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the land of twilight
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student, casher, Otaku
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Having over 200 anime...having over 10 animals, and other...stuff
Anime Fan Since
since was 4, or was it younger....
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Saiyuki, S-cry-ed, raxephon, .hack, FLCL, FMP, wolf rain, basicly any I can get my hands on, I have over 200 for Crying out loud!
....better spelling skills
anime, reading, anime, writing, anime, drawing, anime, animals, anime, vidio games, and did I mention watching Anime?!
Name that voice, Touching my nose with my tounge...and funny jokes...
| Kitsune Foxfire
Monday, February 14, 2005
Happy Valentines Day! I got a rose bush from my secret Valentine yesterday! It was a dorm wide thing. Hopeing to get my RA interview later this week. I'm a little worried about that, and this talk I have to lead in women's study today....well heres the next chapter.
Authors Note: HA! Decided to do it before I do the story! I would first off like to thank everyone who reviewed my story so far!
ShadowYamiQueen: When I started the story, there was no Wolf’s Rain section. I just changed it, thanks for the heads up. You’re not a dork.
Zero Wolfwood: Same as above and your review made me smile.
Sorrowful Memory: Toboe is adorable isn’t he?
PsychopathicBendyStraw: There’s actually a plot to Wolf’s Rain?! I thought it was Run run run, fight fight, run run look for paridice......
VENGEANCE CROW: Great is such a useful word....thanks.
hell's bells: Yeay! People like me!
....Looks both ways slightly so I’m a dork....Anyway, I LOVE reviews, it’s what keeps me writing. If I don’t get any, I find it hard to write the next chapter. I’m glad you all like the story so far. If you have a problem with part of it, let me know and I’ll see what I can do. OH, and I know that in the show, ALL animals can talk, but, ummm......I figured Pit Dogs would be a little crazy, so would me less inclined to talk.
Damn! panted Toboe as the handler jabbed him with the pole again trying to provoke a response. ‘What does this have to do with fighting?’ he wondered, thinking back to the fight he had seen a little less then a week ago.
While Toboe was no expert in fighting, he knew skill when he saw it, and Tala had been right; she was one of the best. It had been her against this monster of a dog, and she had him pinned in a matter of minuets. Looking up to where she lounged in the sun, apparently sleeping, he sighed, ‘she’s GOT to be at least part wolf. Even Tsume would have trouble keeping up with her speed....’
AHK! He yelped as the pole slapped across his withers again. Missing by quite a distance, he snapped at it in vain.
“Com’on you mangy mutt! I KNOW you can do better then that! Now TRY!” The handler snarls as the Pole whacked into Toboe’s side.
You know what? You’re never going to get anywhere if you keep giving it a half-ass try. Tala yawned as she stood on the top of her crate. Toboe had been beaten, starved and caged since his arrival, enough to make all but the sweetest of people snap. None of that had any effect on good-natured Toboe, and, as Tala knew, if something didn’t get him to fight, he wouldn’t make it. Jumping down, she came as close as her chain would allow, Now show me what you can do ‘wolf’ Pup, are you a fighter or a pet?
That, more then anything else did it, despite all the abuse he had suffered, being called a ‘pet’ sent him off the deep end (again). Snarling in an actual rage, Toboe Lunged at the handler and reached the Pole out of his hand, snapping it in the process. The handler, for his part, stumbled back, shocked at the sudden change.
Well, Ginned Tala, that’s more like it.
A few days later, in a distant city
Kiba and the others had been traveling for quite a while. Finally reaching a City, the small pack decides to take a much needed rest. (Actually, Cheza found a small garden in the city, and decided to take a nice LONG nap.)
“See you guys later, I’m going for a walk...” Growled Tsume.
“Hang on a sec, we’ll come with you” Hige called as he downed a hotdog.
“NO! I’m going alone.” And with that Tsume just disappeared.
“Well, that’s annoying....Come on, Blue, let’s go look for some more hot dogs.”
A little later, somewhere in the city
Tsume had basically just been wandering around since he left the group, hoping that he would catch a whiff of Toboe. Of course, he was having no luck, until he bumped into one of the local wolves.
“Hey, you!” snapped Tsume, “Have you seen a young wolf around here? Rust colored, with an affinity for humans? His name’s Toboe.”
“Huh?” The wolf frowned; “Yeah, yeah, I’ve seen this Toboe you’re talking about...” he smiled menacingly.
“Where?!” Barked Tsume.
“What’s it to ya?”
“THIS!” roared the normally indifferent gray wolf as he lunged for the stranger. Though the local wolf may very well have been an excellent fighter, he was no match for Tsume. In a matter of minuets the moody gray had pinned his battered opponent to a wall. “NOW, I’m going to ask you this one more time. Where. Did. You. See. Toboe?” he snarled.
“No...nowhere! I swear it!” yelped the stranger, “I was just messin' with ya! Honest! I’ve never seen this Toboe in my life! I’m sorry man!” he babbled on as Tsume tossed him casually aside.
“You basterd...” Tsume muttered under his breath as he walked down the street, kicking his fallen foe along the way.
End of chapter 3
I hope to have the next chapter up soon, folks!
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