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Monday, January 31, 2005

YYH fanfic.
ok, here's the YYH fanfic (desided to hold off on WR) This is a cowrite with some friends of mine. NO STEALING cause its our babby. It's set at our highschool....here's chap 1, notes and all

((Okay here is the disclaimer! One we don’t know own any of the characters from Yu Yu Hakusho. Two: We do not own the school or anything related there of. Three all characters in this story are fictional INCLUDING those based on real people. Four this isn’t really a disclaimer but please do not use the two main characters in this story Emily and Barbra without consent from one of the authors….I thinks that’s it. Enjoy! O wait I should probably tell you this too. When you see someone typing in this color that is ME Hecate talking. When you see someone typing in this color that is Loviatar talking. Okay good I’m going now…For real.))

It was a hot fall day. School had been in session for just two days, and all the students were already counting down to the first vacation. The boy shifted uncomfortably in the chair. His black hair was slicked back into a due that was reminiscent of Grease. His dark brown eyes followed the balding man as he passed.

'Man, what am I doing here?' He asks himself as he looks up at the ceiling, 'This is so stupid.'

"Where is that girl?" The principal muttered, "She should have reported strait from homeroom. Honestly...." As he continued on his rant, there came a knock at the door.

An attractive junior entered the room. She pauses a moment, leaning against the door frame, obviously out of breath. Straitening up, she turns to Mr. Utter, "Sorry I'm late, freshman everywhere!"

"That's ok," The principal replies, "Just so long as you're here." He points to the boy, "This is Yuske Urameshi, he just transferred from Japan. His English isn't so good," a rude noise interrupts him. Utter clears his throat. "Now As I was saying, Mr. Urameshi, Welcome to Sussex Tech. Miss. Corbo will be showing you around the school today. We hope you enjoy it here."

Barbra reluctantly drags Urameshi Around the school. A quick walk down the shop wing, with its hospital like atmosphere, is all she is willing to spare. As Barbra leads a decidedly reluctant Urameshi down the main hallway, she decides to make some unscheduled stops. After all, as long as she's leading him around, she has a free day.

Along the way Barbra mutters to herself in English. “I wonder is Em is in today…..I did bring her .hack DVD with me…Ahh can’t hurt to look.” With that, she literally Drags Urameshi into the last place he'd ever go.....the school library.

“Hey there Jess!” Barbra begins.

“Hi! How are you?” Jess responds.

“I’m ok…."

At this point Yuske decides he want out. In Japanese he says “Yo,…Barbra. The Library isn’t exactly my type of place. Can we move on? Or are you some kind of geek?”

With that Barbra turns on her heel. “Hey listen buddy! You are a freshman. I am a junior. In other words I don’t care what you think. Frankly I couldn’t give a shit where your “Place” is, and in case you haven’t noticed I’m holding a conversation here.” She turns back to Jess. “I’m fine Jess. Have you seen Emily?” She asks in a petulant tone.

Jess frowns “Nope, she hasn’t shown up yet.”

“Oh, well thanks anyways.” Barbra says then turns back to Yuske who is coming out of shock at being yelled at and then ignored. “Come on let’s go.” She says in English and taking him by the sleeve she drags him back out of the library

“Alright, since I’m stuck with you we might as well as be civil correct?” She asks Yuske in Japanese.

“I guess…” He responds.

“Good! I mean I don’t like you and you don’t like me…So let’s go get a brownie!”


“Barbra wants food now!"

Within the cramped bakeshop, things were busy as usual. They could barely hear the teacher giving instructions over the din of the radio and frantic working of students.

Once inside Urameshi asks “What is going on in here?”

“This is the bake shop.” Barbra replies “All those students are baking yummies for other students, like you and me, to buy.” Barbra then reaches over and rings a customer service bell. DING! ((A.N.H: Sorry I love those stupid things ding ding ding)) (( A.N.L: Takes bell and throws it out the window))

Another junior with her hair pulled back in a hair net walks up. “Oh hey, Barb!” She says.

“Hi there Marcelle! Got anything fresh?”

Marcella responds “Sure hang on one sec!”

When Marcelle disappears to go fetch some fresh “yummies” Barbra turns to Yuske once more. In Japanese she says tersely “You can get one thing from behind the glass.”

Looking over the cupcakes and cookies he chooses a cupcake shaped like a ghost. When Marcelle comes back she hands Barbra a bag and give Yuske his cupcake for free. As soon as he gets his cupcake Yuske takes a giant bite….and gags.

“YUCK! What are you trying to poison me?” Barbra simply takes a bite out of a brownie from her bag with relish. “Those are fresh Right? “ Yuske asks “How long has my cupcake been sitting on that shelf?!” Barbra shrugs and smiles sweetly at him. Yuske glowers. “Alright then give me a bite of your brownie.”

“NO WAY! It’s mine you chose the fucking cupcake now deal with it.”

Yuske is getting pretty mad. “Then let me have a bite of something else from that bag!” He points at her still full bag.

“It’s mine. If you want anything else you have to pay for it.”

“GIVE me one!” He grabs hold of her bag

“I said no!” she pulls on her bag and they both stumble out into the hallways and right into Kristin. “Oops Sorry Kristin.” Barbra says in English.

Kristin turns and looks at Barbra. “O it’s ok my home posse! We down.” She makes her voice travel lowers as she says the word down. Kristin then looks over and sees Yuske Urameshi grabbing Barbra’s bag. “Is this Gansta trying to mess with you girl?” She looks him up and down and winks at Barbra.

Seeing Kristin glaring at him Yuske lets go of the bag and puts his hands up muttering something about being able to kick her ass any day of the week.

Barbra just sighs. “Hey Kristin!” Barbra asks, "If I give you a brownie will you wreak your revenge on a later date and time?”

”BROWNIE? Yeah sure!” The whole while Yuske is glaring at Kristin. It isn’t until Barbra pulls out a brownie and hands it to Kristin that his jaw drops. “I LOVE YOU!” Kristin replies hugging Barbra.

“Riiiight.” After finally detaching herself and Urameshi from Kristen's firm grasp, Barbra lets out a laugh. "That Kristen is something else," She sighs. As Yuske glances around a now deserted Cafeteria, Barbra notices a lone figure coming towards them.

"There you are!" Barbra shouts in greeting.

Emily rushes over, “Blink, blink....” for a second she asks "aren't you going to introduce me to the boy toy?'

"Frosh, this is Emily...she’s a senior."

"I am queen of the school!!!" Emily shouts, waving her arms around empathetically.

"Right sure you are..." Barbra laughs as she whips out her fan of death.

"Baka!!!!" Emily laughs gleefully and whips out her own fan.

The two girls have a brief, though enjoyable Fan Duel, until Yuske interrupts, "Ah hello, don't understand English to well.....!"

With a laugh, both girls slip into Japanese, teasing the now-very-confused-Yuske.

((A. N.H: End of the CHAPTER! Read And REVIEW PLEASE! MWahahahahaha poor Yuski.)) ((A.N.L: We left out the boring history wing sorry.))

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