Kitsune Thief
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Spring Break!!!
I get to leave for spring break tommorow!! ^_^ The only bad thing is that I have to get up EARLY (5:00 in the morning!! >.< Yuck!) I get to go to the Grand Canyon AND skip two days of school ^_~ I'm taking canvases and an easel and paint out there to well...paint! ^_^ (duh!)
Envy-I'm going to jump off the edge to freak people out because I can't die!! ^_^
Me-No you're not, Envy.
Envy-Awwwwwww!!!! But I thought you LIKED freaking out the stupid humans!!!
Me-I do but not like that!
Me-Anyways see you next Saturday!! ^_^
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody! My school faculty can't seem to get into the spirit of it though because they said if you get caught pinching someone for not wearing green you get a detention just because we have uniforms! What's wrong with wearing something WITH the stupid uniform stuff!?!? Or better yet, why can't we have a free dress day for it? We had one for Valentine's day! There's no difference between them other than one's red/white/pink and the other's green/silver/white!! Oh well noone (including me) listened to the "rule" when the teachers weren't around.
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Friday, March 11, 2005
It's Finally Over!!!!!
We just performed a play that I had a part in that we'd been practicing for for like, two months at school tonight. I only had a minor part, but I still did pretty good. It was the Pied Piper of Hamelin. One girl was sick so our principal had to "fill in" for like, five minutes and he dressed in drag and did her part with no lines. Needless to say that was the funniest part of the whole thing. They didn't tell the cast he was going to do that so no one knew until he was on stage. Everyone had to keep from cracking up. We failed miserably, but no one cared they were cracking up too. The whole thing was stupid-funny but it was a good play for the age group because there were Kindergartners thru 8th graders in it so it had to be kid-friendly. It was a musical, but it wouldn't have been quite as good if it hadn't been. Just to show how much they've been having us practice, I had a dream where Ed was the 'piper' and Envy was the mayor. at Ed's entrance he was like "Who am I? I am called the Pied Alchemist. Pied, because of my colorful outfit and alchemist because I can do this! *claps hands and blows up half the stage* Where do I come from? I come from a distant not-so-mysterious land called Central. Maybe you've heard of it. And why am I here? I am here to rid you of your rodents!" and Envy-mayor replies "Good! You can blow up these accursed rats!!" and that's it. But......yeah. I am soooooo glad its over so I don't have to sing the stupid songs anymore!!! One that keeps going over and over in my head half the song is just lalas and that's the part that is stuck in my head!!! DAMN THE LALAS!!!!! Oh well. It was fun.
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
Video games and.........Homework?!?!
I never thought I'd see the day when anything that has to do with video games would help with any form of homework. That day just came. In my Manga Mania Video Games book by Christopher Hart there are diagrams with all the scientific names for muscles labeled on them and lo and behold.... That's what we're studying in science currently. There's a test tommorow and I used a drawing book to study. -.-' Hey. Whatever works right?
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
More Quiz Results
 The Goddess of Ice and Hope. You are a creative wonder. Always calm and collected, you hold the awe of many people and you are exceptionally logical. You are an inspirational beauty.
Which gorgeous goddess are you? For girls! (breath taking pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Envy!
Which Homunculus Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Cool! ^_^ So what if I'm sadistic? *looks around for someone to torture and ultimately kill* *evil, manic, laugh* ehhehhehheh come here Mr. Koelper...
 You are Wrath!
Which Homunculus Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I seem to have two personalities.... -.-' Oh well. They're both true.
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Friday, February 25, 2005
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Friday, January 7, 2005
I have been drawing Bakura or Ryou WAAAAAAYYYYY too much lately. Usually at school when I'm bored I doodle with stick figures but lately I have been doodling Ryou and Bakura not stick figures. They're not very good, but they're really funny I have been doing them in my Algebra class so they have to do with how boring my teacher is. One is titled-Even Ryou falls asleep in Algebra. and the other one is where Ryou is sleeping and my teacher is trying to wake him up so Bakura takes over and kills my Algebra teacher "If my hikari wants to sleep in your stupid boring class you let him sleep!!!" says Bakura to Mr. Koelper my teacher. If you want me to post my random doodlings (They're not very good but they're funny) please comment on this post or PM me or sign my guestbook. I had Bakura kill Mr. K because I was mad at him for making us do the stupidest project in the histoory of mankind. If you want the details, PM me.
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
 you are yami bakura.deadly,evil but oh so cute.
you would jump off the roof of a 10 storey building than do something nice.
what yugioh duelist are you and would you duel a kung fu mokey or sumthin' like that (sniff,sniff) brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah......... so?
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy New Year!!! It's 2005 already! Wow. I saw Ocean's 12 last night and there was one thing I did not like about it. A STUPID UGLY FRENCH GUY STOLE MY NAME!!!!! I mean, seriously, Night Fox! He's a thief too and since Kitsune=Fox Demon he stole my name!!!! Other than that I thought it was a good movie and would recommend it.
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
I'm soooooooooo tired. I was up 'till like 3 last night watching my Kyo DVDs for the first time. I thought Yuki was going to actually join forces with the Mibu!! But he pulled that whole "to decieve your enemies you must first decieve your friends" thing. They should make it friends and fans! I thought Kyo was gonna kill Yuki!!
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