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the land of twilight
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| Kitsune Foxfire
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
A german short haired pointer won best in show. I rather have had the bloodhound win. Wolf research tommorow...and thats it!
Autos Note: Ok, the city in the beginning of this chapter is the city from episode 6. I stink at names, so the scarred old wolf is the leader of that pack.
It had been a rough winter, but the wolves of the small city. The scared old wolf sighed as he watched his pack work to unload the train. "Maybe those whelps were right to go looking for paradise. I wonder how far they got? Oh well, all I can hope for is the survival of my pack." With a shake he turned bact to the work at hand. "Watch what your doing!" he scouted as one of the teams cargo teattered dangerously on the edge of the platform.
Quickly he ran over to see if he could help in some way. It was no use. The load was just to heavy for the four wolves pulling. While they managed to prevent the cargo from falling on the tracks, the crates spilled onto the floor. "Move!" he shouted as he rushed to the fallen crates. As he approached he got a good look at what was making his pack so nervous about pulling cargo. One of the crates was filled with a dog, or at least that is what he thought at first glance.
Carefully, so as not to frighten the creature, he moved next to the crate and tried to lift the one on top of it to little avail. All the while he watched the dog within the crate. Something was oddly familiar about those golden eyes and rust/cream colored coat. "You're one of those wolves from a few months back!" He gasped.
"Huh?" A dazed Toboe replied.
"I knew it! But were are the others? What happened?"
"We got separated, have you seen Tsume? Please, help me!"
Before the older wolf could answer, an official looking man called out, "Hey, get away from there! Those dogs are dangerous!"
"I'll do what I can, boy, I'll get word to your pack." he whimpered as he backed up.
"Watch out!" Toboe started. As the Scarred old wolf jumped back the crate on top of Toboe's fell towards the old wolf, blocking him, and putting his eye to eye with a very frustrated Tala.
"Damn! I missed! Toboe, Why'd you have to go and rune my fun!!!" She snarled. "Come closer old one. Come closer so I may kill you!!"
"Tala, stop! He's going to help me!" Toboe whined.
"Ha! Let me guess, another one of your 'wolves' right? This that Tsume guy your always talking about?"
The old wolf's eyes widened in surprise and he would have asked questions if it had not been for the men who came over at that point and moved the crates onto the new train. As it was, he just stood there until the train left. A short time later, he sent one of his fastest and most loyal wolves to find the pack searching for paradise with a message.
On the train
Tala! Why did you have to go and do that? He could have gotten us out!
No, Toboe, he couldn’t. There were people all over the place! And besides, he was looking at you, he didn’t even notice me until I nearly landed on his head!
But....! Toboe whined.
So, Interrupted the female, was that one of your wolves you always talk about? Huh, I could almost believe you......but not quite. That hidden form is really something else.
Yeah, Toboe sighed, ignoring her disbelief, that was another wolf.
Huh. Well, I think we should get some sleep, the next fights should be a little different, all the dogs are acting up. some distant town, far away, a week later
“Tch!” Tsume snorted in descust as they once again were jocceled by the crowd. “Why did you have to come to this city anyway?”
“We came here to find the path to paradise! Honestly, you have a shorted memory then.....” Hige started, only to stop himself before uttering Toboe’s name. Of course, Tsume knew exactly what he was about to say.
“What did you say!?” the short tempered gray wolf snarled as he spun to face Hige. Shrugging, the rest of the group decided to continue on, after all, this was becoming an almost daily occurrence.
“Ah! I didn’t say anything! Honest I swear!” Hige cried, backing up. Fortunately for him, he was saved a beating by someone running into Tsume, whom in turn spun around to vent his rage on this new annoyance.
“You....!!!” Tsume started, not even fazed by the fact that his new...’opponent’(though victim is more like it)...was a wolf. “Why I’ll....! he started.
“Are you the wolves looking for paradise?” The newcomer yipped backing up quickly.
Spinning around, eyes wide, Kiba asked, “Who want’s to know?”
“Thank god I found you! Listen! I’m from the city you visited a few months back....”
“Huh. You’ll have to be more specific then that, we’ve visited many towns.” Kiba sighed.
“You got mad. The wolves in our town do dog’s work you said...”
“Now I remember the town.” Kiba snarled.
“What? You decide to stop being a dog and come with us?” Tsume growled in disgust.
“No! I came to deliver a message!”
“Our leader says...” the newcomer started straitening up, “he says ‘Kiba, Hige, Tsume, I found something of yours the other day. Don’t kill my boy for telling you this,’” at this the messageanger looked a little nevus, “‘Toboe passed through a while back.’” Tsume went to strangle the massager, but was held back by the rest of his pack. “‘He’s in the fight pits. I don’t know how he got there, and I don’t know were he’s going, but if you check out the pits, you’ll probably find him. He’s waiting for you. Oh, and watch out for his...friend. She’s a real bitch.’ That’s all he said! I swear! Don’t kill me!” With that, the messenger took off.
“Tell the old man we said thanks!” Hige called after him. “Great! Now we have a lead!”
“I guess we’ll have to hold up looking for paradise,” Kiba started as he glanced at Tsume, “Toboe seams to need a hand.”
end of chapter HA! I can do cliffies to! Thanks again for all the reviews. I hope you still like it. Next chapter, Tala and Toboe fight in different ways, and the search for Toboe begins.
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