's been nuts here. Ok, The black dress was a dude. So was the one in the black sparklie dress. The one with pink hair? Girl as a guy as a girl. There was 2 other guy shots, and the rest were girls. Cool huh? well, I got to run. sorry again!
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
so midterm break is over....
and I'm back in the saddle here at school. Yeha? lol. Anyway. Bunch of people are leaveing my school, which really sucks. The dragshow was really hot though....

some of the pics are blurry, but I did the best I could. Now for your job, which are the girls, and which the boys? Have FUN! (Oh, and foxglen all new is done! and we're starting a fun naruto one....)
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Friday, October 14, 2005
I have an experimental psych test in like 2 hours, so I don't have time to visit today...SORRY!
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I was at class like all day yesterday, or I would have posted! Uh... go a mini vac in the mail (tanx mom!) and a pakage of cool holoween stuff!
Visited today: You know who you are!
and now for the new foxglen. the actual story can be found here under stories please sign the GB, k? OH, and the new chap hasent been posted here, but should be up within a week.
"Man, this place really is cool!" Said the stunned Jawbreaker as he stuffed another slice of pizza into his mouth.
"Yeah, this place is cool, to bad we can't stay long..." sighed Black.
"Yes we can!" Red chirped, "This is gonna be our new home!"
"Wait. This was your plan?" Shadow asked, using Batman as a footrest. "All of it? The whole getting kidnaped and us coming up here?"
"Wow," Death laughed, "I've got to hand it to you, that's a pretty good plan coming from you."
"Why thank you...HEY! I can to plan!"
"We are not staying. That's final." Black sighed. "It was a great plan, but there's no way we can stay up here."
"But why not? We have a great view, people to play with, and food for a long time...!"
"Yes, but it'll be quite hard to get clients or get to jobs, now wouldn't it?"
There was silence as the rest of the group thought about that. As the truth dawned on them, they all frowned.
"Besides, The idiots from before will be showing up soon and I really don't feel like wasting time with them..."
"So all my good work was wasted?!" cried Red, "I spent $30 on duck tape, too!" she sniffed.
"Well, I wouldn't say it was all wasted...." Black grinned at Batman. Just then the entire watchtower shuddered.
"Looks like we have company," laughed Death's Minion. "Well, now what?"
"Now we give them the slip, and something to think about while we commence phase two, right Black?" Giggled Shadow as she got up. "Crow, be a dear and take care of the bat while I go mess with the computers."
"Here, take this, it's a new toy I made!" Red grinned, "I'm going to go to the comms," she called as she took off.
"Jawbreaker, wanna give me a hand with the other party favors?" Death asked, pointing to the rest of the prisoners. (A.N.L there in that really big room in the watchtower.)
"Sure! What about you Black?"
"Oh, I'm going to go work on our getaway....You all have 20 minutes!" She shouted.
"Hit it again, Hawk girl," Superman said, "I think it's weakening."
"Anyone else feel stupid breaking into our own tower?" Flashed sighed just as Hawk girl hit the hatch again. "And what's with this spray paint?" He pointed to the No solicitors squalled on the structure. "How the hell did they manage that anyway?"
"We don't know for sure if the others joined her..." started Wonder Woman
"GO AWAY, WE DON'T WANT ANY!" boomed their comm units.
"AHHH! What the....why you little...!"
"Let us in right now!" growled Green Lantern.
"No! You guys were mean to me!"
"You blew up a city!"
"Only a quarter of one! You didn't have to cage me!"
"What...." started Superman, only to be hushed by Hawk girl.
"Look," started the winged warrior, "What if we say we're sorry, will you let us in then?"
"Hummmmm.....OK!" Chirped Red over the comm units as the hatch slid open.
"Get ready everyone!" Called Red over the intercom, "The guests have entered the building, and we have 10 minutes to go!"
With permission any army would have admired the team went into action. Shadow took over the intercoms and blasted rave music while setting all the doors to open and close to the beat. Death and Jawbreaker finished stringing up the first bunch of members to the ceiling like demented piñatas while Red rushed over to help. Crow finished helping Black get and unconscious Batman into the escape ship and the two of them pulled out the silly sting machine guns they had brought for everyone.
As the Justice League burst through the door, Shadow’s voice came over the
Intercom announcing, “The self-destruct mechanism has been activated. Please
remain calm. You have ten minutes to live. Thank you muchly. Buh-bye now!” And
the rave music blasted once more. They tried to shout orders to each other, but
it was useless. The music was too loud and they had no idea what to do.
Frantically they raced inside to discover what had become of their
Shadow rejoined the others and helped Crow drag Batman into the escape vessel.
“Thanks,” said Crow. “Damn he’s heavy! What the hell does this guy eat?!”
“Did you really activate the self destruct mechanism?” Death’s Minion asked.
“Of course not! I just always wanted to do that.”
“Here they come,” said Black. “You all have 30 seconds! Ready?”
“Ready!” came a chorus of demons, leveling seven silly string machine guns at
the door in perfect unison.
As the doors opened and closed to the beat, the Justice League members were
only able to enter one at a time. First Hawk Girl, and within an instant, she
was pinned against the wall in a web of silly string, then the Green Lantern met
the same fate, followed by Superman, and finally Wonder Woman. The Flash,
however, was not so fortunate. A sudden change in the tempo of the music caused
him to misjudge the timing of the door, and knocked himself out with the
“Death!” said Death.
“Don’t get cocky,” said Black, “That won’t hold ‘em long! MOVE!”
Quickly, the team ran into the next room, where all of the other heroes hung
from the ceiling, and from there into the hanger just as they Justice League
broke free from their stringy trap.
They raced after them in hot pursuit, so Shadow hit a button on the remote
control to stop the music again and announce, “Don’t forget, the ship’s gonna
blow. Have a nice day.” And she switched the music back on.
Black gave her a stern look.
“Leave the remote here!”
“Ooo!” cried Red, “GIMME GIMME!!!” Snatching it out of Shadow’s hand, she
started to push buttons. The techno remix of “Fur Elise” switched on. “YAY! I
“Uhh, Red?” said Jawbreaker.
“You switched off the gravity.”
“Oh...COOL!” she squealed.
“Red! Drop the control!” Black ordered.
“I’ll give you a chocolate bar!”
“CHOCOLATE!!! Okay, just one last thing…” She pushed one more button and
dropped the remote, but nothing seemed to have happened.
“Okay, everybody, make like you’re swimming and get to the mini-ship thingy!”
The Justice League was scrambling to free all their friends before the
watchtower blew up, as the Foxglen gang piled into the escape pod and set a
course for Earth, with Batman on the floor in the back.
“Here’s your chocolate Red…”
“CHOCOLATE!!!!” She devoured it, wrapper and all, in under three seconds.
“So,” said Crow, “What exactly was that last thing you did?”
“Oh…I just switched all the menus on the ship to Japanese...It’s a much better
language, after all.”
“urnggg….” Groaned Batman as he came too. His head was pounding and he ached all over to top it off, he couldn’t see a thing. It took him a few seconds to figure out why this was such a familiar feeling. When he did, he groaned ever louder.
“Ahhh, good to see you awake Bruce.” crooned Death.
“What how did you..???”
All death did was point at the mask on the floor. “Not only that did we have our suspicions, but with out the mask well it was kind of a no brainier.”
“There has to be something else we can use!” Black pleaded in the back round.
“NO! They burn best!” Argued Red.
“She’s right black.”
“Not you too D.M.! I just bought it!! She’s already burned five of them!”
“That’s because they make the best bon fires!” Red chirped.
“But…but…” Black threw her arms around the sofa “It’s my couch!”
“I tell you what.” Shadow offered, “I promise that when Bruce buys us our new mansion, he will throw in all the furniture. Think about it…a matching living room set…”
“All of the furniture? Where is that contract? Let me just add some things…There! Alright you can have this couch.”
“YAY!” Red started piling the living room furniture into a massive heap.
“Oh right sorry bout that! I’ll help you get him on the hook. Now you’re sure you removed all his fire retardant clothing?” Shadow asked.
“My fire retardant clothing!”
“Hey Bruce what’s you house line?” Black asked.
“Matches Matches matches :D . … WHERE ARE MY MATCHES!” Red exclaimed.
“I threw them out after you burned the last hideout down.” Black said as she dialed the phone.
“Allow me.” Death’s Minion touched a burning finger to the pile of furniture. In little time the couch..and chairs… and coffee table were casting off enough heat to warm a 10,000 foot cave in Antarctica. There was poor…err rich Bruce Wayne, dangling over the flames as a monitor blinked on.
Alfred’s face appeared on the screen. “How may I be of assitan…Dear Lord!”
“Just by being there and listening old chum!” Shadow replied.
“No Chum, chum...buddy. Not RUM!”
“Arrrrrrrrr” Death moaned.
“A hem, as I was about to say, you are here strictly to play the role of witness in the signing of a very important contract.”
In flew Jawbreaker with a paper clenched in his foot, taking the paper Black walked over to Bruce. “Mister Wayne, I have a business proposition for you. You sign this contract stating, among other things, you will pay to build our mansion and furnish it with our needs, and we will let you live and tell no one that you are actually Batman.”
“What do you mean among other things?! AHH!” At that moment Red lowered Bruce’s face another inch closer to the flames.
“Does this mean we get to have steak tonight?”
“OK! I will sign it!”
“Great! Death do you have you pin?”
“Death!” Death produced a rather long floral pin.
“A Pin? What is that pin for?”
“How are you going to sign in your blood if we don’t prick you?” Red shook her head.
“My blood?” Red’s hand went for the crank “OKAY OKAY!”
“Sigh, I love my new couch.” Black said as she lounged in her new living room.
“Here is you rum.” a butler handed the bottle to Death, who promptly took a swig.
“Yeah good job, Joe.” Shadow translated.
“WEEEEEeeeeeeeee!” Red ran past the window. “Throw it again! Throw it again!” she barked at crow.
”Tadaa!” out cam death’s Minion with a Mohawk “You like?”
“Keee!” just then Jawbreaker flew in through the wind. “Got a new job.” he smiled as he transformed. “Oh and I was thinking, from now on I shall be called Drake! Get it, drake dragon…..”
“Silly Jeff!”
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Monday, October 10, 2005
Sorry I havent been on reciently, I had 2 papers to do. you know how it is, right? Well, Nothing else really happened on sat, exept for watching anime in the club, and it was funfun! More saiyuki! Uh, other then that, let's see, on sunday I went to a fair called applefest. That was ok. And that's all I did. FMA was good this weekend! oh! we finnished the new foxglen, I'll post it here tommorow.
Visited today: animefreak189, blue_eyes, Daff Power,Forbidden Kitsune, raavahn, Tomayo
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Friday, October 7, 2005
He's sitting in my lap. we're completely over the biting ( i think) which is really good. Now I'm working on his staying in a pouch. Other then that.....anime night tommorow for the school. Still watching saiyuki. Oh, and avent children is good, even though I never had the chance to play the game or anything....well, ttfn!
OH! I was asked if I went to the anime club (at school) and I said, yeah, I started it, and the girl who asked gave me a blank look, and I did a friendly *sweatdrop* and said "yeah, I don't look like it do I?" and she said "No you don't." I did a classic anime had fall...It was soo sad! how can I not look like the type?
Had to put Yoh back. he was being a brat. he says hi.
Visited today (lots of people): blue_eyes, Daff-Power, Karumichan,Kitus san, Leon sama, raavahn, Sabbycat93, Tomyo, Mayura Ashita, LunarFox
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Classes canced!
The CSE building (our science building) flooded. It started at nnon yesterday, but it's swamped today, so they cancelled all the calsses in it. Guess what? That's were all my classes are today, so I have a free day! YAY! I'm going back to sleep!
VIsited today: Everyone I can
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Monday, October 3, 2005
down with yahoo!
It's been eating emails again. I KNOW people send them to me, cause they call and tell me so, yet they never show up in my pissed. Anime night two went off well, se watched saiyuki, and the next anime thing is saterday. That's all the news for now. ttyl!
Visited today: animefreak189, animegirl-11, daff-power, karumichan, raavahn, tomyo
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
I can't really talk long, since i'm at work and all, But i'd figured I'd say hi to everyone, that is, if I get the chance. Anyway. Have a nice day y'all, and I gtg, my coworker's asleep, and I don't want to wake her.
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Friday, September 30, 2005
Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Bussy! The anime nght was a roaring succes with over 30 people just showing up, and many more who had class durring it, so I'm doing it again on sunday! YAY go my school! Still don't have foxglen next chap, and I'm out of random diolog. So I'm going to run away now, ok? Talk to you all tommorow.
visited today: tomyo, jennifer92, inuyasha311,daff-power, animefreak189, leon_sama, icygirl, Bowser (can you cut down on the videos? you keep freezing my computer.)
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