You are innocent and kind, you are really shy and
you don't talk too much to new people you meet.
You have a good soul and people are attarcted
to you by that. You don't like to be the center
of attention, and you certainly never want to
be. You aren't selfish in anyway you just
really don't think of yourself too much and
when you do you usally think lowly. You really
do not have a bunch of confidence in yourself
but thats why your friends are there. You can
get along with the nice non wild people better
if you had to choose. You are a kind hearted
person and thta is your special feature. Your
friends would come to you for anytime they
enjoy your presence when you aren't depressed,
and another reason they come people can't stand
you being sad so they come to cheer you up.
What Type of Person Are You in Your Group of Friends?(Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla