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myOtaku.com: Kitsune of Fire

Friday, April 21, 2006

   Back intermittently
Current music: Metallica, House that Jack Built
Current mood: bored

I seem to not post around here that often...considering that I actually HAVE a life, unlike some of the people around here who post everyday. *rolls eyes* Anyway, it's Friday, I only have 2 classes that I actually require homework tomorrow, and I'm bored now - so I'm posting. (Yes, I have classes on Saturday - this is what I get for going to a boarding school. *wahhh*) This will probably be sporadic until 1 June, the last day of exams *WHEEHOOO! 41 days left until that blessed moment!*

...*ahem* anyhow. I have mucho anime/manga/reading time now. Be grateful that I have actually graced this site with my presence. BEWARE: I HAVE A LIFE. So, I'll try to get around as much as I can here...until my playlist ends.


PS - anyone out there feel like helping with an avi? It's been awhile for me.

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