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struggling artist with hopes of being doujinka
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Anime Fan Since
FOREVER! no really, since i was born. my dad was obsessed with speed racer.
Favorite Anime
HELLSING. inuyasha, juvinile orion, full metal alchemist, wolf's rain, have read pretty much everything!
to be a mangaka.
well, i draw alot.
AHA! i now have a talent! i can walk on glas without getting cut! that can turn into a job, right?
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
everything bad

i want to kill my sister. literally. she has this way of making you feel like shit and the only way i get back at her is when she's not looking. i can't win at verbal fights, cause i never want to be that mean. so i don't. yet i could probably beat her to death. and she just says i'm stupid and worthless and i think i shall go beat her right now. cause she just thinks she is so much better than me, i hate that. so i dunno what to do. i'm stuck. now she's telling all her freinds that i'm a phyco and has soap as ''kt repelent'' cause i have that distrot look, and is saying at least i am a girl and not guy, like me. i'm a tomboy dumbass, there is a difference.
which brings me to my next topic, which is i was riding in the car with my grandmother, and we saw these two chicks hugging, of course, i could care less, i was paying more attention to the person that was riding his bike on the railing of a stairway. my grandmother said ''ew, gross'' like a lil kid and pulled away. i was so made. they weren't even doing anything! and then she continued to talk about asian and muslims, and so i screamed at here. i had never been so mad in mi life. i was so pissed. why are people like that? i'm now going to go listen to music and try to cheer myself up. but my sister just has to learn a few in lessons in how things work, or she's gonna be screwed. she buys her freinds, and makes fun of people. everyone hates her. and i think i'll just egg em on.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

kay pinapples, not much time. ermm, how was the night? i over slept^^ didn't really wake up at all. a good night's sleep. i never get that. i mean, i dunno, i fell asleep on all my drawing stuff. no, i didn't drool. gg!
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Monday, May 23, 2005

ok, well, i said i would out up a pic, so i am. this is it:

it's not as good as this one though(this is mainly for hellsingfan to see, i have absoulutely no idea how to post it in fan art)

here's my new problem: i dunno how to make a file size smaller. i just dunno. it's so annoying.
i am so scared about posting that pic. it's not very good. i'm sorry! don't judge me! please! i'm being serious, i messed up on her face. grrrrrr....i hate zat.
i want a moped. damn it.
oh well, nothing really happened, i left at my house without any transportation for 36 hours, i hit my head, and then fell down the stairs, made new freinds, and not do any homework. is that not how we all wanna spend our lives? i mean the last two. yeah....
i'm too cute to dance! i dunno where i got that from, i think my sister said that. and iright now whe's saying how in star wars they give RT-D2 too much power....where am i?
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
heh heh

i actually did stuff today! yay! amazing! well, i can't wait! the inuyasha movie comes on tonight! so excited! i've only seen the second one before.
have you heard of the tragic blogging story wherethat guy n his sister died? that's tragic.. RIP.
i don't understand, in some mangas and anime, they are all like ''ok, i have to run and kick you and then i'll win! even though that takes forever!'' or ''maybe i can out run u!''. i've always thought, why don't you just use a gun? i'd do that. i think that's why i like hellsing so much. cause you just shoot em, and they're dead.
anyways, i found 700$ worth of cash wad in my mom's foom today. that didn't really make sense, did it? i mean, whatever.
that song gravity made me cry today. *tear*
i shall change my cite backround and such shortly! no more ramones, u guys arn't huge fans, huh? i'll look for gravity or somthing. heh heh. how about speed racer?
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
ok, i need a really big favor...

ahhhhhhhhhhhh............ i'm always asking for things, i feel so selfish....anyways...... i have two questions:
1. were can i find ready steady go(FMA) in an mp3 that actually works? pleez?
2. uh, ya know that really slow depressing famous song by enya? what's it called.......? long story......
3. heh heh..... in the second inuyasha movie, there's that song while they are sitting by the fire. it's really cool. what's that called?
yeah....if there is anything anyone needs i bet i can get my lazy ass to do it.....
well, here i am again. grrrrrr, barely. ya's another long story. PE was hell....screw it. and music we have to play ''stairway to heaven'' and we have to stomp and slap and i wasn't doing it cause you look like an idiot and the teacher yelled at me sayin ''it thought i was too cool for it.'' well, i am.
i got sunburned today. and that's why i wear a snow jacket. grrr...
i need a super computer.....
i am so selfish. please, if there is anything you guys need....just tell me. i feel so bad!
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Friday, May 20, 2005
blah, random stuff that makes me look crazy and like an ass.

i hate chess. i just do.
anyways, i shall do a reveiw today, just because i want to. heh heh! uh, already......
NOW. that's the name of it. and it sux. just don't read it. i could draw better than that. and write i better story. in a matter of fact, i already have. i don't like korean manga that much. this sorta just made me relive "the mythical detective loki ragnorak" which also had no point. this one i didn't even get the point. if there was one.
i wanna do a contest. yet, a nice originall contest.....later in life. i can't think of anything that takes more than a braincell, so i'll leave it to the people who actually no what they are doing.
it's good.
Da na nu nu.
it's the end of the world
and i broke the law
by posting the lyrics
to gloomy sunday.
or so my full of it freind sez so.
head hurts....
does it ever not? i don't think so.
ok, i'm sane again. i'll have some art posted on either sunday, saturday, or monday. yep. see ya!
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
"that's crazy" -Kt(not me)

Do you guys watch AMV(anime music videos)? i find them interesting.....i've only seen one. and i got that for the music. heh heh^^ i just heard someone open up a pill can..... worries me......liket he lid snap....... just think about.
welll. nothing new. cept i have another test tomarrow. what. the. hell. it was my freind's birthday today. i said she could have whatever she wants as long as it didn't cost any money, humanly possible to give, and wasn't alive. ofcourse, she is yet to make a decision.
have ya heard bout lordsesshomaru's new contest?(the answere is yes, since you all are his freind too.) i have no idea how to do that. i mean honestly. no idea. i'll have to think about it. i'm stupid.
i hate two of my freinds. i hate them so much. they ignored me and said all this shit behind my back. so today they tried to talk to me i said "F*** you!". and they said bye to me, i just said "go to hell". yeah.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
i played chess with my sister, who won 3 out of 4. and the only reason i won once was because she forgot to say checkmate. sad. anyways, i decided to get back at here. i'm not a sore loser, i just am big at revenge. besides, all i did was sign her up for queer eye for the strait guy newsletters, spit in her face, hid the clicker, trip her, on her stupid computer game give half of her supplies to her enimeies(it's one of those war things were ur france and they're England, confuzled), and hide her homework, ect. and yet more is to come.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
ick....i hate tests...and alot of other things

we had a test today, and i finished it actually pretty fast. so i had like an hour left over. i tried to write, but couldn't, so i slept for a while. ok, does anyone have an MP3 cite? the one lordsesshomaru gave me was great, but this one song keeps on stopping. it's driving me insane! first at 45%, then at 95%! that really just sux. ouch. nobody is up yet.....i wonder why. they should. hmmmmmm...... that's enough i suppose. i dunno. mi freinds are still fighting. it really sux. ouch, mi head hurts... heh heh.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
it's really the thirteenth today

okay.....well, here's mi review....forgot about it....whatever.
name- juvinile orion
i actually think you should really go out and buy a copy TODAY. it's amazing, and i would make it my theme if there was more pics about it online. it involves probably the most beautiful art work, and has a great story.
the story is mana comes back to her hometown and looks forword to seein her old freind kaname. he doesn't want to talk to her because of somthing that happened the last time they met. what could that be? will they other be freinds again? and then there is all the other characters, the kids with wings on his head who has amesia(amou) and then there's itsuki, who's comic releif. and there's a preist. and i suppose i should mention that mana ends up being a mind breaker, which causes everyone to start calling her master and doing what she says and then she has to fight the mind breaker who's this really cute goth chick.....i suck at summeries, you just have to read it.
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Monday, May 16, 2005
more interesting stuff from mi life, not. well, it is from mi life.

well, life has been going so slow lately. crazy, huh? i still luv message boards. as always, i am working on mi manga. i will have some art up in a week or so. so keep chicking! i made of list of characters today to disect their character traits(it took me like an hour, and it got me nowhere. so difficult to work with.) and that reminded me of lorksesshomaru's contest thingy like 2 months back. i'm still waiting for arucard to kick everyone's ass!
i'm watching the worse movie ever. it's called dragon fighter. i write better stories! and it's organized terribly. and what they say is so fake. gah.
can you beleive i finally got AIM(yes.....). i thought it would be a waste of mi time....yeah.....probably was.... it's kistunkami125. i had to make it kistun, not kitsune because everything else was taken. and it doesn't really mater to me.
i never realized how funny family guy was!
i think i'm sick from instant ramen.
and i have fifths desise. ouch.
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