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the land of twilight
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student, casher, Otaku
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Having over 200 anime...having over 10 animals, and other...stuff
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since was 4, or was it younger....
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Saiyuki, S-cry-ed, raxephon, .hack, FLCL, FMP, wolf rain, basicly any I can get my hands on, I have over 200 for Crying out loud!
....better spelling skills
anime, reading, anime, writing, anime, drawing, anime, animals, anime, vidio games, and did I mention watching Anime?!
Name that voice, Touching my nose with my tounge...and funny jokes...
| Kitsune Foxfire
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Monday, March 28, 2005
visited today: bluedemonboy, heruchigu, hidden golden eyes, inuyasha311, kuraiangel, raven8763, bowser, jennifer92, Hanabi-Chan, Shiori, SsaiyanShinobi
I'd like to say sorry for not visiting yesterday...i was bussy not really doing anything. *grin sheepishly* did you know Myotaku doesn't work great with Firefox? if anyone doesn't know what firefox is, it is a internetbrowser, like Internet explorer, but it has almost no popups, and it can open with tabs instead of mass amounts of windows. it's actually the better system in my opionion, and it's free. I really don't have much to say today....uh, someone get me a kendama! there, thats it for now. (a kendama is like the old ball in cup game, 2 cups, one peg, one ball.)
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
Visted today: Dark Phoenix, inuyasha311, jennifer92, Karumichan,
Well, today I'm at work. I'm getting a trenchcoat from my mom (isn't she cool) but I'm worried that being 5 feet tall might make it a little hard to pull of the coat look. Oh well....Watched more pretear, even though I've seen it like a billion times. Also, I went grocery shopping, and wouldn't you know it, I forgot the bread. I'm such a dork at times....Well, again, no pic today, and I have to harras the person whos writing Foxglens next chap. have a nice day, ya'll, and a nice easter if I forget to go on tommorow.
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Friday, March 25, 2005
lots of things.
Visited today: Dark Phoenix, Forbidden Kitsune, hidden golden eye, inuyasha311, jennifer92, Karumichan, Raven8763, Shiori, SsaiyanShinobi
Ok, got this from Mia the Catwoman yesterday...and I figured, this is the fastest way to tell everyone.
Also...Jenifer 92 is having a bad day, so everyone go cheer her up, k? (like anyone is going to listen...yes they will!) Glad you guys liked the pic. to answer Forbidden Kitsune, I drew it in class (yes I know I'm bad)then scanned it into my computer and went over it with Photoshop. It would have come out better if I had a REAL mouse and not a touch one. The sketch was a little shady too, so i think I did well enough. I'm working on another now....I'm at work. HUNGRY! grrr. I got to go cheer up Jen. BYEBYE! (no pic today)
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
GRRR classes
Visited today/tonight/mornig whatever...:bluedemonboy, forbidden kitsune, inuyasha311, karumichan, raven8763. Later visied: Dark Phoenix, Glitch4.0, jennifer92, Kuraiangel, Mia the Catwomen, Olisser, and SsaiyanShinobi
I'm waiting to I'm up...I'm thinking of writing an all orriginal story soon. waiting for it to fully congeal in my head. Anyone else ever have that happen? I know what will basicly happen....but only a loose idea. in a few days, it'll suddenly HAVE to be typed. oh well. Killing time is so much fun! Trillian kicks AIM's ass. Here's an all original pic, k people?

hope you like it. I know it's big...And it's not often I draw people, so please don't ripe me a new one, k?...I personally like the coat. Yes, it's misty. Well, I got to go reg. ttyl people.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
32D or 32 DD depends.
visited today: Dark Pheonix, Forbidden Kitsune, Inuyasha311, jennifer92, Karumichan, Raven 8763,
my computer is being weird today. Really! Finnished my Women stidies paper. Most people are leaving for easter so I'll be all alone again. Wish ROD tv would come back to Tech tv.....Glad everyone isn't dieing, right? Oh, and another thing, does anyone know where I can get the song JUST THE SONG from the AMV tainted doughnuts? I really really like it....

I'm not putting shadow (yes its her) in a full body, cause if you guys thought my bear was weird, you'd hate my snake.....I have no clue why it was so hard to draw a snake and a bird.....and I personally love all my pics, since the girl who was supposed to do the human versions hasn't yet *vein*.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
today today
Visited: bluedemonboy, Bowser, Glitch4.0, hidden golden eyes, inuyasha311, jennifer92, Karumichan, Mia the Catwoman, Olisser, Shiori, shippo gal, Tomyo, Silver Touya.
Warning! This is a ramble post.
Ok, so not everyone liked my bear, well I suck at drawing bears then, but I I'm not upset. I notice that I never really put anything personal, just stuff anyone at the college I go to would know about me. Let's change that shall we? *wink* ok. let's see what you already know...*checking site*, Ah there we are. I'm orriginally from Atlanta Geroga (sucky USA go!) and moved to New Jersey. I live with my mom, but am at school in Wisconson right now. I eat meat, and will ALWAYS eat meat.
I have a cat (midnight) a bird (Mellow yellow) a dog (copper) a dormouse (puck) and fish (Gi joe (a kori), Jacob's Ghost, and Snarf (bettas)). I like to draw and to write, but I also can stich and kroche (BAD SPELLER BAD BAD!)
I'm friendly, even to people I don't really like, but don't get on my bad side, or hurt someone I like cause I'll go after you. I'm short (5'0) and don't weigh enough to give blood. To be honnest I look like I'm 12 or 13, and I'm really 19 (oh the shame *cries*) I take a size 3 shoe or a 5 if they run small. And now for the TMI section of today's bra size is......Ah, I'll tell you tommorow! who wants to guess? (I really really need to get some sleep....) just figured I'd tell you people more about me, right? here's todays picture!

it's red wolf! YAY!
and here's foxlgen the story (not including the 2 new chaps as of yet., I got to run, have a nice day, ya'll
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Monday, March 21, 2005
vistied today: bluedemonboy, Forbidden Kitsune, hidden golden eye, jennifer92, Karumichan(site not letting me review, stupid computer!), Raven8763, SsaiyanShinobi, Olisser,
I WAS 666 IN RANCKINGS! regerstering for classes tommorow, and thats all. Glad you all liked the story! oh and I took a quiz from someones site and got

Which Cowboy Bebop character are you?
here's the pic of the day!

It's death's minion! and he's a teddy bear in real life too...(yes, foxglen charactors are based of real people, EVERYONE except for YYH people that has a name in the story)
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
Gotta check this out people!
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lots to read today!
visited today: bluedemonboy, Dark Pheonix, Glitch4.0, heruchigu, inuyasha311, Raven8763, Tomyo
So, yesterday I wrote a oneshot FMA fanfic, which has 14 reviews already...I'll post it below the pic today. Also, went to the mall yesterday, bought FMP (full metal panic) 5 (a vol I was missing), Gravitation 3 and 4, DNAngel 3. Psycic academy 7, and legal drug 1, as well as a book and a pot for a tree. I spent alot, but it was worth it! I recomend Legal drug, I think....and the anime rocked last night! Oh, BTW, thank you Olisser for the code I needed!

today's picture, Death (she's a cat, I know she looks kinda doglike, but when i made a shorter snout, she looked like a mutant hamster...)
the locked door
(Summry) Ed's locked himeself in the bathroom, and Al and Roy have a sneeky suspesion as to why....could they be right? Pg-13 for suggestive diologe.)
Ok, this is obvious, but I don’t own FMA, or anything cool like that. If I did I wouldn’t be saving money to go buy it, right?
This is a cheesy one-shot that just popped into my head the other day, so enjoy!
Al glanced at the clock again, 10:10. They were supposed to have been at Mustang’s office at ten, and were already late. He knew his brother didn’t like Roy, but this was ridiculous. “Brother? Are you still in the bathroom? What are you doing in there? You know….”
“Shut up, Al! I’m a little busy right now!” Called Ed from within the locked room, sounding a little distracted.
“Ok then….I’ll just wait out here..” Sighed the armor as Al settled in to wait right outside, just in case his brother tried to sneak away. Not that he thought he would, but Ed
was acting weird.
A little later
Knock Knock.
Al leaped up and called, “Oh…Coming!” as he headed for the door. “Hello? Oh, Hello Lt. Colonel Mustang…”
“Where’s Full Metal? He was supposed to report to me an hour ago on how your search is going.” Roy Mustang glared at Al, as if convinced that he was hiding his brother.
Slightly fritened of the look, Al backed up, “Oh, I know, but he’s a little preoccupied….”
“Really? Where is the runt?”
Al points, “In there. He locked himself in the bathroom an hour ago and hasn’t come out. Won’t you come in?”
“What could he possibly be doing in the bathroom for that long…? Never mind, I think I know.” Roy laughs, “Boys will be boys, right Al?”
“Come-on, you know what I mean! He’s, you know!” he crowed, making an obscene gesture.
“Brother! No he couldn’t be!”
Mustang grinned, finally having caught the kid in a compromising situation, “Just put your head against the door and listen….I bet I’m right!”
He and Al both leaned in an listened hard. From the other side of the door, a long litany could be heard, periodically interrupted by grunting. “Come on….oh for crying out loud….almost….AHHH! Damnit! GRRR….Why you peace of….oh yeah….so close…Almonst got it…..yes, NO! AHHH FUCK! That didn’t work….. OWWWW! Stupid automail…!”
“Brother, are you ok in there?”
“Uh, Just fine Al!”
“But you just screamed…”
“It’s nothing!”
“See I told you,” Roy snickered, “You need a magazine or something Ed?”
“What! The Colonel’s here? But we weren’t supposed to meet him till 10, and it’s only… 10:30? CRAP! Why didn’t you tell me Al?”
“I’ve been trying too….” Al muttered.
“Oh Damnit! Just great…Errrr….I’ll be out in a minute.”
“Hey now, no rush, kid. You just finish with what your doing, I’ll still be here.”
A surpised yelp came from the other side of the door, “Gee thanks, Lt. Colonel. Why so nice all of a sudden?”
“Well, I was young once too, you know, I know how it is…” Mustang leered.
“What are you talking about? That’s it, Al, I give up. Can you give me a hand with this….” Ed sighed as he started to open the door.
Al panicked and started to back up while Roy looked disgusted, “wha? NO NO that’s ok brother!” Al cried, waving his arms around.
“That’s just sick, Ed”
“What on earth are you two going on about?” Ed asked befuddled as he stood in the doorway.
For a moment his brother and the Roy just stared at him. Seconds passed in compete silence before they both broke out laughing. “That’s just classic!” gasped Mustang.
“I…Can’t Believe…that…you…you’re hair… HA!”
“Yeah yeah, you’ve had you’re laugh, now can you guys give me a hand with this?” Ed gestured with his free hand. His Automail hand was fully entangled in his hair, which closely resembled a rat’s nest. The hair was obviously stuck in the joints of the fingers and palm so well that his hand might as well have been glued to his scalp.
As all attemted to help his brother he had to ask, “How’d you manage to get stuck like this, brother?”
“I forgot to put my gloves on before I braided it, and my hair got caught and it all went downhill from there.” He yelped as Al pulled on his hand, “Hey, OWW that hurts!”
“Um…I don’t think this is working, Ed….” Al sighed, “I think we might have to cut it out…”
“Not my hair! Oh man, Winery’s going to kill me…!”
“Here, let me help….” Roy snickered as he walked over to the brothers, still laughing spasmodically.
“NO! I don’t want you near my hair!” Ed cried, a vision of him with his head on fire passing through his mind.
“Don’t be such a baby and let me help. You sure did a job on this one….” Deftly the Colonel detangled the hair, “There! All done! And we didn’t even have to cut any off, Full Metal.”
“Wow, thanks a lot!” Ed whooped as he finished braiding his hair with his gloves on this time, “I thought I was going to be stuck like that forever, Al.” he sighed.
“So THAT’S what you were doing in the bathroom, brother?”
“Yeah, of course it was, Al. What did you think I was doing?”
“Um…..nothing…” Al stammered, looking guiltily at Roy, who was looking anywhere but the two brothers.
“I don’t believe you for a second, Al. Come on, out with it.”
“Well, the Lt. Colonel said you where, well, you know…” muttered the younger brother, sounding embarrassed.
“No I don’t know, what did you tell him…….” Suddenly it dawned on the older Elric brother what Al was suggesting, “YOU SICK BASTARD! YOU THOUGHT I WAS! AND YOU TOLD AL? HOW COULD YOU!”
All quickly reached forward, grabbing Ed he called, “Now brother, calm down!”
“NO I won’t be! Let me go AL!” Ed struggled, “I’ll Kill you, Mustang!”
Author’s note:
So what do you think? Review please, flame or positive. Whatever. This popped into my head for the first time when Ed was washing up and ran his automail trough his hair. First I was stuck on if his automail would rust or something, but I like this one better. Hope you liked it….
If you want to review, please look me up on as Kitsune Foxfire, k? or review in a comment here.
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
visited today: Dark Phoenix, Glitch4.0, inuyahsa311, jennifer92, karumichan, raven8763
Why I love Ed (FMA): He's one of the few anime teens that has a right top be angisty, and he isn't really at all. He's short (like me) he has cool eyes, love the hair too (Wonder if it gets stuck in the joints of his automail hand free glomp for someone who writes a fanfiction where that happens, HELL I"LL DO IT!), he loves his bro, hates his dad....AND he has sarcastic humor.
Why I love ED (Cowboybebop): She's smart. SHe has a kick ass name, she loves dongs, and she's insane!
ok, today's alright, I may go to the mall later. caught a muse last night, the very one that's been eating my apple seedlings, he fell into a garbage can. Shaman king was good today, and GS was ok last night....well, I'm off, ttyal!
pic of the day:

CROW! (I'm working on people, and I'll post the chapters as I get them for foxglen, as well as a link to the whole story for those who didn't read it.)
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