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the land of twilight
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| Kitsune Foxfire
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
comps acting here's today's diologe. Me may have short foxglen commics to this (and the other diologs) later....
Jack: You can’t defy the laws of Physics you idiots!
Black: Who say’s we defying them? Why not say we’re......seeing things in a new way.
Jack: There is only ONE way to see gravity! Things fall down when you drop them!
Red: Unless your on your head...*demonstrates* then they fall up!
Black: It’s just a change in perspective.
(oh, Jack is a charator who apears in the all orriginal that we are working on. He's very by-the-books.)
Visited today: animefreak189, animegirl-11, Bowser, Daff-Power, Tomyo.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Visited today: animefreak189, animegirl-11, Black Guardian, Bowser, Daff-Power, Dark Phoenix, Kuraiangel, raavahn, Tomyo
It's days liek today that make me glad for firefox with the tabs funtion, cause I visted everyone at the same time. I overslept today, my alarm didn't go off. But I did make it to class on time! HAHA! Did you know more women then men go to college? We are takeing over! Ok. So, I can tell some of you don't really like the foxglen diolog, but that's just too bad....cause I still don't have a whole hell of a lot to write about. So here's todays:
Crow: *squirming in a chair*
Black: So then he went and....Hey where you going?
Crow: *bolts for the bathroom* *Slams the door on the following Black*
Black: *leaning on the door* YeAH so as I was saying, then he went and...
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Monday, September 26, 2005
Uhh...I have a bio test today, so I cant talk all that long. That was the reason I wasn't on on the weekend though.....gtg. here's today's diolog:
Crow: Let’s play this game....
Red: Okie
Black: Sure, why not? *Black wins*
Black: Why, I have won!
Red: Okie
Black: No!
Red: Yes, I’ll pay! *Crow wins* Again! *Crow wins*
Crow: *Grin* again?
Red: Yes damn you!
Game man: Spray him with the hose when you start, then you’ll win
Red: Let’s play! *goes to hose crow, get’s sprayed, Black wins* Damn!
visited today: Daff-Power, raavahn, tricky fox, animefreak189
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
I'll visit everyone later, but while I'm on my computer....Here's some more about foxglen.
the leaders: Red Wolf (a demon wolf with a slightly esentric idea of wepons and a fettish for burning couches. an assasinator who is also a wepons maker) Black Fox ( a calm slick fox with skills in leadership and assasination. Always looking for a new angle) Crow (a vengence demon with shapeshifting abilities. Loyal to a fault, and impossible to kill. He's the 'quarterback' of the team) Shadow (a living shadow, great at spy work, in control of the information network.) Death (a pirate of the river stixs, intristed in not only collecting souls, but collecting cash as well. Also impossible to kill) Death's Minion (a pryro half demon, friendly, really intisted in getting a guy, He's the quite one.)
Jawbreaker (a demon dragon, small, though can shapeshift. Loyal guardian and unexpected backup.)
today's diolog:
Black: huh? a package, sure I'll sign....what the...eww...oh man, not again!
Red: OOO new meat, goodie! I used up all the stakes lasterday! YAY! I'm gonna make kabobs! and look, all cut up already!
Black: you do know that was one of our agents, William, right?
Red: William? NOOOO not Willy! Alas poor Willy, I knew ye well....! and now I shall eat you! yay kabobs!
Visited today: everyone I hope if I can.
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Friday, September 23, 2005
here we go. Foxglen stuff today. For those of you who don't know what foxglen is, it started out as a fanfiction my friends and I wrote. The orriginal fanfic is a YYH one, and spans 13 chapters, and 99 pages double spaced. There is now a second story, about the Justic Leage with the same orriginal charators that we created. An all orriginal story is in the works, but first we have 2 more JL chapters to post. Click on my homepage to be taken to our website.
Red: *Chewing*
Black: *Chewing*
Red: *Chewing* I’m masticating *Chewing*
Black: *Chewing* *spits* Masticating! That’s good!
Red: *Chewing*
Black: *Chewing*
Stay tooned for more diolog tommorow. (for those of you who haven't head mastacate before :masticate: to chew Mastrabate: do I really beed to explain?)
visited today: I'd list you all, but I'd be late for classes. Lots of people today.
today: random diolog!
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
My class, sociology, which is a 3 hours of fun, let out after 30 min. Yay substitute. Though I do love the class.
Today: How toast, a sock, and an envilope can be used as a wepon. This is what my friend said:
slide across the floor clad only in a pair of socks & a mumu while throwing the envelope &toast in the air. The toast will combine with the envelope and you catch it with the envelope flap open. Then you throw the envelope/toast at a person to inflict massive papercut damage from the flap. (the toast gives enough heft to the envelope to throw it) (you could also do somthing with the fact that cocroaches lay eggs in the glue on envelopes)
this is mine:
leave a piece of buttered toast of for a fortnight. Once it has become ranced, put inside of a gym sock which has been worn four days strait. Next, place both items in a minia envilope, adress it to someone (desn't matter who, as long as it's not you) and send it in the mail. When the....item arrives it will be potent enough to drop an army. while your victiom is incompastitated, raide their house while equiped with a gass mask.
depends on the envilope you have, really.
Todays thought: If one dreams of Ninja training nightly, when one wakes, will they be a ninja?
What shall tommorows writing be? Foxglen diologs? or more random stuff?
Vistied today: animegirl-11, bluedemonboy, Daff-Power, enin, SomeGuy, Tomyo, tricky fox.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Ok, so how to take over the world, music, and the war between squirls and leprocans, love and alians. Ok, I can do that. First off, The squirls love the leprocans, and they want to take over the world so the leprocans will stop being convertend into MP3 files, but the only thing that the squirls have be able to use as a wepon are toothbrushes. Little do they know, instead of being a fearsom army bent on world dominiation they are being seen as the warriors for Good Teath and Gums. The leprocans on the other hand are very happy with being turned into music, since they think it's 'da boomb to go to raves, it was after all the whole reason they came down to earth. Why are leprocans green? well, naturally they're ALIENS! Don't tell the squirls though...
Next set of things to talk about?
Thought of the day:
Red Wolf: Dosen't play well with OTHERS. That's just not true. I PLAY well WITH others!
Visited today: bluedemonboy, Daff-Power, enin, Karumichan, krillin1001, Sabbycat93, shade the great, SomeGuy,
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Well, I wasn't expecting anyone to be scared by the blone cute little squirll (still cant spell it damn!) so sorry. Soon I will post foxglen stuff....but untill then. Here's a pic I did.

What he's thinking...."She woke me up for this?"
and not to coppy Karumichan, but if you guys want to ask me anything, go ahead. I've run out of things to write till I finnish foxlglen.....or come up with something intristing. Thank you all for the advice and willingness to help me. special thanks to bluedemonboy for the picture, I will most likely use it, if not for the fliers, then for something group related. BYEBYE ALL!
visited today: animegirl-11, Bowser, Daff-Power, jennifer92, Karumichan, Kuraiangel, SomeGuy,
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Monday, September 19, 2005
so. I have a favor to ask...
Ok, first off, the pic from yesterday, it's a blonde squirll, thats not normal! (I know I misspelled it) Ok, secondly, I nearly finnished the foxglen chapter I was working on. AND lastly can I ask a favor? I started an anime webgroup for my college. Now, to get people to know it's there, I want to do banners, perferably with pictures. Now I have a few pictures I could use, but natuarlly, they're color. I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to draw me a pic of an anime charator, just an outline really, because my anime people never come out right....better yet, anyone have any suggestions for what I should do instead?
Visited today:inuyasha311, Daff-Power, enin, jennifer92, kuramichan, krillin1001, SomeGuy
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
tell me, anyone see something weird with this?

It's not edited. Oh, Naruto was cool last night, wish they had shown more then one ep, but oh well, right? Also, FMA totally rocked! I won't tell what happend in case you recorded it. Uh....Yoh didn't bite me yesterday, so thats a plus, and I have a SCC (? I think thats what it's called) meeting later today. Well, I'm at work right now so I gotta run. Talk to you all later!
Visited today:uhhh, everyone I can when this computer stops being stupid. sorry you all. *sweatdrop*
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