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Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Well, now that I'm bac at school I'll be on every day, and we all can chat and stuff, right? Got my room all set up, and have a day left to get books, food, and the other nessisities.

I missed you all lots! talk later, I'll stop by and talk to everyone I can today.

vistied: bluedemonboy, Karumichan, krillin1001, Bowser, Fledglingvamp, jennifer92, Suntetsu

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Monday, August 8, 2005

sorry I haven't been on....work work workworkwork, you know? I'm going back to college in a month, and I'll be on every day after that, please be here people! (not loving summer) Fell inlove with the band "gorillaz" recomend it if you haven't heard it.
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Friday, July 1, 2005

I did stop in and see all the sites today, but no time to wait for GB to load....Sorry. Love you all....anyway, here's the newest foxglen stuff.... the link for the whole story (and review please):


and the new chap:


Dingdong off went the intercom. �Attention faculty and staff, paychecks will be delivered in the main office after school today. Please escort your second period classes to the auditorium for senior awards ceremony.�

Groaning Yuske looked over at the rest of the yuyu gang. �Why the hell do we have to go to a crappy ceremony?�

�Perhaps this would be an opportune time to go over our strategies.� Offered Kurama �I doubt any assassin would risk attacking the KGD with so many witnesses on hand.�

�You got a point there..�

�Let�s go to the library nobody will look for us there!� Chimed in Kuwabara.

�I am surprised at the intelligence of your suggestion.� said Hiei blandly.

So off went the Yuyu gang only to abruptly find their butts on the floor. �Jesus Christ! What the hell is your problem!� yelled Yuske as Utter clothes-lined him.

�Don�t use that tone with me! I am the dean of discipline at this school, and you shall show me the proper respect!�

�Dude, you just clothe-lined me!�

�I did nothing of the sort You just happened to run into my arm with your neck.� At this point I think you all know what happened, needless to say it involved Yuske with an out of school suspension and Kurama attempting to pull the two of them apart while Hiei smirked.

Emily and Barbra happened past during the altercation, �Maybe we should of warned him how Utter always looks for a fight so close to graduation...� said Emily. Then the two girls looked at each other. �NAH! Let em find out the hard way.� they said in unison and headed off to the assembly.

A soon as the dust settled The whole gang headed for the auditorium. Filing into the last available row. �Thank-you all for coming today, we are here to honor our graduating class. A few of these exceptional students have not only excelled in school, but in extra curricular activities as well.� With that, Utter started to call up different senior for awards. Despite Kurama�s attempt to keep his friends focused on strategy, he lost the battle to the stupor of the assembly himself and soon they were all

fast asleep.


Two hours later, the boys are awoken by a stage echoing noise. Upon awakening, they notice that all the students are in full body robes and hoods. The stage noise was actually them chanting �A kuande daku an do Hese a nami daku en do...� (The creepy song from Escaflowne) As there eyes opened the took in their surroundings. All of the students were chanting...and wearing black hooded robes. �What the Fuck is going on here?� Yuske looks around confused.

�It appears to be some sort of ritual.� offered Kurama.

�Oh good you are finally up!� called a cheery voice front the stage.

�Yeah Red thought it would take us singing the sun will come out tomorrow!� offered another hooded figure.

�HI KURAMA!� yet another waved.



�Hi Hiei...�

The only silent member of the group just shook her head.

Yuske�s eyes traveled slowly toward the stage as he realized who was up there. �Before you say another word...� Black Fox held up a finger ((ANH: hopefully I don�t actually have to tell you who these people are right?)) �Everyone here who is a demon please rise!� There was a great shuffling in the room as approximately half Of the entire student body stood up...

�WHAT!� proclaimed Hiei.

�Right!� Red stepped foward, �All the psychs in the house please stand up! Please stand up!� Black thwacked red �OW! Whaaaaaat?�

�I what I believe she meant to say was will all psychically aware please rise.� offered shadow.

�No Fair you would do it toooo� complained red in the background. �At least I didn�t do the dance...�

As the rest of the room got to their feet Kuwabara whistled, �There are more of them here then we have back home!�

�Well duh!� said shadow materializing from the corner behind him �It IS the asshole of the country.�

�AHHHHHHHHHHHH!� cried Kuwabara jumping three feet in the air.

�Ok, so all of this was to demonstrate something.�

�What was our point again?� asked Red.

�Just drop your hood.�

�OKAY!� Red pulled back her hood as the rest of the group did, �TADAAA!� standing up on stage were Barbra, Emily, Natalie, Chris, Jeff, Dan, and Katie materialized back on the stage.

�You gotta be shitting me...� said Yuske.

�And A big thank-you goes out to Kurama and Hiei for not spilling the beans! MWAH!� Barbra and Chris both made kissy faces. Thud! �OWWWWWW...� Barbara said as Emily looked satisfied.




�Alright you two knock it off.�

�HUMPF!� they finished in unison.

�You mean to tell me this whole time you two knew who they were and didn�t tell us!� Yuske turned to his companions.

�Yes well, you see we made a promise.� Kurama tried to explain and then stopped, �I thought you guys were waiting for them to figure it out.�

�We got bored.� said Black.

�Yes, their sophomoric intellect began to weary our senses.� explained Red. The rest of the foxglen group nodding in agreement. The yuyu gangs jaw just dropped. �What? Just �cause I don�t let on much doesn�t mean I�m not intelligent.� Red said as a matter of fact. �I am thousands of years old after all ... and I have a 4.0!�

�...and she loses it...� sighed Black, �Intelligent, yes, crazy, you bet!

�I�m not crazy, I�m eccentric!�

�No your not!�

�Yes I am!� She held up two fingers, �One, I�m rich, two, I�m an artist! I�m allowed to call it eccentricities!�

�Ok, you got me there...now as we were saying, we got sick of waiting, so we figured we�d just speed things along and tell you who we are...�((ANL: that and this story is getting really long, and we still have two more versions to write!)) ((Lord know�s how long the original is going to be...))�...wa, so...uh...SEE ya later!� the group on stage called, vanishing from site, their task accomplished.

�What an odd group...�

�Ok now I�m confused...Why did they do that?� A note appeared in a puff of smoke and fluttered to the ground. Yuske quickly snatched it and read it out loud:

Oh, we forgot to tell you, we are NOT your enemies, but if you get in our way, You�ll taste our blades! Ta ta for now!

Black Fox, Red Wolf

�Eee...What do they mean by that? How can they not be our enemies? They�re after the KGD!� another note appeared...


We are not after the KGD that way Baka�s! We have our reasons, so BACK OFF!


Red and Black

�WHAT IS WITH THESE PEOPLE!� Yuske cried, as he and his friends headed for home.

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I'm trying to visit everyone, but I have work in a few so I might not be able to. go to Kitsunegirl05 for some cool doshingi, and for the manga fans out there, I recomend the following:

Legal drug (yoai ish)
Loui the rune soldier

anyone have a good Runesoldier fansite?
I got to go, talk to you all after vactaion, k?

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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I'm sorry I haven't gone and said hay to everyone recently...work, work, work....you know? my melons are blooming, and I leave for vacation on saterday, so I don't think I'll be on for a while. Don't forget me, k people?
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Sunday, June 12, 2005

what I ment by deck, was the deck in our back yard...I had to water proof it, and its a decent size. Work was ok....for the last few days, but I think I shall be hating it again shortly. Got an early Bday present *my Bday is in a month (July9)* a digital camera! it rocks!!! so I'll post my artwork hear soon. I'll be away for my Bday, so I may not be on then, in case anyone cares....
Oh, also, my Blueberry bush has sprouted! and the melon plants I planted are doing fine, as are my strawberry bushes. it's the little things in likfe, you know?

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Tuesday, June 7, 2005

So much stuff to do! I got to go to work in a few days, and finnih the deck, and ....stuff. How you all doing? well I gtg for now, ttyl, people!
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Sunday, June 5, 2005

I'd visit everyone, but to be honnest, I'm too lazy today. sorry i haven't been on, working hard around the house (not hardly working). I'll try to be a more reliable friend. On a personal note, I NEED to cut my nails...its getting annoying. *grin*
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Monday, May 30, 2005

I'm at home now, so I'll update when I can, people!
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Monday, May 23, 2005

lalala! I have a paper to work on! Lalala! By the way, blade 3, wierd movie. I like the funny man! My room looks really empty now, makes me a little sad.....Raven, I visited your site, and now my comps being a dick, so i can't comment. I'll say it here, I believe in love, but I don't think happieness denotes love, or love intales happieness. Feel free to use the creepy bus as a backround. I got to run, ttyl.
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