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kitsune foxfire
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the land of twilight
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student, casher, Otaku
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Having over 200 anime...having over 10 animals, and other...stuff
Anime Fan Since
since was 4, or was it younger....
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Saiyuki, S-cry-ed, raxephon, .hack, FLCL, FMP, wolf rain, basicly any I can get my hands on, I have over 200 for Crying out loud!
....better spelling skills
anime, reading, anime, writing, anime, drawing, anime, animals, anime, vidio games, and did I mention watching Anime?!
Name that voice, Touching my nose with my tounge...and funny jokes...
| Kitsune Foxfire
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/31/05:
I dont think Iam that angry...
How to make a kitsune foxfire |
5 parts anger
1 part courage
5 parts |
Method: Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of sadness |
Result Posted on 03/29/05:
OOO so true. yay lets run!
Result Posted on 03/28/05:
j rock,,,so true.
Result Posted on 11/07/04:
ok. not bad. a little truthful
Fire - you are adventurous and easily provoked, you like to explore the unknown, you are a good leader, You like pizzas! you dont really mind having to get up early for some things, you have lots of energy, you are emotive but can be stupid... PLEASE RATE
Your TRUE element - In 3 questions! - cool pics on later brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/07/04:
Wonder how true it is....
 You represent... apathy.
You don't really show any emotion. You can be considered cruel and cold, but you just don't really care about anything. This is just the way you are... you're quite a challenge to get close to, and others may perceive you as boring.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/07/04:
I like it. Nice and true.
 B: size="2">You take the Road Less Traveled. Who
wants to go where everyone else has already gone anyway? You look for the hidden
paths, ones most don't see and don't care to venture down. You go boldly and
stand proud discontent with what's been put in front of you, determined to find
a way perfect for you even no one else will take it with you. You live as you
want and not for others, but be careful not become selfish. Others may need you
and you should be there for them, especially the ones close to you. You tend to
be the leader in most situations and people listen and trust you not lead them
astray. Your firm in your opinions and beliefs and unwilling to change yourself
to suit other people. By the same token, you can be stubborn to a fault, change
isn't always a bad thing you know. Everyone changes and grows, you shouldn't try
to stay exactly the same or you could be left behind. Then again, you may change
frequently. Some people change to fit in, you my little non-conformist, may
change to be set apart. It's great to be different, but it's also just as great
to have things in common with people, even if those people are in that "crowd"
you seem to have a vendetta against. Don't try to be different, just be who you
are, whoever that is and you'll be unique all on your own. So make some time for
people, let yourself blend into the crowd every once in awhile, you may just
learn something about them and yourself you never knew before.
What Path Do You Take In Life? [X]For Guys and Gals! Pics and Lengthy Results.[X] brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/07/04:
Not bad. I love summer.
 You're a Summer. You're just a ball of energy that is constantly going on and on!! You're kinda like the energizer bunny. lol. But your probably really athletic and even if you're not, you'd be good in sports because of all your energy. You're enthusiastic about everything you do and find it hard not to be happy. You're usually pretty optimistic but can be realistic when needed. You always hope for the best to turn out and many times they do. Sometimes though, you let your temper get the best of you but you apologize as soon as you can because you hate people being angry with you. You're friends love how active you are and you make them feel. (If you can't see tje pics, go to my homepage and look near the bottom and find your result) like they can do anything crazy if they want to.
What season are you? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/07/04:
Very accurate. Loved it./ wish I could draw that well...
 G: Your Beauty lies
in Individuality. Different, amazing, and all your own. You like be set apart
from all others and most love that you do. You are solitary at times, but for
the most part, there is no greater compliment to you than someone telling you
that you are different. You're most likely a bit of a fighter and you hate it
when anyone attempts to change who you are. You wear what you want, look how you
want and don't let anyone tell you what do to. You can be a little immature at
times and have trouble dealing with authority and asking others for help. You
like to do things yourself and are independent almost to a fault. But, people
still find your individuality amazing and the fact that no matter what happens
or what anyone else anyone thinks about it, you will not change who you are.
Some Things
That Represent You:
Dark, Fire Animal: White Tiger Color: Bold Colors, Odd
Colors Song: Just They Way I Am by Angel Expression: Smirk
Bloodstone Mythological Creature: Phoenix, Dragon Sign:
Leo Planet: Pluto
Hair Color: Unnatural Colors Eye Color:
"You laugh because I'm different. I laugh because you're all the same."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/17/04:
I seem to be very popular with the unicorns....
A mythical being of Chinese mythology, comparable with the western unicorn. Ki-lin personifies all that is good, pure, and peaceful. It lives in paradise and only visits the world at the birth of a wise philosopher. The Ki-Lin is said to walk on earth and on water. It never drinks or eats dirty food or water. The Chinese unicorn never treads on smaller animals below its feet nor does it ever harm another living creature. The Ki-Lin is the emblem for exquisite goodness, longevity, grandeur, endless compassion and great wisdom. According to Chinese mythology, at the birth of Confucius a Ki-Lin appeared and Confucius died soon after a Ki-Lin was killed, he believed that his writings would not proceed from the omen of the death of the Unicorn.
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Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/17/04:
not bad. shorth though.
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