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struggling artist with hopes of being doujinka
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Anime Fan Since
FOREVER! no really, since i was born. my dad was obsessed with speed racer.
Favorite Anime
HELLSING. inuyasha, juvinile orion, full metal alchemist, wolf's rain, have read pretty much everything!
to be a mangaka.
well, i draw alot.
AHA! i now have a talent! i can walk on glas without getting cut! that can turn into a job, right?
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
sweet sixteen dananunana sweet sixteen

today was interesting:
1.i really need help with the bittorent thing. i don't get it. help me, please! really!
2. i realized mi fear of wookies. how scary.....
3.i really hate bill gates.....and it increased for no reason today, and for no reason, and no reason, and no reason....and no reason......that's a weird word.....reason.....huh.......
4.i luve that song ''hazy shade of winter'', i dunno, beautiful tune. do you down load mp3? am i just stupid or somthing? i mean really....
6.head ache. stomach hurts. wanna kill. gainst law. damn.....
7.i wonder where i can get banboo......
8. pandas are so cute!
9. a round is a circle
a circle is a sound
they each other
like a sister and a brother
a rounf
10. barry white should stick to attrackting snakes, not singing.
11. i luv ice cream.
12. i hate the people on sweet sixteen.
13.i have grown a bad habbit of talking to myself.
14. da nanuna na sweet sixteen. da nanunana sweet sixteen.
15. strange.......
16. why don't people answer e-mails? i mean really?
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Saturday, May 14, 2005

i got stalked, burned mi tung on rice. and that's bout it...does anyone have a good torrent cite? driving me insane. i'm listening to ''these boots are made for walking'' and it's driving me insane. i feel very light headed and strange. i am now in a huge fight, again. insane man. oh well. i came up with two new manga ideas today, both in one sitting. and one is about a haunted ''person'', not a place. his name is the print man. i might say more later.... maybe.
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Friday, May 13, 2005
oh man, hey, an actually title today

thanx for the music help. ahhh, i have become obsessed with message boards. there are so much fun! i dunno......again, there are never enough hours in a day. practiced mi violen almost until my bloody hands bled. and you can imagin how that felt. I DON'T THE FRICKEN BABIES TO COME TO OUR SCHOOL! they are considering bringin those stupid fake babies to mi school for health class. kill me now. i have not thought up of any new scripts, but i am now starting to illistrate one. don't make fun of me! my freind hasn't e-mailed me in forever. i'm watching whose line right now. so funny. sorry if it is weird that i have been asking what scares you guys, it's just that i wanna know what the public is like and not just me. ahhhhh. the hellsing anime is so weird in english. i had to watchi it in japanese. violen lessons today. damn. i hate them more them pretty bad. i mean i get enough at school and at home, now i need more! bah. bs. i am so sick of hearing of the incredibles! it wasn't that good! i fell asleep in it. oh well, what's ur favorite series?
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Thursday, May 12, 2005

i'll visit cites today. i havn't even been going on the net. gotta go! ok, what can i put in mi comic that's scary & that can be put in a comic?
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
i never have a subject

ok, well i got in a fight with mi freind. yes, and know we have no idea who's gonna do what on mi ''script'', not done with it yet. people are saying she tried to steal it, but i don't think that. yes, i luv that poem! uh, does anyone have any cites that have anime music on them?
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

ok. i don't really have anything. so here:
there was a man that lived in leeds and filled his garden ful of seeds and when the seeds began to grow it was like the garden was full of snow and when the snow began to melt it was like a ship without a belt, and when the ship began to sail it was like a bird without a tail and when that bird began to fly it was like a eagle in the sky and when the sky began to roar it was like a lion at mi door and when the door began to crack it was like a pin knife in mi back and when mi back began to bleed, i was dead, dead indeed.
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i didn't even go on the computer yesterday. amazing! i have come up with a team for mi manga:
2 people that have no idea what they are doing so they assistants.
1 person that knows what she's doing, but toatlly bailed on me yesterday to walk home with mi other freaind that is really mean but doesn't try to be but just doesn't think about what she sez. shit, i gotta go.
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Monday, May 9, 2005
not much, how bout u?

i got this freaky e-mail from some guy named matt higgs. freaky man. my grandmother got a new dog, and i watched a nightmare before christmass today. i luv that movie! i wrote a new script, which i absoulutely luv. i also need help:
what scares you people? i mean what do you find scary in a scary movie? this is probably weird to you, but i thought that if i kow the public, writing scary stories would be easier. gotta go!
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Sunday, May 8, 2005

i watched the hellsing anime last night. so good. part of me is happy that they are redoing the series though. but overall, i luved it. it's a totally new style that i have never seen. amazing!
i am so flipsy though. first, i started watching it in english, and after 3 minutes i couldn't stand teh british accents, so i swicthed to japanese, and couldn't stand walter's voice, so i switched back to english, but found the accents were still annoying, so i ended up watching it in japanese.
nothing else really happened, cept i broke the shower curten cause i slipped and fell, and took it down with me. took me like an hour and a half to fix it. damn thing..... well, that's all.
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
i think the funniest MXC moment is when they tied that guy to a board and dropped him in the mud. funny.
i'm gonna work on some backrounds tonight. hopefully. heh, i suck. i think i'm now addicted to love hina. i only have the first volume, very pervy, yet hilarious! i luved it. people were playing mercy between classes today and that game hurts like hell. seriously. not fun at all.
this does not pertain to me, but this senior thing got canceled because of fifths desiese. normally it would just affect lower level schools, but my best friend(irene) had it about a week ago. so the trip was cancelled. really smart peeps of mi grade got to go, which was all mi freinds. so i would be left alone. but since they're not going..... YIPEE!
oookkayy....what's ur favorite food?
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