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the land of twilight
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student, casher, Otaku
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Having over 200 anime...having over 10 animals, and other...stuff
Anime Fan Since
since was 4, or was it younger....
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Saiyuki, S-cry-ed, raxephon, .hack, FLCL, FMP, wolf rain, basicly any I can get my hands on, I have over 200 for Crying out loud!
....better spelling skills
anime, reading, anime, writing, anime, drawing, anime, animals, anime, vidio games, and did I mention watching Anime?!
Name that voice, Touching my nose with my tounge...and funny jokes...
| Kitsune Foxfire
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
suff to say and see....
ok, to answer inuyasha311's question, I spent 11.99 for samuri champloo inculding s/h. It was thirty something for shamam king (with s/h, for the entire series). I was at Raven's site, and I noticed a love of saiyuki going on, and its kind of funny, since I just go a used book called "legends of the monkey king" it's an abriged version of the orriginal legens saiyuki is based off of. When I get a round to reading it, I'll let you know how it is. No one said if they want me to leave up who I visited today, so i won't put that up any more.....
Now, in other news: I did 2 weeks of wolf tracking and 3 days of bird watching for my animal behaviorism class (we still have one overnight stint to pull). I saw some weird things, like a cool/kinda scary inside out house caming ground that looked like a hippie commune, and a buss cut into a truck, with its top a feild away...

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Saturday, May 21, 2005
Break time!
ok, you all know who I visited...If you want me to keep posting thaty here, let me know. It's nice to know I was missed. Class is going ok, And other then that, not one thing is really going on. I bought Samuri champloo and Shaman king on ebay last night....and thats it! now I'm off to keep packing, ttyl guys! (We have to be out of the dorms by next sat, and I have a bussy week coming up.)
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Friday, May 20, 2005
I'm sorta almost back. I'll try and visit everyone this weekend if I can, It's been a hectic time at class, but I go home in a week. Miss you all lots! BTW, anyone watched samurai champloo showdown on tv? I think it looks good...I kinda want screencaps of the fight between Jin and whats-his-name from ep one. well, I got to run. Talk to you all tommorow (I hope!)
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
I might not be able to get on for the rest of this month....I have an all day every day class. Gomen....I'll get on if I can though.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Visited: you know who you are, and I'm lazy.
Saw Hitchhikers guide last night, good movie. I seem to be really popular for the stopping in and visiting in person on campus right now, but it makes it hard for me to watch tv and read, not that I really mind. Read DearS volume one, and it was really good. did you know there is a Psycic Acadimy anime? It's not that bad.... Oh, and my luggage showed up. thank you all for being there.
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Monday, May 2, 2005
I'm baACK! (miss me?) (again)
Visited today: bluedemonboy, Bowser, heruchigu, inuyasha311
Ok, So I was away back home for spring break, and did not go on the computer (the world did not end) at all. I missed everyone! On my wey back here, my luggage got lost, so now I don't have all these cool things, like the Kyo Kara Moah dvd! (like $200 worth of dvds were in there!) Hope it showes up soon, right? talk to you all soon!
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Visited: no one as of yet...
I have to go study for a final, I'll try and stop in and say hi to everyone later....yesterday the finnal I took (history, 20 cent world) gave me a migrane....we'll see how it goes.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
vistited today: Dark Phoenix, Forbidden Kitsune, heruchigu, Karumichan,
Well, I have finals comming up (kill joy) and I just finnished my anime paper, then went to the midnight breakfast. yay! I promosed pics, so here they are. The girl from behind is me. if you guys want, I'll post a face foward pic of me later....and the new foxglen chap is up.
Here it is! chap 11.
now for the pics!:

the group from behind...

Apollo...and the one below is him too.

and the one that makes me happy...

so what do you guys think?
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Monday, April 18, 2005
I'm BACK! (miss me?)
Visited today: bluedemonboy, Forbidden Kitsune, heruchigu, inuyasha311, Karumichan
My weekend adventure:
Friday 4/15/05
Day one of Wolf Research’s trip to Wolf Park. We left campus at 8 in the morning, though most of us were gathered well before then. Basically we drove, drove, and drove some more. Our fist pit stop was about noon for gas and taco’s at Taco Bell. At about 12:45 we started off again. Our next break (pee-stop) was around four. We didn’t show up at the motel until 8:30. Dinner was at the Lafayette Brewery Company. I had a bison burger. Really good. Now I’m sitting in the room, just killing time. By the way, we are Indiana. Long trip.
Saturday: 4/16/05
Day two of the Wolf Research’s trip to Wolf Park. We got up at 9, and each of us got Northland College Wolf Research Team shirts. They’re really nice, long sleeve. We then went to the park, after a pit stop for gas, were we all got way to happy over a Akida puppy. At the park we looked at the wolves and the other animals. Next we had a safety lecture on what not to do when in with the wolves. My group went in with the foxes first. There were three foxes, Devan, Basil Ember. Basil licked my fingers, then ran away. I did get to lightly pet him. Basically the foxes were a bust. Next we went into the wolves’ inclosure. THAT was a once in a life time experience. Not only was I right next to a live wolf, I got to pet one, get licked on the hand and nosed/licked on the face. Right where I was nose to nose with Rudy, I remembered that he was a WOLF. OMG it was soo cool! We then went to dinner, which was good, though we had them sing for Jack (our teacher,) who’s leaving. We then went back and Howled at the wolves. We all got answers. I was told I didn’t suck howling. SOOOO HAPPY!
Sunday: drove, drove and more driving! I now no longer smell of wolf. I do not recomend staying up 36 hours, Karumichan. Well, I'm off...I didn't record any of my shows *cries* NOOOOOOO!!!! I'll post pics tommorow, or later to day. any wuestions will be ansered tommorow.
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
I finnaly got to sleep after 1130 pm last night. Over 36 hours awake. don't do that, if you can avoid it. I wasn't on earlier because I naturally slept in. Sorry I didn't get a chance to visit everyone. I'm going to wolf park this weekend so I won't be on at all. I'll post pics when I get back. Everyone have fun without me. I'll miss you guys!
(Wolf park is a park full of wolves, it's from my Wolf reaserch class. Yay college fieldtrips!)
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